Jesse Lee Peterson poses this very question to a white supremacist bigot. Hopefully this video will get down-voted into oblivion. Stop blaming other people for your problems white people!
>tldr sort yourselves out!
Jesse Lee Peterson poses this very question to a white supremacist bigot. Hopefully this video will get down-voted into oblivion. Stop blaming other people for your problems white people!
>tldr sort yourselves out!
Other urls found in this thread:
I am counter semitic. I don't hate blacks, they were either kidnapped and brought here or invited here.
I hate what's going on in South Africa but that's about as far as my hate for blacks goes. Hispanics? Same as blacks, I only hate that they are here. I don't hate them I hate our puppet shabbos politicians and their paymasters.
tip harder, faggot
With National Socialism and eugenics programs blacks could create a great African master race. One can breed for intelligence rather easily, breeding for physical strength is much harder and is almost impossible to justify to the intelligensia.
My understanding of eugenics is that it would only take half a dozen generations or so for blacks to get a 100 IQ baseline. I know it's a scary term but Europeans did it to ourselves for centuries.
Why hate people that were invited or brought here? Doesn't make sense. I hate that they are here and I hate the people who brought them here. I'd have no problem paying them to leave, building great cities for them in Africa, or giving them their own separate nation carved out of North America.
OP's photo is no argument.
I don't hate blacks as long as they treat me with respect and mind their own business. Wish they wouldn't soak up my tax money. White supremacy does not equal hatred of other races
I bet she's loud....REALLY loud
fuck off, you dumb fucking leaf.
A lot of us despise affirmative action. A lot of us are counter-semites. Its not a blind hatred.
what are you talking about? are smoking something right now?
>tfw whitey with BWC, and get to colonise the pussy of muh black queens quite routinely
>tfw they love the oppressive touch of the white man and his all conquering shaft
They agreed in most things.
"white supremacist" is a slur word just like "nigger". basically non-cucks are called white supremacists by those who like to benefit from cuckery (directly by gaining power/wealth, or indirectly through virtue signalling and political power). the goalpost was moved past the other goalpost. That is how we got slur names like white supremacist, or islamophobe.
She's very smart desu.
>Stop blaming other people for your problems
This is all that niggers have done for pretty much all of history. Nothing is ever their fault, they blame everything from slavery to white privilege ... take some fucking responsibility for your own lives you black pieces of shit!
recognizing and objectively verifying the evil in others is not hatred.
this tbqh fampai
Could probably do without the whole Frankfurt School thing and the Bolsheviks
He's saying after a few generations of eugenics breeding, your great grandkids might have a slight chance of understanding his post.
im smart enough vanilla ape
The IQ gap is already getting smaller over time, just give it a a few decades.
or centuries, hopefully civilization can tough it out.