My sister has started watching this drivel

My sister has started watching this drivel

She is fairly right leaning

what do i do?

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Never heard of it. What is it about? Is it degenerate? Is your sister qt?

So many questions

Rape her to assert dominance.

Achmed please.

Tell her it's a movie about Islam, but they changed the religion because they got threats from ISIS.

So why didn't they just set this in the Middle East? European women had far more power and freedom in the Dark Ages than Muslim even have now in Muslim countries.

Btw, that shit was nominated for Emmy instead of the Young Pope and the Leftovers... I really wonder (((Who))) funds this shit....

but the future is a fucking nightmare. it's at least partially correct.

I don't know what this is either

is it some sort of anti-Anabaptist propaganda?

Leftist propaganda about how bad a right wing world would be.

Watch it with her, it is basically White Sharia the TV show. The flashbacks are the best.

Also start calling her OfYourname, it pissed off my gf when i did that.

Correct. Just another "THIS IS WHAT CHRISTIANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE" piece of fiction that leftists can jerk off to.

>Meanwhile, Islam is the religion of peace.

Demand that she convert to Islam.

It never actually bashes or even mentions Christianity.

My sister is a huge QT, nordic genes and all

Holywood needs to be nuked, desu.

It mostly appeals to women for the same reason the (terribly written) 50 shades of grey did, i.e. they not-so-secretly WANT to be sex slaves / subjugated tradwives. So it's not automatically a bad thing that she's watching this, but be on the alert for symptoms of shitlib mental illness.

>Bruce Miller, the executive producer of The Handmaid's Tale television serial, declared with regard to Atwood's book, as well as his series, that Gilead is "a society that’s based kind of in a perverse misreading of Old Testament laws and codes".

Gee wonder what that means.


I dont get it? Is it a referance to the show?

Also is the show unknowingly based, like man in the high castle?
White Sharia the show sounds pretty fun...

Yeah, the breeding women all take the name of their masters so. The main character's name is Offred because her master is named Fred.

>Also is the show unknowingly based, like man in the high castle?
Kind of

>Old Testament laws and codes
That's the chunk of the book without Christ. They tore down the Christian churches. There is a scene with them making up rules as they go. They distinguish the bad people are religious fanatics, not Christians.

I think it's pretty good. Am I missing something??

Top kek, totally gonna do that then, just to fuck with her.

Though the joke might seem a bit forced since we speak another language

Maybe i should say Af(myname)

She'll realise it's shit pretty quick OP

>tfw i love those qt red dresses and white bonnets they wear
missing my ex a little lads, she used to unironically play dress-up for me when we'd go out, woulda been a laugh having her go to dinner with me dressed as a handmaid.

also this show is completely fine for the most part. it shows a lovely future where we finally get rid of degeneracy and stop women from fucking voting in bullshit. though the kikes still win, sadly enough.

I'm actually really enjoying this show (currently on episode 7). The backstory with her black husband is a bit annoying though. The impression I had from this show is that it's some weird sexual fantasy for woman.

dont say this. it's not true.
what is true is this show is exactly mirroring islamic societies today and not representative at all of christian nations.

I seriously dont get this show

If there is a global fertility crisis, why aren't they using artificial insemination instead of conventional methods?

How the fuck did a rebel group overthrow the US goverment? WTF happened to NATO?

Why is only America using breeding slaves? Why do the slaves walk freely around in the street if they are so valuable?

Why do the kill slaves if they slightly misbehave, if fertile women are so valuable?

Why do the elites keep infertile wives? Wouldn't they be completely worthless?

What is this even?


>I seriously dont get this show
It was written by a woman to complain about the patriarchy. Do you expect them to use logic?

old testamint is jewish half of the bibel

>woulda been a laugh having her go to dinner with me dressed as a handmaid.
you went to dinner dressed as a handmaid?

This show is textbook Sharia. But they can't use Islamic symbolism because muh religion of peace.
Also, in the show, the world is fucked because the sexual liberation and sluts spread so much STDs, the majority of human race has gone sterile.

My sister has gotten this weird fascination with dystopic or postapoc stories. Thats why shes watching it.

Anyone got something redpilled that might apeal to her?

Just make fun of lefties that dress up like them with her and point out the fact that they're fat.

It's just blatant leftist propoganda that it's funny to conservatives and a circlejerk for liberals

Honour kill her. I know it will be hard but man up and do it.

Is the show only about how females are treated? Or does it touch on other subjects? In reality, the men would have women firmly under control rather easily, and move on to other stuff. So where is the story, exactly? What else do they do other than oppress women (who are easy to oppress and very submissive anyway).

They look like the world's most half-assed Klansmen. Seriously those are literal sheets of paper taped around their head. What the fuck?

>reeee you wont let us kill babies or wont let the government pay for us to ride dick all day we are literal sex slaves

I don't know the context, just guessing.

A world were a privledged few men get breeding rights

Same world has universal gun ownership.


Honestly, women should not be allowed to watch any film or read books. They cannot separate fiction from reality.

No you hit the nail on the head.
The thing is though when they dress up like this, they are considering themselves fine breeding stock in the context of their little story.

>the kikes still win,

How do they win in a Christian fundamentalist state?

these ones look more like weebs

>fine breeding stock

In all seriousness, this show is much closer to modern day islamic states than any point in christian history

>If there is a global fertility crisis, why aren't they using artificial insemination instead of conventional methods?

It's an America ruled by Puritanical zealots who oppose all forms of tampering with natural reproduction.

>liberal women in modest dress

wtf I left-wing women now

then why dont they die out? Since they cant possibly keep up their fertility rates?

You praise jesus and put a bedsheet on her

>Since they cant possibly keep up their fertility rates?
I just talked to the writers, they said it was possible.

Wait this is an anti-Trump protest in Poland?

Jeeze, no wonder they're actually half-decent looking

because it goes back to equality

When they wear it, they are demonstrating their oppression.
But Muslim wearing a burka? That's empowering.

Handmaids tale is very well made TV. There is no denying that.

It's also leftist/feminst porn, which is annoying as shit

>white girl hero
>not hot, but not uggo
>so educated
>best friend is black lesbian
>marries black guy
>muh beautiful interracial kids
>oh noes, right wing theocracy takes over
>bible basis for their evil
>so cruel and mean
>public hangings
>humiliating sex
>find resistance memeber
>she lesbian, of course
>she gets FGM to cure her

My wife is pretty conservative, and she thinks that it's a show built around women's psychology, and even she likes it, even though she acknowledges this is pussyhat nonsense.

They endlessly quote the bible while torturing the handmaidens.

go back mohammed

It could be subtitled as
Handmaids Tail: When stronk independent intersectional ally of POC and Gays is tormented by the evil white patriarchy.

fuck the living shit out of her

It's about a theocratic dictatorship that enslaves women and puts them in harems so that oligarchs can breed them.

While this basically sounds like Saudi Arabia it's (of course) FUCKING WHITE MALE CHRISTIANS that are to blame in the grim dark future of Christo-fascist America.

lots of scripture, but no Jesus. t

post pics of sis

You're really grasping at straws here. What possible religion in America could be the basis for a theocracy except Christianity? They only don't outright mention Jesus because they want to bait Christians.

Hippie women from the 60s would be considered modest by their modern counterparts. That's how bad things have gotten.

I swear, these people look closer to Russian peasants than drugged up orgiers

Post a picture of her tits.

Tasty and well-flavored poison is still poison. I trust you agree.

>Old Testament laws and codes

So why doesn't it look like Karaite Judaism: the Judaism that wholly rejects the Talmud that causes modern Jewry?

Because the majority of Americans aren't Jews.

If this show were set in Israel, you could run with that.

Jew, maybe mormom, I don't much about them besides the underwear. If they were Christian, then they stopped being Christian. They are something new, the show lays that out pretty well.

>How the fuck did a rebel group overthrow the US goverment?

Gun owners in The U.S. outnumber every standing military force in the world times 7.

That's assuming they're all fighting on the same side and not fighting each other.

Liberal logic
>Bad thing happens
>Rightwing theocracy

Sister finished like 4 epps

Shuts it off and says it was shit

I guess there is a little bit of hope for her afterall

The show has 2 cops on every corner. They go all those gun owners and tell them they can have a nice job being in charge of all the other assholes.

this is clearly targeting Christians

>If there is a global fertility crisis, why aren't they using artificial insemination instead of conventional methods?
Artifical insemination with that butter churner, ya?
>How the fuck did a rebel group overthrow the US goverment? WTF happened to NATO?
NATO doesn't care about Civil Wars, only we do.
>Why is only America using breeding slaves? Why do the slaves walk freely around in the street if they are so valuable?
Black people could walk around too, you know. Slavery =/= Imprisonment
>Why do the kill slaves if they slightly misbehave, if fertile women are so valuable?
Idk man
>Why do the elites keep infertile wives? Wouldn't they be completely worthless?
>What is this even?
I don't even watch tv shows, no clue mate.

US has NATO though, UK France and tge others wouldnt hesitate to come to their aid.

Especially since the rebel group in question is a theocratic white sharia cult.

The show isn't made to make you go wtf I have Christians now, is all I'm saying. It's changes enough and crazy enough that no rational person is going to think this show is an attack on Christianity, unless they just want something to be a victim and cry about.

give that bitch some super male vitality. she will stop being a faggot

show her anime and get her to call you onii-chan

>That picture

Jesus Christ

Sounds like the dumbest shit ever.

Good for her.

*Insert popular Protestant branch #9001 here*

Very well made TV? lol! Silly fool. I couldn't get past the first two episodes. Horrible in every way possible.

Like V for Vendetta, this show actually posits that America will turn into a fundamentalist dictatorship.

This is how radical progressives really think. While they are crushing all dissent, while they are silencing anyone who opposes them, they claim that the opposition will create a Christian fundamentalist dictatorship... It boggles the mind.

Give her the book instead. It wasn't intended to be this way but the Handmaid's Tale has become one of those books that the left always goes to when something remotely disagreeable happens, like 1984.

>a bunch of disgusting looking cat ladies complaining about women being used as breeding material

Sounds more like salty wrinkled cunts that no sane man would want to share a room with.

V for vendetta takes place in london i believe

Post her nudes

Would you prefer it if it was a bunch of Muslims putting all the white women in their harems?

Can someone explain to me why swearing became so common in mainstream TV?
I mean stuff like GoT, Westworld, Walking Dead etc.,and now I see it as a part of promo.

I know that people sometimes swear, and I don't mind some curses thrown once a time, but people in TV throw fucks, cunts every sentence

I might be nosy, but it really annoys me

Got and westworld are on pay per view which can show softcore porn

So it's a typical women's power fantasy?

The handmaids tale is actually really good. The book is amazing.
Stop trying to control your sister?

Yup, I just worded it terribly. One of the few redeeming qualities left of /pol. You can type like shit and nobody cares and will understand your intent. It is a major reason why redditors are sons of perdition. stupid bastards.

Over-saturating speech with cuss is a sign of low intelligence.

The MSNBC Handmaid's Tale

>The Handmaid's Tale is an American television series created by Bruce Miller based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Canadian writer Margaret Atwood.

>In her dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale, all the horrible developments take place in the United States near Boston, while Canada is portrayed as the only hope for an escape. This reflects her status of being "in the vanguard of Canadian anti-Americanism of the 1960s and 1970s."

Crisis averted... for now.

>It's about a theocratic dictatorship that enslaves women and puts them in harems so that oligarchs can breed them.
So where does the dystopian part come into this?

>Stop trying to control your sister?
That's not a question?