Stop bullying him, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off medpack
someone should tell him to run for senator due to all the support hes getting from Sup Forums the anime site
Who is this cunt and why is he verified?
he'd probably have to roll for senator
fatty youtuber "centrist" that makes pointless videos going back and forth on stupid topics. he is truly useless
some fat faggot that spews liberal/socialist view points constantly but tries to act like a centrist.
Ah a no mark useless cunt then, no wonder I haven't heard of the twat.
i knew he was gonna pussy out
haha this cunt is such a liar. minor delay....yeah right. dude just wants non stop sympathy and feels. he will never sort his shit out.
tell him to finish the god damn books so we can finish the god damn show
>minor delay
his morning cake isnt finished baking yet
Hes going to keep delaying the surgery to keep forcing his wife to stay with him
He probably needs more than one
Is he gonna died?
good. that's less of my tax money to pay for his bullshit surgery.
He is tripping on /fit/, calling people faggots and beta cucks and admitting to posting anonymously on Sup Forums.
Don't believe me?
Hopefully. Although maybe after his wife cucked him he can become Boogie1488.
He made a video talking about how annoying it is that he can feel his ribs on the bed now and his ass doesn't have ENOUGH padding. I guess he better go back to 600 pounds, it's easier after all. His ass needs more padding.
any time you see one of these threads just sage it and report it.
it isnt political and most of the time it is actually this fat faggot boogie posting this shit.
hey boogie, kill yourself faggot.
Hes going to get the surgery and then literally bust his gut by overeating. Digits confirm.
it just needs to happen
>he starts to backtrack on getting the surgery at all halfway through the video
Oh shit it's real
>unarchived boogie2988
Hooktubed that for you to prevent views. Just switch the domain in the url.
Ate one last bag of dorritos with a block of cheddar melted on top
He has too little padding on his ass guys
I hope this fat fuck dies on the operating table.
I think, perhaps, just maybe, it's not really about his ass padding, it's about the 50 burgers he wants to inhale right now.
What did he do on stream when he was ranting and saying stuff he shouldn't've?
He was saying that his wife and him were having issues and that they were going to get divorced right after the surgery. He then proceeded to play a gay song that was "their" song at the wedding and sang to it while weeping. This was a ruse to guilt her and get his rabid faggot fanbase to attack her for not wanting to be his nurse forever.
I want to believe.
I fucking knew that lard ass was the one posting all the Boogie threads here.
he wore a tinfoil dragonborn helmet and shows off his video game collectors so thanks to retards from Sup Forums and Reddit he became popular.
When will this fat fuck's arteries finally seize up?