I'm white as fuck

>I'm white as fuck
>I'm a kissless virgin
>loads of cute white girls
>they go with guys that are way less white than me
explain this fucking bullshit

white is fucking master race, so why does this even happen?

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Post pics.

I'm not a millennial who thinks it's okay to have photos floating around the web.

either improve yourself or shut the fuck up.
No wonder girls don't want you. you whiny cuckold.

fuck off tyrone.

white master race

If you think just being white is good enough to get high quality women, you are FUCKED

Then we can't help you. You could be a fat ugly piece of shit for all we know.

Also this isn't politics. Reported.

I'm white you idiot.You need someone to smack sense into you.

Don't worry about white women, they suck anyway.

Huge standards
They turned their back on their history, culture and people.

Move on to latinas OP, they are the master race. The vast majority of them are primarily of European decent anyways.

confirmed black

I'm not fat, nor ugly.. I'm white so I'm beautiful.

Are you white or THIS?


Girls don't dig liberal, leftist faggots. Be proud of yourself and your race and marvel at how many girls will love you for it.

>girls dont like me
>complain on taiwanese gold farming forum
That'll really improve your situation genius.

>Girls don't dig liberal, leftist faggots
but that's the type of guy they go out with. I'm right wing conservative

You only have yourself to blame for your failures.
Take some responsibility for yourself.

at the very least show your flag, retard

>I'm not fat, nor ugly.. I'm white so I'm beautiful.
So, the guy in the pic is beautiful? There are ugly people in every race. The only difference is white race are the most attractive people on the Earth. So, either you are ugly as fuck or an autist with a low-esteem.

fuck off you shitskin shill

They are successful, charismatic, better looking, there's a lot of reasons. That you've managed to be a kissless virgin while still desiring real women proves that you are lacking in some severe way.

It seems that I am right. You are a very bitter person. It is no wonder no woman wants you. Sort yourself.

>everybody who disagrees with me is a shill
This is why nobody likes you.

fuck off non white cuck

white genocide is real, and I'm a victim of it

Holy shit this guy is voicing what every Sup Forumstard thinks but is too afraid to say. This board is truly pathetic