Redpill me on Poland

Redpill me on Poland
Is it really the last bastion of European culture in Europe?

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haha they're insinuating america is gay that hot dog is a penis penetrating a anus

Only western mind would draw this association.

Kind of, but really all of Slavic Europe is pretty redpilled and anti-(((refugee)))

Man I could really go for a dog and a Pepsi™ right about now.

>we make hot dog great again
>not vege
top kek

Hola amigo

I like Poland.

Poland right

Best use of this picture I have ever seen. My sides are nowhere to be found.

Seamos amigos en facebook ok
Dame tu nombre y te agrego ok

How much is a zt?

That looks pretty /comfy/, but looks like the Poles cannot into hot dog rolls any more than they can into space.

Unfortunately in the last year or so I've been seeing more niggers and general brown types and I don't live one of the top cities. They hit on the girls here, even seen a few mixed race kids with their moms, no daddy ofc and not seen any of the native guys do anything when their women are hit on, cuckedddd.

You are like a little baby.

Estas a verga si crees que te agregaria a jewbook

>no mudslimes
>slavic women
all seems in check there

I was disappointed by this
the burger is cut
its just a hotdog between a hamburger

they should form the raw beef around the precooked hotdog then grill it

Where do you live? In Silesia they're - thanfully - nowhere to be seen

Forebun is my favorite bite

Dale no seas marica

>ketchup on hotdog

Thought you were better than this Poland


its the european ,,showcase,, and the battlefield in case

25 cents US roughly. Poland is cheap as fuck for US and Canada. You can live like a king.

Why does that hot dog look happy to see me

I once saw a fusilli pasta with ketchup named "spaghetti". That day we barely avoided the war with Italy.

Dame tu fb y te busco

Poles are fucking shit people so I don't know why you would go there in the first place

Tourists and students in Krakow.

Holy fuck you couldn't get just that pepsi for less than a dollar here! How can I move to Poland???

>How can I move to Poland???
Are you from the US? If yes then enjoy your freedom being taken away

It's probably the plainest European country. It never had much culture to begin with.

>when their women are hit on
>not having that problem
>not acting cuckedddd
t. inbred pole

We see THROUGH the lies of the jew

>Polish women
oh but I thought they were QT TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE GIRLS?????

I'm so sick of this fucking country, that's only a fucking dollar.



It's a burger meme. Polish girls are the biggest whores on this planet.

It's a poorly built post communist shit hole.

Lose some weight then you fatso.

I live in Silesia - Katowice to be exact near the centre.

I know, what about Ukrainian girls though?

freedom to live with jose and jamal, yes

Guns, holocaust denial etc


There's quite a few Poles living in my area and I've noticed that your prettiest, best woman mostly seem to love niggers. At least the British coalburners are the ugly, scummy slags

Very QT
Very SluT

How so? I thought the Poles liek the Church, freedoms, and hate Russia and muslims.

The shouldn't even be considered human, they are blowjob machines.

>i thought this was made from a cow/pig hybrid, but was disappoint

jaka dzielnica?

Poles abroad=/= Poles in Poland

No right to possess guns and holocaust denial is illegal

Isn't this supposed to be about Pepik women?

No, you are just so far up the lie that you are lying to yourself

It doesn't apply to women. They are whores everywhere.

So keep your guns private, and red pill them to change the law.

Only because there's hardly any shitskins in Poland.
Like the guy said, Polish women are whores

polish girls are 10000 times hotter than western women it's not a meme. Therefore if any of the slags go for the nig nogs ginger brits would think what you just said but it's bs

hot dog and pop for 5 zloty or 1.67 Canadian $. Doesn't seem like a good deal.

Communism is the best thing that happened to Poland, people were held tightly under control so that they wouldn't make themselves look bad abroad. Totalitarian regime is the only option for Poland ESPECIALLY Polish women.

Nah, Czech girls are openly sluts. Polish girls are walking cumdumpsers in disguise of a conservative, Catholic girl.

I'm English originally, moved to work with an English speaking company.

The uni where I went to back home had quite a few Polish girls and they were notorious for being whores. Quite a few burned the coal too. Now I'm in Poland I see sometimes see niggers out on the weekend and the girls can't get enough of them - the men do nothing, I was shocked. I'm not kidding you once I saw some gross bigger outside a club with three solid 7/10's caressing his chest and hanging onto every word he said, in the end Polish women will be your downfall mark my words.

sounds cheap as fuck

Polish women have too much freedom, they never had to fight wars unlike Polish men who were winged hussars and fought against the nazis. Only communism made Polish women do shit.

I'd like to totalitarian those whores regimes if you catch my drift.

I would expect cheaper in a low income country like Poland

I live a bit out of Warsaw (in one of those liberal suburbs) and I never saw a shitskin here or in Warsaw

What about slovak women?
But I guess we are too irrelevant to have any opinion about them.

I don't really believe you. Here blacks regulary lose bar fights and we are the same blood like poles.
The guy was freed by the judge for not enough evidence.

btw 5 zloty is $1.37 USD. Now that is cheap.

Maybe it's the Pepsi. If they used off-brand Polish soda (Plepsi?) then it woul dbe half the price.

They are all whores, literally.



Kek. I mean it's not a bad price. I guess I just expected cheaper. $1.37 USD is good. $C is shit but it's getting better. We hit past 80 cents today for first time in like 2 or 3 years.

hoop cola lol

$1.37 american dollars
Actually that's cheap, considering it's from a gas station. Here it would cost $2 at least.


Been to Poland for 3 months. Nicer than Romania, didn't date girls because they're whores and stupid, but the country's very nice. Especially if you're white. Bonus points if blonde with blue eyes

what are you on about?
2 liters of cola for 0.55USD is a good deal man

Compare Polish women to Romanian women pls

but what is hoop cola

cool country tb(h).
could a polak tell me if other cities are like krakow ? if so, GOAT country.

are you visiting?

Haven't really dated either desu, waste of time at this age...but if I had to pick I think Polish women are stupider and more easy overall. Especially if you're foreigner.

Yeah, going home in 3 days though.

Anime is for children.

If you have to pick Poland vs Romania, there's literally no reason to pick Romania...except maybe the beach, but it's filthy...however lots of whores in there sooo depends what you want.

Don’t fool yourself, user.

Me too:

start at 45s in for some Polish girls cavorting joy fully

how is it in krakow? i've been to that castle before, zamek. did u go to the wieliczka salt mine outside krakow? i highly recommend it

i havent been in 10 years. i hope things are only better since

I live off hotdogs. just refilled my propane tank. Hot diggity dawg!

So you live in Germany. Nice.

Can some Sup Forumsack post some folk from your lands?

For some reason I find folk music listenable.


Bootleg Coca-Cola

>Good Deal

This aint chipotle

Just drink this cheap ass cola like shit

>pro tip it tastes like literal shit, dont ever buy it

Going tommorow, did Auswitsch two days ago, was a cool visit.
Don't know how it was ten years ago but now the Jewish quarter is being recontructed and the main place looks new. Castle is still georgous.