A reporter was simply trying to do her job and get answers for the public. Instead, she got a snide dismissal and derisive laughter.
#resist #impeachtrump
A reporter was simply trying to do her job and get answers for the public. Instead, she got a snide dismissal and derisive laughter.
#resist #impeachtrump
Not going to lie that video felt powerful
he's so kawaii :33
unlike you, shill
photoshop this onto the costanza meme
ahahahahahaha the spin on this is incredible
how do they make him look like the bad guy
he is
Because they dehumanized him to their base a long time ago.
another day, another example of how women can't handle anything difficult and cry sexism at the smallest amount of discomfort that happens to guys all the fucking time
because it's le racist & sexist tm
Was the word russia in her question by any chance?
hash tags how gay
>Trump rolls eyes at female reporter
Is "sycophant" the lefty version of cuck?
Yeah, he came off looking like a boss there. ABC is trying to spin this so it doesn't look like the reporter was being a cunt. It isn't really working.
Not enough vagina tags. When there's one right in front of you. Grab em or dismiss em. Then mock the guys who never cross these boundaries as fags. And pound symbols. Pound symbols are people too and are very homosexual
This........................................guy..has.....................................................................the... nuclear codes......
hahaha, that was great. I really liked the energy.
shut up fag
Cracks me up the way journalists believe zerg rushing people at random time and screaming questions at them out of nowhere isn't fucking banana nigger retarded.
Are you lost?
Lmfao, i love Donald Trump.
There will be no impeachment sir, thats our president for the next 3 1/2 years. I honestly think he has the potential to make an 8 year term a reality.
Picture related OP, have a seat.
>Scream political questions at someone during a photoshoot celebrating interns
>He ignores you
ayyo hold up, shouldn't that be Woman reporter instead of female reporter?
So what was the question?
wasn't Anderson Cooper a hero for rolling his eyes at KAC?
What was she being a cunt about? Asking the president about his agenda and politics is being a cunt now huh?
I... can't believe that.... Trump.... has the nuclear codes. This... is so bad... I can't believe it.
Be glad I don't have the nuclear codes you'd be collateral damage.
this isnt about people being to sensitive, or to feminist, this is about the leader of the free world acting like an infant. its disrespectful in any situation to act like he does.
Did you just assume her gender?!?
hahaha that was great fuck that dumb bitch\\
women cant handle shit
Top response to the tweet:
>Am I only one who wants to smack the smiles off the sycophants he surrounded by?
The left just keeps sinking lower and lower, really.
Yeah damn infants rolling their eyes all the time. Pisses me off.
get fukin reket loser
Not gonna lie,
fuck you, my sides are gone
remember in 2012 when they would complain about being labeled a "female reporter" instead of just a reporter
The comments under that are disgusting. And made by disgusting people, I guess.
Women should never be taken seriously in politics, they only destroy.
Was this a press conference?
Doesn't look like it was.
Surely THIS will be the end of Trump!
It was photo shoot, not press conference, you delusional faggot
kek, i love this president.
>This is worthwhile news
I hate the idiocracy of the West. Just start a war allready it's fucking time
>Sup Forums will defend this
>Women should never be taken seriously
Trump a cute
if you were black, would you really want to apply for a job in the white house under trump?
well there is your fucking answer
>all those butthurt tweets about muh soggy knees and lack of diversity
All this salt is gonna give me hypertension
straight out of Hitler's playbook
Free speech also means you don't have to say anything. The fuck makes you so mad that Trump dismissed her and rolled her eyes? The media is no authority and he doesn't have to answer to them when he's the fucking President of the US. This ridiculous spin is another attempt to smear him as a misogynist when in reality he doesn't give a fuck about the questions regardless of whether the journalist was a woman or a man.
There is a time and place for a press conference you dumbass.
Its like when the press ask a president about a tweet when hes with a foreign leader. They should ask a question involving both nations.
>autist roastie fake news reporter tries to ask questions during big group photo
>she gets BTFO
>everybody laughs
>spaghetti falls out of her womb
>spaghetti gets everywhere
>fake news legacy media tries to twist it as sexism
If you Libshits think this is bad just wait until 2024, when Senator Kid Rock runs for President. :)
>all those comments complaining about the lack of "people of color" among the interns
You can't tell people to be color blind and favor PoC at the same time.
What was the question she asked?
I can't even right now, srsly??
he's teaching me that as a white male I can feel powerful and in charge. its amazing stuff
it was a photo op with some interns, not a press conference
kys faggot and give him your scoop asap
fuckin' Ukranian faggot
well, come to America. we deal with this shit daily.
It was a zoomed in shot, but from what's visible when they briefly zoomed I counted by row:
7 while males
4 while females, 3 white males
2 white males, 2 white females, 1 black male
4 while females, 3 white males
2 while males 2 white females 1 male of questionable origin (southern european?)
So a total count of 17 white males, 12 white females, 1 black male, 1 other male and to answer your question, yes a black male would and did apply for a job.
i don't know why i keep laughing at fucking colbert-posting, but keep at it.
It's ok to laugh at it. Like cruzposting.
Shut the fuck up loser
You fags can go back to plebbit now
This isn't a day care. Fuck outta here.
Russian fag
I hope he's impeached so this country finally starts a civil war.
Have fun electing literally hitler drumpfkins
does reddit even colbertpost? i meant last time i followed anything about reddit they always used Sup Forums memes like a year or so later, and it's only been a few months atm.
maybe im out of touch
Pfft, I wish he was Hitler
Trump's getting his fat ass rekt by the press daily.
He can go suck a dick.
Those journalists in the White House have become just like the paparazzi chasing celebrities. Nagging, being as annoying as possible and ignoring all codes of ethics just to provoke a response.
Just fucking ban the media from the White House.
>blurts out a question when she's supposed to keep her mouth shut
>gets laughed at
>asks another question
>is told to be quiet, like the child that she is
I love this president.
Trump is alpha as fuck.
You must be the same hohol who links to shareblue.
Why are the sexists on the left bringing up this "journalist's" gender?
I'll be so glad when these sexist commies are finally locked away in the FEMA re-education camps.
>messing up a photography shoot
reporter should have her access privileges rescinded for that behavior.
>Be trump
>Be at a photo op with WH interns
>some asshole reporter decides to interrupt the photo op with questions whilst he's trying to pose for the camera to get a few pictures
>reporters know they're not supposed to do that but wait for another occasion.
>leftists melt down on twitter claiming trump is evil and an idiot for telling her to stop asking questions in the middle of the photo op.
Why do these leftists not have any common sense whatsoever.. It's like they live in a different reality where they can run around like an elephant in a china shop and if someone says please take it easy, it's like
no, they're taking a picture and everybody is supposed to be smiling and not moving rather than talking.
>Donald Trump attends a funeral
SJW Reporter: Muh Russia?
Trump: Shut the fuck up, this is a funeral you scumbag.
Trump calls black trans lesbian pansexual woman a scumbag, condescendingly admonishes her to 'shut the fuck up'
This, and you said it a million times more elegantly than I just did