He said:
"We will enter Rojava and destroy YPG"
"Also we will cooperate with Russia in this operation hopefully."
"We can order airstrike in US bases in Syria since they are in YPG controlled areas. And we could kill American soldiers in Rojava Operation if they continute to collabrate with YPG. we don't care if they are NATO member or anything. They will get shot if we see them"
"Also Europeans may not go outside beacuse of bombs if they continute persecute Turkish ministers. Just saying"
HOLY SHIT ABSOLUTE MADMAN.FUCKING BASED. I can't wait to see full HD photos dead american soldiers.
Source(only Turkish for now):www.haber7.com/dis-politika/haber/2386037-erdogandan-abd-genelkurmay-baskanina-cevap-savas-rojava-ypg-yarrak-zenci-yarragi
HOLY SHIT HAPPENING Erdoğan: We can declare war on USA if they don't behave well
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice sources roach
please declare war, please please please
Turkey can conquer europe and america in one week.
>"Also we will cooperate with Russia in this operation hopefully."
please try it please please please
currently wishing a nigga would
Yeah, definitely, go and do that. Can't lose.
if you weren't underage subhuman with an IQ of 30 who only follow third grade whores in youtube you would know that we are allies with Russia now and recently we buy S-400 from them. America will fall. It's time for Russia,Turkey and China to be world superpowers.
l o l
you roaches might be able to survive nukes but not an invasion when we stomp all of you out
Fuck off its only about S400
Fuck off, baiter. Implying we don't know how to auto-translate. There's nothing about it.
Haha never change man
This, please please please
>when we stomp all of you ou-
milleti yemliyorum amk gerizekalısı :DD
lol calm down roach. Doesnt change the fact that the trust has been damaged incredibly.
>Russia,Turkey and China
You fucks cant even outrun the pajeets economically and Russia supports them more over your muzzie ass.
But user, the problem is that cockroaches can withstand nukes.
>T*rkroaches get b& from NATO
>then get b& IRL
Can't wait for roachland to become a nuclear wasteland.
bring it roach
>Lose against Rice farmers
>Lose against taliban
>Lose against Iraqis
>"h-hey w-we would stomp u kid"
Shut up rapebaby, Your Superiors talking here.
>turkey winning a war against the US and NATO forces
Im eagerly awaiting the time I can step foot on your country's soil
Roach you are ridiculous...
You will conquer germany but not by military.
I really hope Erdogan does this, but roaches can survive nukes, you may have to use many conventional weapons.
*The US
You should probably stop believing your state-controlled propaganda.
>paris peace accords ended the vietnam war with the US having completed their goal in full, then we left
>created the muj to remove commie in afghanistan, then removed mudslime + civilians
>won iraq 1 and 2
Nobody has cared about Turkey since the Ottoman empire
>angry roach noises
Is erdogan insane? Does he understand what is a military alliance?
Serious question.
>The EU actually had to bribe this man to reduce the refugee flow.
feels bad man
I think all the world leaders read Art of the Deal and are trying it out
>Withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011
>Stronger Iranian influence in Iraq[11][12][13]
>w-we won
ax wh*Te dog.
~10 years ago I played a game that Turkish kids loved, called silk road online. I will tell you, turks are arrogant assholes. They hate americans. They all act immature. They all think they are kings, really, they love saying they are kings. They ARE roaches!
>stomp all of you out.
Do it pussy, fuck our shit up.
Wow, humans die when shot with a large caliber rifle. I never knew. Surely, American snipers have never killed a raghead in such a fashion. You sure got me, Mehmet.
You are absolutely right. Please do it. I'm fucking begging you man.
>implying the US has to be in iraq still
USA wins again
Please do it roach. Really, you guys are too dumb and arrogant to even make decisions for yourselves, so let us do it for you.
Try it.
"According to the Congressional Research Service, there are roughly twice as many guns per capita in the United States as there were in 1968: more than 300 million guns in all."
These are REGISTERED firearms. Not including military and non-registered (illegal) firearms. Bring it.
Remove kebab
So we're going to reconquer Constantinople and give it back to the Greeks huh?
Just do it already.
>we are allies with Russia now
>next day, re-allied with USA
turkroaches are backstabbing non-trustworthy parasites
Do it faggot
If the US wanted they could pretty much win any war they've started since WW2. They have the capability of turning entire countries into molten glass, but doing this is just overkill and is going to piss off many people.
It's kind of like using a bazooka to kill an ant. Even if you can you probably shouldn't.
Vietnam was lost at home, not on the field. The Taliban no longer controls Afghanistan. Saddam Hussein and his sons are dead, the Iraqi state is split between Shiites, ISIS, and Kurds. Only the NVA can claim any kind of victory, over South Vietnam.
Time to remove kebab again. Too bad roaches can survive nuclear war
They can only declare war while Trump is in power. He'll roll over and suck turk and Russian dick so his piss tape isn't released. After he's impeached though things will be different.
When was the last time Turkey/Ottomans won a war? in the 1700's ? kek
the baltic countries could easily destroy turker,no problem. maybe they will need help from austria, but thats it
I can't wait to nuke you fucking cucks.
Turkey is a non factor. Its a sandnigger shithole. You are nobody.
You think youre hot shit doncha
Right, like a couple s-400s will make you superior in any way.
Actions speak louder than words.
it would be nice if turkey was completely wiped out
Can u invade Canada too?
>like using a bazooka to kill an ant
and now we're sending a hornets nest after the operator
bu tür yem tiradlarını çok seviyorum :DDDDDDDDD
Fun and strange fact/coincidence. Turks was the first immigrants that was called BLATTE in Sweden ever since they started appearing in Europe.
Blatte comes from the latin word for cockroach.
Blatta Blattaria
The Swedish people were the first to identify the turks as cockroaches.
lmao good one
Please do that, it's time to get back Constantinople, and perhaps do a small genocide.
And you faggots ever doubted that Trump would re-take Byzantium
all these fucking roaches have double nationalities in europe. This means they will all be send to certain death
Is there a reason why Turkish girls in Europe are so easy?
Is it like that in Roachland?
lol germanistan is a proxy k*rd-lobby in middle east conflict. you have no direct power over here. you also are not allowed in İncirlik base :-DD
>implying roaches can take over the world in one day
>no nukes
I know this is probably fake news, and even if it weren't, it is after all your typical roach posturing, but to think that it's not only possible, but even believable that a key NATO member would pull rhetoric like that on their daddy. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to realize that US cares more about who hacked their breakfast and how they can't repeal a law that's actually working than they care about the roaches which have been their undissenting ally since god knows how long and whose only role in this world is basically to be a fence in the way of Russian expansion by sitting on the straits and in the process insulting the orthodox church by their mere existence. USA will probably no longer be relevant in a couple generations, but god do I hope that before they drown themselves in their own degeneracy they actually take time to nuke the turks.
those girls are called kezbans, they are basically sluts that crave western cock. only cucks here take them as wives. they are the future passive-agressive 35 year old feminist cat ladies.
[Roaching intensifies]
The Kurds must be destroyed but that land belongs to Assad.
We have more power than you think. Its good that turkey is chimping out it will make things easier. Alienate USA please. Sadly nobody gives a shot about turkey so this will barely make a splash on the west. Remove sandniggers from EU now and take your shit back you subhuman.
I wish a nigga would.
submit'e basarken "herhalde bu kadar boktan yemi yemezler" demiştim ama gene haksız çıktım :DDD
Please, try
moar sources please. Not only does no one read your hideous Steppe-grunt, but your news sources are shit-tier absurdities. SANA more credible...
>Ne mütlü ROACH diyene
There's lots of money to be made from war. Explains why we didn't wipe out Taliban in less than a year.
You're right. You'd definitely kick our asses. I really hope you don't attack American soldiers and provoke a war we'd lose with you.
Turkey doesn't have any oil by any chance does it?
We defeated entire eurosubhuman army back then and conquered 1/3 of Europe. What makes you think that we can't do it again, wh*Te subhumans?
Would pay money to see.
Strange, I'd say about 60% were great looking. And most were working on their PhD's.
Where is it now? Gone!
Good. When will roachland get nuked?