So when is Trump gonna enact the Christian Travel Ban on Europe? I mean...

So when is Trump gonna enact the Christian Travel Ban on Europe? I mean, I'd support it! We can't let a foreign ideology made by brown people (aka Christianity) destroy our values!

We can't risk neo-Nazi terrorism, right gentlemen?

What's the death toll for Christian terrorists?



How many people has ISIS killed? Now how many has Westboro killed? Also sage fag

Muslims don't denounce ISIS but the Catholic church and most other churches do denounce Westboro. That is the important difference you keep ignoring.

I don't hear Muslims seriously denouncing ISIS.

>Westboro Baptist Church


Ask all the women who were rejected from "Christian" hospitals over reproductive care that question.

Also, the Crusades, the KKK, the Iraq War (excluding when Clinton was in office) and the Spanish Inquisition, so yeah. Suck on that.

Way higher if you count the spanish inquisition and the Crusades.


Probably because Breitfart and other Con-Servative Fake News outlets rarely open their mouths when their agenda is challenged.

OP- A faggot who cannot stop sucking cock
- May also be a paid shill and a newfag too

Why do these shitposters always use Boku No Hero characters?

Because America was founded on the ideology of Christianity LAWL

look at the geopolitical situation that inspired the crusades

Stop useing my waifu as for your shilling, enjoy the ban.

WBC is the Catholics' fault

Fuck Catholics and fuck the pope

It's a meme. This particular image appears to be a parody (thinking the Westboro Baptist Church is Catholic? Come on, man).

>rejected from "Christian" hospitals
i mean, not saving someone's life isn't the same as killing someone is it?

Everyday you make this thread and everyday you look like a dipshit

Why don't you go back to r/politics


Although I sympathize with you, remember that the Catholic Church in Europe is the problem, not in other lands. Most of the money used for their charity comes from non-white nations. It's very obvious who is the most civilized group between the two based on that fact.

Someone redpill me on Westboro Baptist Church. I used to hate them like a good little goy but now I'm pretty sure they did nothing wrong.

This meme needs to die. Inquisition killed/torture very few people, especially if compared to actual wars. The Crusades were legitimate defense, and even if you don't concede that, they still account for enormously fewer deaths than unprovoked attacks from Islam in any given century after 700.


They won't. Dump is a sad, pathetic, idiotic and hypocritical poopoohead with no shred of maturity, dignity or competence and must be voted out immediately before he destroys the Earth

Republicans, white people and Trump are the reasons why aliens won't talk to us....they are afraid of all the stupid!

It's one faggot and he admitted that he only does it for (You)s. Stop fucking feeding him.

Fuck of Luciferian


The Muslim religion says to be like ISIS.


I don't have time for fairy tales or fiction - if I cared for it, I would had voted Republican. Fake gods and a fake president.

Yea the jews are behind ISIS. We already knew this you putz

So... effectively zero compared to modern Islam then.

So a group that hates Jews is funded by Jews? Weird that ISIS is getting closer and closer to Israel everyday without stop...

Just more Republican woo like Pizzagate, huh?

Drink poison, OP.

Ooooooohhhh noooooooe, a decent, liberal human being intruded on his con-servative and Republican't safe space, ooooohhhhhh noooooooooooooooeeee

i blame every one. i blame the teachers i blame the parents i blame the parents of the teachers. i blame you OP . its all your fault you fucking big lipped nigger. i blame the doctors for not telling your parents you would be a tard and not trying to get your mom to abort you. i blame the cops for not pulling a pit maneuver on you while on the interstate just because they selfishly didnt want to die


Neck yourself, faggot.

Uhhhh sweetie-boo? I'm not the one denying the existence of Christian terrorism, honey, OK?

>let's just compare wars from 500 years ago with a bombed ariana grande concert and pretend it's relevant!

The only terrorism that Westboro was ever involved in was being bombed by fag enablers.

Pick one and only one, if you're gonna argue religion at least make sure you'er not mistaking two for one you complete fucking moron

Why anyone should care about opinion of retards like you, op?

More reason to hate Russians. If it weren't for the goddamned orange racist piece of shit we had as an illegal president, President (Hillary) Clinton would have sanctioned you sacks of dirt back to the 1910s. Maybe then you'll let history teach you about human rights.

God these victimizing faggots.
The church killed 150k over two centuries, while shit like communism killed 100 million in 3 decades.

God, I fucking hate these memes.

They really show how retarded liberals are, and I get enough daily reminders already.

I am very glad shill-gooks are terrible and making memes, you should quit shilling and go back to farming virtual coins in mmo's

I really hope that everyone realizes that OP is joking. Sometimes I wonder.

Pick one and only one, heretic.
>"moderate" Islam
Pick both, every time.

WBC is a lawsuit, money making scam. This is well known. They line up and provoke people who are already grieving and emotional, and when they get assaulted they sue. It's happened 100s of times.

Controlled opposition.

>Maybe then you'll let history teach you about human rights.
You are getting taught by history about something, right about now, exactly because Trump is the president. When will you start to learn?

Christianity is the white man's true religion.

Pinky lewd time?

That sounds like terrorism and evil to me.

See the similarities now?

Not only that, but the WBC is neither Catholic, nor are they Republicans.

Just look up the Rev. Fred Phelps pictures with Al Gore at fundraisers and any retard can find out that the WBC is actually a leftist organization to the core.

Just like a nail bomb ripping through the crowded market, right? Blue helmet douche.

Sup Forumsak larping with an obvious larp-meme and all the newfags gather around like moths.

A nail bomb set on a market is terrorism. Terrorizing grieving families and threatening to send people to hell is also terrorism.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Which explains why we offer viable and equal-opportunity policies while Republican'ts are stuck fixing their ego, right pumpkin?

Strange that in all these years, there hasn't been a single attack.

But ohhhh nooo goyim!!!! They're getting closer everyday. Be sure to send more billions next time in aid money. hehehe

Put fish in you mouth.

Except that one is free speech and the other is murder. I don't support Westboro Baptist, but those are very different things.