While you were out having premarital sex, I was studying the Bible

While you were out having premarital sex, I was studying the Bible...

While you were sinning, I was in a confession booth.....

When you mocked me, I forgave you....

The armageddon is coming. All of you nonbelievers better start asking for forgiveness RIGHT NOW. When Jesus comes back its too late to ask for forgiveness........

I'm praying for your soul if ur a pagan or an athiest

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying I ever had sex
You and him can go fuck yourselves

saged, kike worshipping scum

While you were sinning, I was in a confession booth.....

Probably confessing cause your faggot.

Hear hear

>For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’
Exactly the kind of person white people should be following right?

Kikes hate this the most and fake kikes put the brownies here

OP did not get it right. The idea behind this sentense is that you have to die. This life is a caricature of a real existense and that's why you have no idea what this place this and why are you alive doing some work to make it function. Christ wanted all to die to get out from this place and our relatives are the ones we usually care a lot and try to keep alive.

Christ is God of the living not a God of the dead. He overcame all this because he never partook in some of the things OP mentioned. He wasn't even born through sex like everybody else because that was the original sin. He said He'd leave His tomb and He did. Nobody else has ever done that. You need your ducks in a row while you're alive. He raised a dead person. Why does He want us dead? He gives the only gift of life. The heresy on this board it's to be expected

You don't get death right. He came FOR THE LIVING and told that DEAD WILL CARE ABOUT THE DEAD because they are already out of this place. You are much more than a 60 to 100 year worth of material body. This makes no sense. Don't be fear of death as it is what makes you get out of a long dream you thought to be true. Eternal life can't be achieved in material world as material plane is not eternal.

You're about 1900 years late, OP, the Armageddon is way overdue. Your savior was a false apocalyptic prophet, as documented in your own scriptures.

>Mark 13:30 (shortly after describing the apocalypse and “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory”)
“Truly I tell you, this generationwill certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”

>Matthew 10:23
“When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

>Luke 9:27
“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

>Jesus predicted that his second coming and the end of days would occur within the lifetimes of the people he was speaking to.
>2000 years later

Nah, the overall idea is allright. The problem is that jews were not masters but slaves at that times and they have collected all the myths all over Sumeria, Mesopotamia etc. and now we have this myths collection with slave - Lord fetish which is quite not allright. Not even speaking about Old and New testament being completely unrelated but somehow in one place. The best way to figure out if it is true or not would be to die right now.

I'm not talking about good or bad, or "allright", as you put it, I'm talking about a documented contradiction with the facts. Whether or not you value the "overall idea" is irrelevant to my point.

3 different prophecies.




awww, i don't even have the heart to mock you.

Care to elaborate? If you just wanted me to copy/paste the Olivet discourse from all 3 synoptic gospels so that they were the same prophecy, I totally could've, I just figured that would be kind of boring.

Do we even have souls? In Genesis god breathes life into man, the word used is nepesh, the same word is used for animals; you can find this in Strong's concordance. The equivalent Greek word is pneuma and not psyche. The resurrection is of the flesh, as it says in Job, the dead know nothing.

>studying bible
>in a confession booth

retard detected...

Okay, specifically for you my friend I will tell you what this all is about.

This planet name is Israel, it's not Earth. It is called Israel because it exists in world of IS(water - ISIS), RA(FIRE) and EL(AIR). So basically you cannot go through all towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes because of the reason in point 2.

Apocalypse is not a one-time thing but a long going process for each and every individual so when you die the mechanism of "Son of Man in Clouds" launches when you influence "second coming".

As for third one it is not related to "end of things" process but to the fact that some people will realize how this world works before they die.

But overall you should not pay attention and take as a dogma anything in Bible. It was compilated, a lot was removed, a lot was extra added etc. but overall point of "God wants it to be as it is now" is self-explanatory because nothing can be in a state God did not create and hereby wanted to be in specific state. Study a little more and Bible would be a key for true understanding of this existence but take it as a Dogma and you will fail to understand what it is all about and live in expectation of outside change while the only thing which matters is inner change as material = outside world is finite while you are not.

1st Prophecy: The generation WHO SEES THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS will see the Second Coming.

2nd Prophecy: On this mission trip I'm sending you on, you will face persecution. Flee the cities that persecute you, and save your lives. You will not be able to go to all of the cities of Israel prior to the coming of the Son of Man.


Prophecy 3: John the Beloved did not taste death until he saw Jesus descend in glory, and wrote about it in the Revelation.




There are double creations of man by 2 different beings which are God and Lord God. One created man and women to multiply, another created Adam out of earth dust and then created women out of his rib as his could only copy the genetic combination but not procreate. Pay atterntion but do not simplify everything to Lord God, the initial God is what matters. You can find it in every Bible on pages 1st and 2.




Catholicuck detected, the only god talking to you is Satan.

Correct. The translation from Gen 3 is ''ĕlôhı̂ym' which is the plural form of 'God', referring to the (fallen) angels. The translation from 'Lord' (God) is 'yehôvâh' which is referring to the supreme God.

One group of humans are the wheat, one group of humans are the tares.

Jesus wasn't speaking in code ffs, he was speaking to a crowd of mostly illiterate peasants. We should interpret his words plainly.

>1st Prophecy
included in the "beginning of sorrows" is the destruction of the temple, which occurred in the lifetime of Jesus' followers. (See Mark 13:2, at the start of this discourse.) Also, I would argue that Jesus really is talking about the generation of the crowd he is addressing, given that his words always get translated as "this generation", not "that generation" or "the generation of that time".

>2nd Prophecy
I agree with your interpretation here, I think. How does that not imply, then, that the coming of the Son of Man is impending within their lifetimes?

>Prophecy 3
I'm not sure if seeing it in a vision counts, especially given that in the previous verse, Jesus references a specific moment: "when he comes in his glory". But fair enough, we may end up having to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm still a virgin at 26 years old. Am I good?

OP unless you're Catholic I have some bad news for you.

>confession booth
have fun explaining you're idolatrous behavior to Jehovah.

WRONG. Jesus is all forgiving. Which is why I will continue to lead a life of drunken depravity, ending with a deathbed conversion and an eternity in heaven. He never set any guidelines regarding the point in your life at which you can be saved by following him. If someone lives 90 hears, an is an atheist for the first 89, will he get into heaven for being a follower of Christ for 1 year before dying? What about 1 month? 1 day? 1 hour? 1 second? God's forgiveness and love is unlimited.

>confession booth
Nice meme

Except that you have to be truly repentant for forgiveness of your sins. The idea that you can simply accept Christ and all is dandy is quite a Protestant ideal, akin to the 'Jesus is my friend' and as an extension of being from Protestant thought - is false.

I have some real bad news for all Catholics...Catholicism is an idolatrous false religion. No where in the bible does it say to pray to St.Whomever. In fact, any prayer or worship of anyone/thing other than Jehovah is explicitly prohibited. Just read the bible. It is defined word for word.

Our life living is merely just preparation for our everlasting life post death.

>You are much more than a 60 to 100 year worth of material body.
Materialism is the cancer of the Western World, pushed by kikes.

nice way to attack Christians kike
>play the psycho REPENT guy

>God I despise you all for your satanic nature, the day race war comes into America you know what


False religion will be the first to burn.


>1 post by this faggot ID

Except that pray in it's original meaning means to petition someone.

Further, Revelation 8:5 shows Angels offering our prayers up to God.

>Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. 4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. 5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

Further, prayer for one another is rampant within the New Testament 1 Timothy 2:1–4,Rom. 15:30–32, Eph. 6:18–20, Col. 4:3, 1 Thess. 5:25, 2 Thess. 3:1, 2 Thess. 1:11, and from Christ himself in Matt. 5:44. And seeing as God is the God of the living, and the Saints are in heaven, this is just an extension.

I cannot wait to see the destruction of Protestantism and Islam.

Is there a Jesus for every sentient species? Or did the Jesus on Earth die for the sins of all of them?

I thought I was on /asp/ for a moment

That implies other species have fallen from Grace. Christ's sacrifice was to atone for the sins of the world after Man's fall. If the other species have not fallen from Grace, Christ's sacrifice would not be needed for them.



I mean if you believe in Darwinian evolution, most of our sinful inclinations are a result of evolutionary pressure, and we see them replicated throughout the animal kingdom, so it would make sense for most aliens to have such inclinations as well.

And even if you don't believe in Darwinian evolution, you must acknowledge that statistically speaking, at least /some/ aliens must have fallen from grace, and then the question still applies to that subset of aliens which did.

I want to believe but I cannot bring mysellf to believe
what's the point?
why did God make it so hard to believe in him?

I mean not God in general. I do believe in God in a general sense

But specifically in the God of the Jewish Bible... to the exclusion of all others?

So all religions are 100% wrong and the Jews were 100% right?

How can this make sense? Can anyone please be honest and tell me if this makes any sense to them?

Don't meme me please.

He IS my friend. My drinking buddy. He is always with me. I will truly repent in my last few minutes of life. The only drawback to my plan would be a sudden, unexpected death from a car accident, stroke, or heart attack. Then, I'm fucked. But, it's worth the chance.

But Protestantism IS true Christianity, Fampai.

Then why are there so many variations of it, in key areas of doctrine, when it is said that if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand?

If Protestantism were true, they'd stop having temper tantrums and splitting into new denominations every other day.

>The armageddon is coming.

Christ's apostles believed they'd see him return in their lifetimes.

2000 years later all we have are LARPing pseudo-prophets who think they're so special they can predict the future.

No such thing as aliens.

>Then why are there so many variations of it
All Churches derived from Reformation (Lutheran/Calvinist) agree on the basics.

>tfw someone faggot starts spitting verbal and physical AIDS at you so you tell him you'll pray for him and hope God forgives him too
>tfw it just makes it madder and madder

>(((Pope))) decries Christianity
>Tries to imply that (((Communism))) is how a (((good))) Christian thinks
>So soon after vehemently anti-(((communist))) JPII
>(((Pure coincidence)))


Then why would God create all that space out there? It serves us no purpose.

cus he can

>praise jesus and ask for forgiveness
>go to hell anyway because it was actually mormons who got it right

nice sand nigger jew religion though

He is a bible verse i try to live by that you dont have to believe in a god to practice.

James 1

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

>Trusting freemasonic NASA

are the mormons the one with the magic discs that no one has ever seen?

Dey good bois

Magic golden tablets, John Smith was a freemasonic conman.






Now I saw


heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp[g] sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


Yea, they were translated from a non-existent language using a stone in a hat.

While you were shitposting on Sup Forums I gave you the middle finger.
Besides, aliens are coming or something, so....Jebus has to wait for them to leave first before crashing back on earth

You can believe whatever you want to believe.

God balanced the scales perfectly for you, so you can choose to believe, or not to believe. And whichever way you go, you have made a choice, and you will gather evidence to support that choice.

Right now your evidence is to not believe, because you do not want to believe.

If you want to change your mind and believe, there is sufficient evidence available for you to do so.

All religions are wrong, and Jesus did not start a religion, but finished one.

All truth claims are 100%, and all truth claims exclude everything not covered by the truth claim, by definition.

>I was in a confession booth

Too bad you fell for the Catholic jew.

While you were washing immigrants feet, I studied your mother.

While you were adopting third world babies instead of reproducing I was slamming your mother.

While you were busy donating money to Israel, I was busy impregnating your mother.

Now that I'm your dad you have the audacity to ask ME for $20?

impossibru I couldn't've been busy doing any of those things because I wasn't born yet


God is weeding his garden. It is only in the church that you will hear the true facts, studies and statistics on marriage, and everyone outside the church doing this pua stuff, believing the hoax material, trying to pump and dump, they swallow lies thinking they are redpills, end up having their babies aborted, or go mgtow when pua bullshit didn't work. End result is only those in the church will make babies.


>be Op

Actually mentality retarded

Shut up faggot and go to your room. Do NOT talk back to me

>Mark 13:30 (shortly after describing the apocalypse and “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory”)
“Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”

Also the context for the parable of the Fig tree is talking about Israel becoming a nation again; & the great tribulation. Modern history predicted in Ezekiel.

>Matthew 10:23
“When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

Answer here: (It is talking about the Destruction of Jerusalem, and A "Coming" is the same as "A Happening"

>Luke 9:27
“Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

He was talking about John the Apostle; who saw the vision of Revelation before his death, in which...he saw heaven.

This is fun, let's do more!

Do not be deceived,
God will not be mocked.