Sup Forums, a MSM bastion Forums/

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Traps are Not Gay-According to Sup Forums

Wow what an accredited web site

i wonder what person wastes their life just to monitor Sup Forums just to write stories on a news website.

This is why we need more gore. Sup Forums isn't a blue board for a reason.

Well you just found one and said person is retarded

>there will be a HAPPENING on [specific date]!
these things literally never pan out

>believing random faggots on Sup Forums

We are getting a lot of attention lately, it seems. Is this what is becoming of our media? A bunch of anonymous retard shitposters on an origami messageboard are more trustworthy than CNN? Oh, wait...

You mad white boi?
More at 11

that suck desu

At least he's getting paid for his time on a Nepalese flute weaving forum. We do it for free...

Archive that desu

>Sup Forums is fake news
>proceeds to report said fake news from Sup Forums as actual real news

They've really turned up the demoralization efforts. Happenings and countdown postings are on full tilt atm.

For fuck' sake

I love this timeline

Also, use the archieved link. No clicks for the jews.

Who uses Cheers!? I'll tell you who? British people do. Who on the President's staff spent time in England and talks very proper? Figured it out yet?

Journalism is so nepotistic that the Empire's Fools have to come here for ideas. Once a journalist thought they had an original idea but it turned out they were just regurgitating something they saw on Game of Thrones.

>Sup Forums
I fucking hate r*ddit.
Anyone who's ever posted on r*ddit, ironically or not, should just drop dead.

Nah, they're very gay.

A third of the population is NEET.

This is more of a Sup Forums thing, but it should go without really saying for most of the boards.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>mfw when normies unironically believe the bantz.

>Satanic Trips
Well that settles it, Traps are "very gay"


>what is summer

Dr. Gorka is White House user?

>2017 year of our lord
>still not using britspeak
Oi lad you need to get on this desu m80


Do they believe we're all anime Nazis?

brb selling my toilets

>normies unironically believe the bantz
But I don't

>unironic we the joos naow
Include me in the screen cap

>Nepalese flute weaving forum

This shit never gets old. Love it so damn much.

they can't comprehend how could we even exist. doesn't everyone want equality, equity, love, stop climate change, diversity etc...

shame that they are basically NPC-tier of existence which will never become free from the programming

jack posobiec

Oh shit that would be so awesome if it was him.