Pajeet hate thread.
ITT: Pajeet hate thread
No pajeet is neat.
no! rude!
we love india here
why hate me?
Never. Pajeets are sweet.
At least someone has a gayer flag than mine
fuck i hate indians so much, little manlet short high pitch fuckbois with rich parents. i want to punch one so bad
they have such a way with women.
Why does Indians not have toilets? It's really beyond me, I rather have a toilet then internet ffs.
More like fat lard kekistani faggots hate thread!
Pic related is OP and everyone who uses that cucked meme flag!
Pajeet love thread. Best friend status with Pajeet: regained.
>Says the tripfag
I would cover with napalm your entire country if I could
having a laugh at india's expense is always a good time, but they're better than
>almost all other muslims
>assorted refugees
Desis will exists long after whites are gone.
t. Pajeet
>the flush is a symphony
Someone meme this
India is a literal toilet bowl!
S U P E R P O W E R B Y 2 0 2 0
you don't even know the flavor so maybe shut up for awhile
>better than mexicans, arabs, jews
HELL the FUCK NO, they are better than Africans and Chinese alright, but not better than mid easterns and latinos.
Fake degrees, lying ass Hindus taking jobs from Americans in the tech field.
In 1978, the Prime Minister of India, Morarji Desai, a longtime practitioner of urine therapy, spoke to Dan Rather on 60 Minutes about urine therapy. Desai stated that urine therapy was the perfect medical solution for the millions of Indians who cannot afford medical treatment
Hey Spain he's your son after all.
It is well known fact that some people Drink Cow's Urine and finds some relief from their pain and sufferings. People drink Cow's Urine in a small quantity directly. They also take Ayurveda and Homeopathy medicine which contains small quantity of Cow's Urine to gain some benefits. Cow's Urine is known as "Sacred Urine" but however they cannot drink Cow's Urine directly in the large quantity.
Whereas people who accept and adopt "Urine Therapy" (Auto Urine) can consume their own Urine in large quantity and achieve maximum benefits. They have to observe that they pass and collect white color-less Urine which does not contain any smell and it tastes just like water. They can also consume Cow's Urine along with Auto Urine and gain more benefits.
u saying wat u son of basterd bich
more polite than argie trains TBQH
I will pray for you
>almost all other muslims
Opinion discarded
this all I got but it's breddy gudd
You don't know shit about Chinks you idiot.
wow how rude
also learn el engish, faggot
Superpooper by 2020
Pajeets are like human versions of Chinese people
I know plenty. And yes, I've been to China.
The only thing good about Indians is they don't commit crime otherwise they are
>Dumb as shit
>Have no idea how how to act civilized
>Smell like shit
They are only slightly above Somalis. I just straight up classify them as animals. I've had dogs that are smarter then Indians.
That's really sad.
they like people with deformities because they think its Ganesh
It probably just flushes the shit onto the street.
you better fucking watch out kiddo, if that's not a cow you're praying to, i will come at you wielding a sword made of poo.
>ok rape u next week
>tfw you had a 1/7 chance of being born an indian
>one shot at life
>born a Pajeet
Why is life so cruel and unfair, Sup Forums? What did I do to deserve this fate?
Is lobster women ok?
must have been a murder in a previous life.
Tfw even the fags think kekistan is gay as fuck
Idk but you should kys and get to the next one.
dodged a bullet.
what's the point of a space mission when most of your country is in poverty?
>got mad
They were probably blessing him with the poo :')
mfw this thread
why do niggers buy gold teeth when they can't feed themselves
>but you were born Brazilian instead
i dodged another bullet.
I'm Catholic, not Hindu. We don't believe in reincarnation.
well that too
but mostly insecurity
Some OC from a while ago
thread theme
poo's will drop some heat every once in awhile
Dude beaners are way better than pajeets. They don't smell as bad and aren't nearly as arrogant or greedy.
fucking kek
lol nice,
little dicked Indians where you at?????
Truly ahead of his time.
Let's archive it
oshtia tio vamonos cagando leche a todo gas que me la he liado parda con el lobezno vital y si nos pilla nos agarra a galletazos vamonos flipando chavalin
All fucking indians whether from India or the west are scum
Indians from India
>rape anything that can't fight back too hard
>bathe in shit, corpse infested river
>shits in streets
>creepily hits on girls on internet
>thinks route to success is engineering
>dosent even fucking know how to do basic math or even think critically just cheats to degree
>cant learn language they're almost programmed to learn at this point
Westernized indians
>superiority complex
>will still cheat
>stinks like shit even though they have access to showers
>puts every other race down
>has victim complex I'm not Muslim I'm Hindu/Sikh
>news of 1 Indian being attacked: why are we being targeted >:(
>thinks they're hot shit if they can speak Hindi
>thinks they're hotter shit if they speak another Indian language that isn't Hindi
>no social skills
God this race is irredeemable
OP rekt after a few posts
I don't hate you bro.