Are they learning?
Will they finally learn no one really cares besides Sjws and pol?
Are they learning?
Where do you get that Sup Forums cares? This topic got spammed all over here and consistently the only response was, "Doctor Who is a tumblr/reddit show so why do I care?"
Only faggots care about Dr Who anyway.
Why can't she be a nigger though??
Niggers don't look human.
96.5% of twitter comments about the female doctor who are positive.
There is no real outrage
This only reddit dr. Who "General" posters on Sup Forums cared
/po/ never gave a fuck about this. They tried to bait people into expressing "outrage" over this casting decision, but no one fell for it.
That's because no one actually gives a fuck about Doctor Who, and no one here is dumb enough to fall for obvious liberal marketing bait.
So brave
Much encouraging
An inspiration
Ratings will drop pretty hard tho, good thing its on a state sponsored and they don't have to worry about ratings to get funding
>caring about what happens to a fictional character in a fictional world
who gives a shit. If they want to live out their dreams in fantasy land then let them.
That's how I feel.
Dr Who is quintessential British trash. The production quality reminds me of the outer limits or the x files during the 90's.
Because people are optimists. They can't write that tranny in without she being full SJW. She can't be in troubles because she's a woman, she can't be saved by a male sidekick, because then she would be weak. Writing her will be a freaking nightmare because you can't break cliché of heroine without making sjw's mad.
It will be ghostbusters all again where shitty writing combined with shitty acting gets a product that fans hate and sjw's love just because female cast. Financially Ghostbusters (2016) tanked and so will doctor who.
nobody likes gender swap here
anyone who mentions it is always negative
Moffat is literally sticking his fingers in his years "cant hear you la la la! my tumblr twat fans who watch the show regardless like it!"
meanwhile parents who grew up with the show and prime time viewers are abandoning it in droves fed up with what it has become
Yes. Let's let them destroy all media with the SJW bullshit. That's what we want.
It's not like the views promoted by the media becomes the new norm.
It is just Doctor Who. And it's not like it's my TV and butter knife license fee that's paying for it.
If it bothers you so much just make your own show, retard. Who knows, if you invest half the time you use bitching on the internet into something productive, you actually might make a difference.
Shut the Hell Up
dropped doctor who seasons ago..
Doctor who fans are all a bunch of subhumans anyway, so who gives a shit.
Putting women where they don't belong is "enlightened"?
dr who has the least amount of viewers this year in 28 years. I wonder what could have caused this.
Its a shitty show for children and lonely fat girls. who fucking cares
>Game of Thrones kills of the dykes and everyone celebrates
>BBC doesn't catch on and just doubles down
Fucking glorious.
I hope this will put Dr Who to death, just like Schwartzenegger killed The Apprentice
Is Sup Forums waking up to the fact that nobody cares about their meaningless outrage?
You weren't fans of dr who already but now suddenly you care because they changed it to a woman. Lets all retroactively pretend that Dr. Who is sacred to us and that this doesn't make sense with the plot somehow.
Every time a show changes a character to a woman or an ethnic Sup Forums pretends like its not just about the character being woman/ethic its about how it doesn't make sense with the plot/character/history/etc but with Dr. Who there's literally no reason The Dr. has never incarnated as a woman.
If you're mad about this, then its never been about it making sense.
The Dr. will probably be a man again after whats-her-tits character arc is over. You weren't going to pay attention to it anyway so don't watch it now.
did you read the thread? nobody gives a fuck
The twelth doctor was already garbage. This should be the final nail in the coffin. Man they really fell hard after then 50th anniversary.
If nobody cares why are their daily threads about this crap
>the notionally conservative Doctor Who fandom
literally fucking W H A T
Whofags are the biggest Tumblrturds to ever exist. I've never known a single conservative person to give a fuck about Doctor Who, but commie leftist scum love that garbage.
He forgot to say CLEVAH, the favorite word of Mo-fat
you must be new to not understand the concept of (you)s and people's desire to get them.
People who watch the show do not care.
People who do not watch the show complain.
Oh no some British TV cuck is growing a vagina. Who fucking cares.
I think the marketing ploy of negative reinforcement has proven to got less than stellar results.
> comic book company changes the gender of a character
> writers shoehorn 4th wall situations in the comic book stories to drive home how much they hate the fans for being sexist
> comic book sales completely fall to shit
Then there's Cunt Ghostbusters.
The movie crashes and burns.
So now BBC thought having 19th Century London be 50% white with Dr Who doing 4th wall breaks about history being a whitewash isn't enough and jump the shark with a cunt.
You KNOW the 4th wall references are already written, along with the articles about misogynistic nerds and at least someone knows insulting your fanbase doesn't translate into good ratings BECAUSE IT NEVER FUCKING HAS, so this article gets published. Just like the girls from Cunt Ghostbusters were asking the (((journalists))) to lay off the fans of the original in interviews on the very last week of their promotional tour. The only angle clickbait sites have left it to say the cunt is white and that doesn't go far enough.
Time lords aren't human though.
Just because a few threads pop up on Sup Forums doesn't mean a lot of people here care.
It was like that for twenty years.
Then the stronk female fantasy solder hurls in near-future Aliens and Starship Troopers started leaking into reality.
A lie - repeated enough - becomes accepted truth. Life imitates art, not vice versa.
Just like the utter fantasy that women are at all physically comparable to men has somehow become an accepted belief.
When will her first episode air, so I can laugh at the plummeting ratings?
>he hasn't seen the movie from the '90s featuring the Eighth Doctor's proclamation
B-but muh internet m-man baby outrage!
If you watch it, though, you contribute to positive ratings. I'm a Star Trek fan, but I'm not interested in that new series, either. Be careful.
ya na no one said shit we're used to it
Show was terrible from the beginning. Fucking britbongs can fuck off anyway. Your culture, food, cars, women, and accents are all garbage. I hope your shit country sinks into the ocean just so I don't have to hear about Dr fucking Who anymore.
Actually maybe you'll all be finally banned from non-govt internet that would work too. Hitler should have killed you all at Dunkirk.
it's really a goddamned shame how garbage Capaldi's run is, because he's been the best "modern" doctor so far. I was happy that they'd finally done away with the "quirky boyfriend" doctor and gone back to an older mysterious guy.
But instead, his run has been entirely overshadowed by Moffat's SJW garbage.
>5 people on twitter make remarks about it
>THERE'S A FUCKING OUTRAGE claims gossip rags.
Good, maybe the show will get cancelled because of her and this shit will never be brought up on /pol again.
I'm beginning to care more. Hollywood is doubling down on this shit, as is British entertainment. In some cases the British entertainment industry is worse than Hollywood. I wish I could say that nothing Hollywood or any other entertainment industry does matters because people can make up their own minds, but it really does matter in the end because a lot of people are exposed to that stuff all day long and buy into it hook line and sinker.
In the case of Dr Who, yeah, it would not be a big deal on its own. If you look at how many roles and remakes are being done specifically to push their agenda, then yeah, it matters as a part of the bigger picture.
typical leftist tactic:
the sword of 1000 cuts