Migrant says to Germans he owns their country

This African migrant tells the Germans that him and his ilk can and will walk all over the German people, who will do nothing about it
>What? What do you want do?
>You can’t do anything, man. You can’t do anything at all!
>Haven’t you read in the newspaper today,right, that they, a couple of… five men, attacked…
>five rampaging people pushed a woman from her bicycle.
>Ha-ha! The last time, too: they pushed a woman in the metro down the stairs, ha-ha!
>What are you going to do about it? Police? Police can’t do anything.
>The police come and make a report. Your laws, we know them already: the police arrive; they make a report.
>And since we have no money anyway, we are refugees,
>but we have lawyers that tell us everything, what works here and what doesn’t, right?
>The police cannot do anything!

Is he correct? Can his kind beat up innocent people, vandalize their businesses, commits all sorts of crime to people and property and get away with it all?

Other urls found in this thread:


This kund of thing reminds me of why I only care about white people now. Everyone else can literally burn.

Seeing non-whites speak honestly about white people is a huge eye-opener.
Whites better start caring about their race and they better start caring fast, because our enemies are numerous.

This thread isn't very eye grabbing but it's something people should see. I encourage people to watch the video and learn the true face of Europe's so-called refugees.


false flag. he PUBLICLY said he was gonna do this on his facebook page, he also wants people to ADHERE to german laws, in the article he also specifically says he wants the german people to finally be TOUGHER on immigrants, he just acted like he thinks far right wing-extremists perceive black people.

That guy is what a kekistanis would call a BASED BLACK MAN XD

and who wouldve thought, moron fascist outed his dumb ass, jesus. cant you even google a bit? his name was written in the comments section you mongoloid.

I really want Germans to go full Nazi just to watch this nigger's face bewilder at what he helped happen. The whole reason why our police our gimped as fuck is because we are experts at killing. Our governments are the most efficient killing machines in history. That's why we had to fight so hard to gimp our governments. Looks like it's to time to unlock the potential of the German government.

He spoke the truth about a lack of response to migrant crime from German citizens and police. In the video he laughs at a woman on a bicycle being ambushed and another woman being kicked down the stairs at a metro (by migrants). He says "We s*** on your laws, we s*** on your culture, we s*** on your mentality, we s*** on your police" and that is what rapefugees in Germany are doing. He points out that there is a severe lack of vetting and border control going on.
I don't care if he's serious or not, there are thousands of migrants in Germany and the rest of Western Europe with that mentality. The migrants must go back or be killed, and Europeans need to wake up.

well he's right

damn youre retarded. he did it to rile the german people up, AS HE SAID BEFORE ON HIS FACEBOOK PAGE BEFORE PUBLISHING THE VIDEO.

he wants germans to stop being pussies and DO SOMETHING. jesus youre a fucking RETARD.

imagine i say "hey im gonna call you a faggot so youre outraged and stop being a faggot" and then you get fucking outraged when i call you a faggot.

you retarded subhuman faggot.

>speaks perfect German with an English inflection
wew lad

>civic nationalism

And that's the problem.
Lots of name calling there huh. You're the one who's outraged. As I said, it doesn't matter if this particular man is serious or not. There are many migrants in Germany with that mentality. They don't care about the law and break it to cause suffering to others, mostly native Germans.
I guess I have the same point as him then, that the German people need to do something about this shit and not sit back and let their cities be engulfed.

well maybe something should start happening to the people in charge that allow this shit.

keep deluding yourself then, jesus. i even posted the article which you could easily google-translate into english and get some sense out of it.

but hey, rightwingers like to stay dumb, so stay dumb and mad.

Wtf is your point? My message is the same as this nigger's which is "GERMANS, WAKE UP".

>Your laws, we know them already: the police arrive; they make a report.

This is true, they have zero respect for the law. The law is also powerless in many cases because they're designed to work in a homogeneous stable society with minimal crime.

In Sweden for instance they can't catch welfare fraudsters with 5 identities despite the officials knowing about them, because they're not allowed to inform other departments due to personal information privacy laws. Now you'll say "that's retarded". And you'd miss the point. The point is you could prioritize the individual's privacy because there was no widespread welfare fraud before.

Similarly shoplifting is basically not punished. It's a slap on the wrist and cops don't bother showing up, especially now when they're overworked with robberies, murder, drugs and rape. So they steal. They all steal. What used to be losses of some candy and sodas mostly stolen by kids is now massive theft of expensive items like meat and oils, it's such staggering losses some stores have meat under lock and key and you have to request it now.

So we're having our society dismantled piece by piece and our freedoms eroded just to deal with the surge of thieving and raping retards that our Dear Leaders decided to flood society with. Meaning that even if they are able to deal with the crime, it's at the cost of our civil liberties.

The true cost to society hasn't even registered in the minds of the populists and far right. I haven't even talked about the welfare system dismantling that comes in the wake of this. Consumer and job rights are going away.


basicly german term of selfdefense is pretty broad but rule of law is abondened, due to conditioning on universities.
actualy i can even use force to stop someone of harming my personal honor, which would have been the case so i could first tell him to shut up and then outright punch him and then any further agression by him is still his fault.

but i bet german judges will bend the law and just say a german has no honor or such.
by god i hate how we can't count on our laws,

fuck off swisscuck , cucking for france and venice and the pope , turned againt your german brothers because of some fucking taxation issue.
swiss btfo traitor of the first reich

He is absolutely correct, German behaviour and law have proven it. He simply states bluntly the shit they can get away with. Admirable. And not mistaken. Doesn't make it right or just, of course, it's still disgusting, but more disgusting are the castrated self-hating, spineless, ever doubting German people who still allow this to happen.

Actually this guy comes across to me as someone who calls on us to actually do something about Muslims.
But I'm not 100% sure about it.