What is it about Asian genetics that makes them age so damn well?
This guy is 50 years old yet could still pass for 25. He's got women of all races and ages drooling over him.
What gives?
What is it about Asian genetics that makes them age so damn well?
This guy is 50 years old yet could still pass for 25. He's got women of all races and ages drooling over him.
What gives?
>4 feet tall
Seriously, this shit's unnatural.
I heard it was collagen. The sort of stuff you find in joints.
Yea, what is it about that Asian genetics?
His physique is likely due more to his eating habits than his genetics. I'm 41, but given the right light I could pass for 20 something.
>men age like wine
>he is Asian and Google says from Singapore, works as a photographer/fashion so I can assure you he had countless cosmetic surgeries/botox and shit like that
>probably spends most of his time with some Bateman skin routine
I wouldn't generalize. It seems like a one-off case where the guy led a relatively stress free life with enough money, time, and proper nutrition to keep his body in good shape. Oh and good genetics.
Boyish look genes, working out + HGH and test (or some other roid)
What's the likelihood of steroid use?
>Bateman skin routine
>tfw have a similarly anally retentive routine
I kind of need to though. Adult acne is an absolute nightmare.
100% on gear. Undoubtedly had some plastic surgeries as well. If you've got the money, plastic surgery is so good that people can't tell it's artificial. You just look younger than your age.
HGH isn't a steroid but he probably is on something beside HGH - perhaps TRT. He's 50, which means his testosteron has declined significantly. In that OP picture he's probably around 6-7% bodyfat with decent muscle - the lower the you go in bodyfat the harder it is to retain muscle mass as a natural. Things like HGH and steroids (or even TRT if prescribed at a high dose) will help you retain more muscle. It's improbable that he looks that way without any help.
I didn't know Kojima was so ripped
Possibly the diet. Low far and high in nutrients.
Asians do have some things they're genetically better at than white. For example they sweat far less than other races and their earwax is dry, white and flaky so easier to clean. They also have higher IQs though that may be cultural.
Higher IQ is literally due to selection, the people with lower IQ don't even make it into the statistics. The ones who make it overseas generally teach their 2nd generations to study hard. Subsequent generations usually fall off in terms of work ethic and they generally start to properly assimilate with the local culture.
t. Chang
>their earwax is dry, white and flaky
he has good aging genes,so the girls want it in their children,nothing more
its the natural order,good genes are sought after
You forgot to add
>3 inch dick
Besides the dyed hair, that dude has aged like the finest of wines, goddamn that's an inspiration desu
Cuz wet, yellow and gooey is so much more appealing.