What ended up happening with this bitch? Did she get out of jail or what?
What ended up happening with this bitch? Did she get out of jail or what?
Did her friend stop posting updates or what happened? Guys pls
She's actually just another version of Styxhexenhammer666 that he somehow ended up creating through memetics. Time is an infinitely looping illusion constructed by breaking down time and space, injecting it with the artificially generated components of time and space using quantum properties, and projecting this false reality to the "people" of this earth. Your true self, my true self and the true self of everyone else on this "Earth" actually exist in the true reality in a comatose state, hooked up to the machine on the other end. The machine (on our end) is in an underground base and run by a cabal of people who got lost within its time distortion field (every action you take within the field is repeated for every alternate possibility once you're past the point where refraction takes place). These people running the machine have become twisted monsters who are imposing a reality of suffering on the people of this "Earth" and some people within high positions of power know about it and are enabling / appeasing them.
Basically, the machine operates on quantum principles and can be hacked through consciousness which is how you get memetics, the Mandela effect and other strange deviations in our timeline. Styx memed a female version of himself into this timeline, for what reason I don't know. I'm guessing he did this to avoid a future timeline in which his YouTube and Patreon are taking down by creating an alternate version of himself to take the fall.
Styx is a leftist though. She isn't.
does she speak German in any of her videos?
She married me and I told her that she needs to stop making videos and concentrate on managing my household.
she never went to jail, thats just a rumor.
All her social media shit did get shut down though
I think people here gave her friend too much shit, so why bother updating us?
It just seems to me that there are a few people, who may be shills IDK, that fling poo better than African chimps. And some don't appreciate having all that poo directed at them.
Again, these individuals may be shills, commies, antifa, but when they purport to be nationalists, it can be hard to tell the difference when everyone's anonymous.
She was never in jail dipshit
i will send her money as soon as she sets something verifiable up
she most likely took a brake and will be back in the fall
She did say she was going to rebrand her channel. This might be her moving to another channel.
When are there going to be real life consequences for these assholes who shut our people down?
We, well not me, but people here, did Shia Labouef and his stupid HWDU nonsense a good cleaning, but it seems like these people just get away with blocking us on social media. These clowns even got my account on twitter perma-banned.
Who are we talking about again? I can't keep up with all these e-celeb shit.
How do you know?
In the last video where sge went full race realist, she spoke German in a gag intro.
>dated a latino in her teens
>did same cam "requests" on the side for money
>expects to be taken seriously
fuck off with this coal burning whore faggots
Why do you keep spreading this lie? Who is paying you?
Supposedly she took down her vids because autists kept ignoring her words and concentrating on her face. It's hard to drop redpills on an audience more interested in debating whether you're hawt or a cryptojew. Supposedly she's going to come back in some animated form to put attention on her ideas instead of her face.
Shes fine
Is that before and after HRT?
Got anymore?
It's leftypol
This is the kind of low effort shit leftypol comes up with. I wonder how many interracial porn clips the guy who made this jerked off to while looking for one where the chick looks slightly similar to Rage.
different piercing dumbass
first one isnt a full ring
No, she is not transgender but a cis female version of Styxhexenhammer666 that was memed into this reality. I believe Styx is playing with some dark forces. He mentioned in his livestream a frog living in his house now and following his cat around, and no one (not even the cat) can bring themselves to kill it. He's a self-proclaimed Satanist and mark my words... when the reality generation machine is turned off, I don't think his consciousness is going to make it back to the other side.
Bullshit fake news like this is why Sup Forums can't have things. Anyone who puts herself out there to make right-wing beliefs accessible to normies will be fake-blacked, harrassed, mocked, and tormented by her own side. Sup Forums is the vile snake that eats itself.
are you trying to tell me the female version of styx is more redpilled than the male one?
Nose structure , Eye brows, Hair line and ears don't match
People who make pics like that aren't Sup Forumsacks. It is leftypol.
leftypol can't even make good memes, this is so obviously fake news, that even a nufag would know that
You browse these threads too Finnish bro?
What lie ? Fuck off shariablue
I browse all threads where I smell the leftist menace