What do you guys think of non-white/mixed raced white nationalists like Tara (she's part Jewish and part Indian)?
Should we let them stay in our white ethnostates?
What do you guys think of non-white/mixed raced white nationalists like Tara (she's part Jewish and part Indian)?
Should we let them stay in our white ethnostates?
>Should we let them stay in our white ethnostates?
fuck no. not only did she date an indian in her teens, but she has stated on numerous occasions that she's a civic nationalists and that she would never rule out dating non-whites, that she's more concerned about shared values than shared skin colors. fuck that race mixing attention whore.
She is whiter than half of Sup Forums
>do you want a girl who doesnt poo in the loo 10% of the time
>she's a civnat
You don't know who she is I guess.
Tara McCarthy is as old/pol/-tier as a jootober can get.
Also saged and reported
The most important reason why she should fuck off is because she's a woman.
Women shouldn't vote and shouldn't be involved in politics.
>part kike and part shitskin
fuck no
>white nationalist
>half jewish
>half indian
you are retarded
She identifies as a mixed race white nationalist
>10% poo 2% kike*
That's still whiter than a burger and a muzzie combined.
Race isn't only determined by the color of the skin/hair/eyes, that's why a lot of people think that jews are white.
You should pay more attention to the body structure, facial structure.
How do we know she dated an Indian in her teens?
She's 90% white.
>Trying to subvert white nationalist movements
>Never happened before
>Mike Enoch
>Lauren Southern
>Mike Cernovich
>Ben Shapiro
86% actually. She's an octoroon
She's not white. Why do you care if she dates a non-white?
Either go back to isreal or get gassed
Still very close. Her kids would easily be 94%+ white if she dated a white man.
she looks scottish tbqh. and she is more redpilled and does more for the movement than any of you neckbeards.
>part Jewish and part Indian
>half non-white and half non-white
inb4: muh skin color
I'll bleach her and problem fixed.