Muslims and other minorities are giving birth to 10 babies per person while dumb white bitches choose to abort
The biggest threat to our society
Muslim isn't a race dumbass. You could have an arab and a black minority and they both can be Muslim
Still a problem
Okay so what? They're a religious minority but they are still a minority. Just like jews, they too aren't an actual race. Everyone knows that, muslims are jews aren't races but they're still minorities.
You idiots always talking about being redpilled. Well, when are you going to realize, that you will be outbread, if you don't start having kids... And lots of them! You pathetic fucking losers, dreaming about anime characters.
You are the worst traitors to your race! Because you see the problem, but refuse to do anything about it.
Fucking lowlives.
Exactly, I meant literally the same thing and said it in a different fashion.
Isn't this just beautifully sad in a twisted sort of way?
Whites have spent five centuries since the plague wiped out most of Europe, creating consistently higher and higher standards of living for their children, fostering strong communities, and wearing the accomplishments and titles of their ancestors with pride. Our culture and technology was unmatched by any other people, and both World Wars might have affected the entire world, but they were scuffles among white races (yes and Japanese in the Pacific Theater, but that's besides the point).
As a result of all our ancestors hard work, we were born into the greatest and most prosperous world in human history: the modern west. Having never known hunger, or poverty, or being without in any way, this generation that was given everything they needed to succeed has been castrated. We know nothing of how brutish and hateful the world is because we've been shielded from it. We mock and scorn the cruelties of our ancestors, when its those same cruelties that gave us the comfortable lives we have today.
Let's hope that whites will have the numbers to fight back when the reckoning finally comes. Only the most braindead white supremacist thinks that a 20% white western world could do anything at all to resist genocide.
>Shitskin isn't a race dumbass. You could have a shitskin and a shitskin minority and they both can be Shitskin
If it ain't white, it ain't right.
>that abortion doctor
>let's lay down and die
>Life is amazing and we created the world, but now we can't do anything
>Being this much of a defeatist
Not only can we win, we can completely outcompete any other civilization ever created.
The world stands and falls with the survival of the white race, and if you are unwilling to fight for it, you are a traitor. And traitors die first...
It's actually the other way around, according to the statistics that are available. Minorities do indeed have more kids, but they also abort at a much higher rate than white women do. The legality of abortion has objectively been slowing the white disposition in the United States.
The problem with whites is not abortion, it's that they have enough agency to take contraceptive measures in the first place. We'd ironically be better off if we banned contraceptives, but kept abortion legal.
And what are you talking about, 20% white. We are 800 million white people.. How is this lost in any way? come to northern europe you idiot .
Actually the biggest problem is international Jewish finance, Central Bank Jews and Jewish nepotism but hey nice try /r/thedonald
The genocide won't be conducted by force you moron...
I can't do anything. I'm 22 and childless, and completely unmotivated to even try to meet women. I'll probably die without any heirs, either slowly or painfully if the genocide happens sooner than later.
I'm just not willing to fight anymore. The jews have won.
>t. Kike shill
Go away, Shlomo. Stop trying to demoralize us.
Yea ofc the Jews in central banks are a far bigger problem than other races trying to bring the white race to extinction. Moron.
Culturally swallowing the morality of abortion killed the white family before mass immigration ever started.
We'll die playing your utilitarian maxamizer games while God fearing but violent, family ambitious brown mystery meat take over the West...
Only by making a stand against sociopaths and their games will salvation be achieved.
>The jews have won.
My Kikey-sense is tingling. Are you perhaps of jewish decent good sir?
I doubt any Jew would say that shit it basically implies that there's a conflict between Jews and ... everyone... which is not an idea most Jewish people would agree with.
Well you are inferior so you'll die without passing on your genes, which honestly is a good thing to both the white race and other races.
That is one of the many problems jews create for whites. But if whites cease to exist, there will be noone to fight against the jewry. So we need our priorities.
im white u fuckers
it's like the Matrix - humans need struggle and Western world has incrementally reduced it
That is actually a fair point. Jews prefer to keep the conflict concealed. Fighting a war against an enemy, not even knowing they are at war.
What is that my eyes gaze upon?
>7.7% ashkenazi jew
Well dang-diddlely-dere you fucking go, schlomo.
That 7.7% sure does come out strong. The insatiable need to subconscious subvert the goyim is strong.
That's not even Jewish by Nuremberg Law standards of racial autism...
If you don't have a well paid job, don't have a white gf/wife, don't have an education or trade skill, don't vote constantly for pro white proposals, don't create value to your society or country, then how "white" are you? It's because of "whites" like you, the neets and the weebs, that this country is falling apart. It's the rest of us that have to carry you as a fucking burden along with the other shitskins.
Op you are full of shit and intentionally misinforming.
Current abortion tracking stats put blacks at receiving 41% of legal abortions in the US, compared to the 51% for whites.
Considering how blacks are not even 15% percent of the US population from the last census, while whites make up nearly 65%, it's a pretty big deal That blacks make up that large of a chunk of abortions. Same way the prison and we'll are stats are.
Sure, more whites are getting abortions than blacks by the numbers simply by virtue of the whites so thoroughly outnumbering them, but blacks are having more abortions by percentage compared to whites.
They deserve our land. When was the last time you saw one of these brown "refugees" wear booty shorts and unironically believe that women are smarter than men, or that racism is a learned behavior?
Whites as a race are a liability to humanity. What would have happened a thousand years from now in an all-white humanity? This same shit would be happening except with literal non-humans. White morality is a weakness that we can't afford. At least you can be assured that Muslims and blacks would not voluntarily genocide themselves if met with an extraterrestrial threat.
You are right. You are i white. Unless the kike gene is following a female bloodline all the way from you great grandmother. But that is unlikely.
The point of grouping people by race is that it's an easy way of classifying people who look, act, and think similarly. Plus, he never said anything about race, did he? He just said minority, which can apply to anything not just race.
The shilling is too obvious now, dude..
>Op you are lying
>Sure, more whites are getting abortions than blacks
Lol you can't even decide if you think that I'm lying or stating the facts
I'm soft on the JQ but if this ain't fake I'm gonna freak out!
How did he even get in??? Bangladesh forbids Jewish entry into their country, I thought?
I agree with you to a certain degree on this, we as whites are largely responsible for what's happening to us, well some of us are responsible.
>Bangladesh forbids Jewish entry into their country, I thought?
I don't think so.
Former generations sure could have stopped these problems from emerging. But blaming the problems on somebody hardly solves any of them.
Your facts are being presented in a misguided manner. He explained how you're leaving out population proportions. 5% of people in one city won't be the same number of people as 5% of people in a small rural community for example.
Jew isn't a race either but good luck telling people that
>800 million whites
>half of whom are beta cucks
>only 1% are """redpilled"""
>6 billion non-whites
>all of whom are loyal to their own race
this war was lost before it even began
Muslims support abortion for democrats.
Am I supposed to get upset over this?
White women can't have children fast enough to catch up with the
amount of illegals, niggers, and rapefugees in this country. Sorry, I'm not having 5 kids to
compete with them, and then try to raise them with a shitty economy.
You have another solution?
OP never said race.
Or we can call them cultures. The word minority is such a loaded term.
My god this is a powerful image
>6 Billion non-whites
>2 Billion of which are living on the brink of starvation and death by common diseases
>Asians = 95% beta cucks
>Indians = Literally shitting in the streets
>Muslims = not betacucks, but so disloyal to their race, that they have ongoing wars against anyone they can fight.
>15 million jews............
Wooooops... Doesn't sound like such a competition now, does it.
Yes they are retard, they inbred so closely for so long they are closer genetically than English and Germans are. If its possible to 'look Jewish' than its a race, mongrel.
No. This is the solution. Get 5 kids, and raise them in the shitty economy.
The economy is shitty for many reasons. One of them is because of the shift in average age of the population. Having more kids, will save the economy.... And remember. They will take care of you, before they take care of anybody else.
I know someone who got drugged and raped by a nigger and got pregnant and she aborted the fucking mongrel when she found out. Is that okay for a white woman to do?
You're 100% right
Damn right, that is okay. I will always support the death of non-white children in whatever stage of life they are.
It's too bad your mother didn't abort you that way I wouldn't have to read your stupid comment.
But what about the facts user? Can you handle that there're only about 20 countries left with a birthrate above 3 children per woman?
Look how Jews dominate while only being .2% of the world. Non-Jewish whites can do the same, but dumbass rednecks are outbreeding intelligent whites. Drop the anti-intellectualism, promote nepotism and favoritism for whites, and we'll be fine.
It's the law.
I'm a shift test engineer for bettis atomic power laboratories and I have a bachelor's degree in nuclear engineering from UCLA, but I will never have a wife because I refuse to marry a whore who rode the cock carousel for 10 years and is now trying to settle down, and I'm not moral or christian enough to attract a decent white girl from a good family.
It's easier to just play video games and accept that evolution is taking it's natural course.
Exactly. It's not like East Asians are our allies either. Blacks see us as privileged oppressors, Asians see us as niggers, and Arabs see us as infidels, but whites see themselves as privileged oppressors, infidels AND niggers all at the same time. Most whites will go voluntarily. The ones who don't will be killed, or they'll willingly become transexual sex slaves for their arab masters.
You might be right, I don't like using the term "minority" either, but I think it suits this post better than "cultures" or some other terms.
>that abortion surgeon
Yes I'd allow abortion in case of a rape
Nigger tomato nigger tomato
They forbid Israeli entry, not Jewish
>And remember. They will take care of you, before they take care of anybody else.
Not in america, children leave their parents and live like 2000 miles away and visit maybe like once every 2 years or something.
But we are talking about, how the law should be changed, you idiot... Not what the law already is.
That is very subtle
checked my man
It is a moral law, universal law, American law. Nigger rape babies are forfeit to the gods, you uneducated nigger faggot kike.
That should made into a law and paid for by the state, irregardless of what the sperm banks feelings are.
So really, your issue is meeting the right women.
When i was a kid, my dad told me:
>"Search for your wife in the place, where you would want your wife to go".
That sure as hell is not in the bar.. I am not religious either, so not i the church.
I met my wife at a trade-show for barnyard animals... 10 years of marriage and 3 kids...
I can handle it, and I'm trying to fight it, the better question than "can you handle the stats" would be "can you handle to fight change the stats"
Now I want a publix sub, thanks asshole.
>The numbers don't add up for the wild claims I'm making
>In fact they suggest that whites are less likely to get an abortion than blacks are
>Better deflect with greentext or posting something from my political comic image cache rather than looking at the numbers and adjusting my statement or claim.
Fuck it, I hope you wiggers do go and genocide yourselves. Hopefully the race that claws it's way out of the resulting chaos to top dog status doesn't indulge in such bullshit
The second part of your first paragraph, the one in which you say that you're not moral wnd therefore don't want a nice girl from a good family and the one in which you say you've given up shows us that you are both a traitor and a disgrace to our race.
What the fuck, do you know about that, Dmitri?
Without a white race there are no other races. We invented to the idea of race to let others easily know the patrician class, to divide the serfs, and to label different funny looking servants.
Exactly this.
A perverbial second "fall of rome", will really be a fall of the world.
True. The next "fall of Rome" would truly be the fall of the civilization, not only the civilization as we know it, but generally the civilization.
Which is why it is so extremely important that we fight for our race, for it is really a fight for the survival of the world.
Whites should have adopted Islam en-masse (or pseudo-Islam such as Mormon) and breed dozens of children from each white woman
this. every white man that doesn't have kids, or isn't actively looking for a woman to breed with, or at the very least wanting children, is a traitor to the race.
Exactly. When someone says "I'm open to having kids some day" bitch you can't be open to it it's your fucking obligation as a human being to have kids, everyone who is medically able to have kids and does not is a fucking traitor
Wtf I hate abortion nowThis is a major red pill, I just dumped this girl cause her pussy is a graveyard.
german state at it again....
Jew is a race, newfag
No it is not, if you're a white person you can't just choose to convert to black people, if you're a Christian you can choose to convert to Judaism
This this this.
No you cant you fucking faggot, your mother has to be a kike or else you wont be a kike.
There's no way we could outbreed them though. We'd need an average of 12+ kids to catch up for the past 40 years and to match Africa's current huge birthrate.
It's simply impossible.
Shut up, kike.
Not if we use the art of subtraction.
Moab's, smallpox, what have you
Jew is a race (semitic), a religion (mostly atheistic), and a general ideology (denying Christ). There are many jews in this thread who dont know theyre jews.
OP youre conflating two separate issues. These immigrants are just doing what is natural, the real issue is white women by way of feminism denying God's will. It wouldnt even be an issue if divorce and conraception were illegal. Your secularist ideals were designed by jews.
>Not if we use the art of subtraction.
Race specific bioweapons when?