What's the best region of America to reside in?
I'll start, I say Pacific Northwest.
If only we could liberate these liberal legislatures, this would be Anglo-Saxon utopia.
What's the best region of America to reside in?
Bump. Canadians and Europeans may join in as well. Post pictures of your homelands.
Bump, I want to know what other areas are good places to live
Seconding the Pacific Northwest - the most beautiful part of the world. Including both the US and Canadian components. I'd love to see it go independent and ruled by a small-c conservative, pro-tradition, pro-environment, anti-immigration government.
Agreed on the succession. Republic of Cascadia has been tossed around for a while, but with differing political ideologies. If it went conservative libertarian/pro-environment that would be its best shot at even succeeding.
Agreed, the PNW is truly gorgeous. But in the case of independency I'd expand the area a bit to include the Yukon Territory and Alaska, and probably even a few breadbasket states/provinces like Alberta, Montana, Saskatchewan and Idaho for the rich farmland, minerals and wealth of uranium.
New England seems pretty nice.
British Columbia is bretty gud too
Too many liberals.
This part is far more conservative.
Living there currently. I've been all over the PNW minus BC which I desperately want to make time to go visit.
I've heard it is, I have a couple friends from that area. Seems like nice traditional land to live on. Heard it's beautiful.
IL before the spics invaded like locusts.
They already did, Boise is full of them.
ICE might reverse that trend pretty quickly though.
If we could get all the liberal fucks out of the pacific nw, it would be absolute paradise.
Yeah they're just as arrogant as muslims laughing about having citizenship of our nation and about how they are taking over our media, language, and neighborhoods.
We need a building of lawyers working 24/7 to revoke 100 million + citizenships. We will make it happen whether this current version of our nation can take it or not.
>PNW going independent
>being conservative
You do realize this is the liberal capitol of the world, right? People are always talking about cascadia breaking off, but it's to form a liberal shithole.
It's white as hell, but everyone there is a turbo-cuck.
Truly lives up to its name.
actually only need to eliminate about
I'm a little further south still tying up some loose ends but we coming fampai
That's what I was saying. Go inland a bit and it becomes more and more conservative/libertarian
>move all whites to north west
Nice try shariablue
lame attempt at making your shitpost "political"
fuck off
the pnw is full
that pic doesn't show all the homeless camps, the garbage, the arrogant self-satisfied pricks like you roaming around in your llbean costume, the signs everywhere saying you can't be there because everything is fucking CLOSED
fuck you neighbor
all i got is shitty neighbors here in the pnw
you are par for the course
>liberate liberal legislatures
every fucking state legislature in the usa is OVERWHELMINGLY GOP MAJORITY
so if you want to complain, better go find a mirror faggot
yeah until the super volcano erupts and turns the anglo-saxon utopia into pompei 2.0.
>every fucking state legislature in the usa is OVERWHELMINGLY GOP MAJORITY
Shut up you delusional hippie
When you fuck thinks up you always cry and pretend you were the underdog and it was the big mean republicans that made you do it.
Why no love for New England?
threads like this make my almost cry
my family has got some money and over the years bought me anything I ever wanted (even a house)
> 25
> stuck in Uni
> I hate the city where I live, full of nigger
It took me 25 fucking years to realize that is better to be poor / with a shitty job but live surroounded by trees and lakes and few people around
so this brings the real question: I plan to move in the next 5 years (from Italy) - how hard is to go to live in places like pics in this thread?
oregons governor is a lesbian California transplant
Wyoming....no fucking people.... no fucking property tax..... you can ccw a firearm just by being a state citizen.... did i mention no people
> no people
How can I legally move in Wyoming?
move there.... get a house... live their 30 days... get a state drivers license.... congrats you are now from wyoming
from Italy I mean (forgot to mention that)
im in portland and I swear this place has the ugliest girls in the country
as long as you come to the the usa legitimately you dont have to do anything special to move between states
PNW by far, all we need is good architecture.
Marry a citizen is the easiest route. Easy for you, many American women gets wet when you say anything with a hint of Italian accent.
Think a lot of Italians have relatives in the States. You can try that route.
there was an user back in the day that posting absolutely increadible webms of northern california
good advice, thanks
first I'll try through Uni - if that doesn't work, well, I'll marry someone
Ideal places in BC/Alberta?
Looking to escape bongland
realistically speaking how much chanches there are that, let's stay, I spend three weeks in Idaho/Wyoming/Montana and and american girl fall in love with me etc.?
All the pictures you see are of places that look like this 5 months out of the year. The rest of the time its cloudy or covered in snow.
From my experience, most people coming from warm sunny places get fairly depressed up in the PNW in the fall and winter. Be warned.
Peninsula of Yucatan
user I'm "depressed" since I was 13 years old.
And I preferer trees and rain and snow and whatever else than living in a sunny city full of smog, cars and people.
Blue Ridge/ Smoky Mountain Area in SC, NC, TN, VA is the best area in the country.
>beautiful landscapes
>christian values
>beautiful women
>low cost of living
what more do you want
Anywhere on Vancouver island
Kelowna / Okanagan Valley
Surrey / Fraser valley
California's honestly pretty bitchin'.
>Best food
>Best weather
>Best entertainment
>Go rural or go urban, it's up to you
>Legal weed
Explain what is wrong with any of that
Alright, just remember to take Vitamin D Pills. They help a lot!
>Explain what is wrong with any of that
It's California.
Leavenworth, WA.
Just got back from visiting. Really didn't want to leave. German influenced everything and seems pretty conservative.
wyoming would be really easy to occupy, nobody would.give.a.fuck.
PNW by a mile, despite liberal cancer infesting such a beautiful land
My man. I love Leavenworth too. Hope to build a German Ski Chalet in Alpental someday.
Comfy as fuck.
Seems a bit touristy, but I'll have to visit sometime.
Hell yeah man! I can't wait to go back
Yeah seems like its a hot tourist spot for people from Seattle and for foreigner Asians. I visited from Colorado.
My town. And I won't name it cause it's isolated as fuck and a utopia and we like it that way. Lots of hippies but they're cool and have good weed.
>Not in the PNW.
Most girls flock to city centers.
Try Denver
I wish we built comfy wood Germanese houses like that in Colorado.
Me too dude. Where abouts in Colorado are you? Im living in the Springs but I love Boulder except for all the liberal hippies there.
>send help
Southern Missouri. Not biased
RIP. I guess the plus side is you have some decent restaurants up there, though.
Pretty much this. Nothing on earth beats this corner of the US and ive been on 4 continents and 34 different countries. Oh and 31 states in the US.
Take out Seattle Portland and Eugene and the number of leftists drops under 10%
I used to live in Portland.
It was the worst place I have ever been to.
I saw your shit in Lowry
>This is Portland
>tfw will never experience this
Why not?
>Portland is the single worst place in the PN
>I fucking despise Portland
Because I live in Cuckfornia and am too poor to move -- and people generally dislike people from CA going elsewhere.
>The most disgusting people in the world live in Portland
You are limited by two things
Lack of imagination
We actually don't want your betakind
More or less anything outside of Vancouver.
Even Vancouver is that bad for shitlibbery, just retarded housing prices for subpar cucksheds.
Vancouver is very liberal, but its fucking 1940's Berlin compared to Portland.
I like pdx.
Turned me into a transexual banging drug addict though.
Fuck the Seahawks
Go 9ers
Portland is fucking awesome
Stay jelly flyover fag
wtf. im tired of seeing that monster.
but we need the port; if the majority of Seattle is deported, the rest of the area would be perfect. The cascades and the rockies are a double line of defense too
>Portland is fucking awesome
please stop dude
Expensive as fuck
High taxes
Jerry Brown
Everyone is an asshole
No good baseball teams
Guns regulated so much, might as well be banned
Dude Weed isnt a plus
No. Your city is a vapid shithole.
Mirin hard
Not mine.
It was a paradise in 1950.