No memes, 100% serious

No memes, 100% serious.

Are we ever going to witness the rise of the single earner family again?

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Nigga have you stepped outside? There's a better chance of me having a 3 way with Janet Jackson and Fergi than this happening.

Most definitly. There can be no doubt about it. And i hope that you, OP, will join me in providing enough for our women to sustain such a lifestyle.

We are too far gone user. We would forcefully have to put women under subservience.would be fun to do honestly

Stay at home moms are usually just spoilt, suburban, pill popping, daytime TV watching, liberal voting, blog running cunts. I don't give a fuck if you have a pussy or not once that kid leaves for school your ass better get back to work I'm not running a fucking slut charity over here

In all serious
No memes attached
Its probably never going to happen again. Or not in our life time

Well, i see it diffently. My wife works her butt off, raising our kids. There is a lot of stuff to do, when you have a large family. I would much rather have her raising my children, imprinting them with love and confidence, instead of having some stranger impose their mongrel ideas upon them, corrupting their character.

that's what we all want, But its A LOT harder to reach that now than it was say 50-60 years ago

I doubt it will ever be normalized to the extent it was in the past but it is definitely still possible today with some effort. What you can do is try to achieve it, and make sure your friends and those around you know you've achieved it. Pride yourself on it, and make sure that you explain that you have this system in place not purely for luxury reasons or to pamper your wife, but for the traditional, reactionary reasons that have justified the male and female gender roles for generations.

Only if Islam wins.

Well, that just isn't true!
The buying-power-index (idk what its called in english), has doubled for americans, since the 60s.

You have to be willing to economize. It is possible to live comfortably, on one decent salary, if you know how to not waste your money.

dude dont ever talk to my wife or her son ever again

Well put.

No until society totally collapses first.

Almost impossible to afford anything on a single-income so no


I don't think we'll stop at single earner families

I think before it's all done the world will settle back into large families with retainers and servants, too.


After a global fascist uprising yes. It will make a comeback when Imperialism rises, and the removal of undesirables begins.

I can't speak for the situation in america, but my family could definitly do it on my current salary.

Demand a protectionist economy with tariffs that prevent cheap manufactures made with slave labor from flooding into the market and you can have your single earner family tomorrow


Keep dreaming, dude. That will never happen.
That is like the commies waiting for the revolution...

Depends on where you live.

I make a highish salary and it's enough for my wife to stay home with the kid while having all our ends met, but that's because I live in Mississippi where the cost of living is supremely low.
If I lived in jew york I doubt I'd be able to get away with it.

Yes but now we earn only for ourselves.

Is there even a difference between a libertarian and a minarchist?

Mormons in Utah? Who knows man

>I fucked 60 guys in two semester
Assuming it's real, It is pretty fucking disgusting. Stick you wiener in there once and i bet you'll get some unknown mutated and untreatable std. Makes me want to vomit.

No it's done sadly, I've been called crazy and savage because I've said women should stay home and take care of kids.

Well you are doing it wrong then.
Women don't want to be forced to do anything. You have to persuade them, that being a mother and a homemaker is an important job, which by any measure it is.

A degree of autism.

We will gas you too fucking kike. You and your hooknose banks are going to burn. People are no longer believing the jewish lies you peddle.

>I carry myself highly

Yeah... about that...

Fuck you, you moron. I am the most aryan superhuman you have ever had the fucking priviledge of speaking with.
I am doing more for the 14 words, that you ever have.

I wish. Id love to be a kept man.

She don't fuck around
except for like 60 times once
but not anymore

Libertarians are statists that like weed, minarchists think the government should be there to provide for national defense and the courts and that's about it.

Why not? Nigger households are doing it with zero earner fambulees.

>3 way with Janet Jackson and Fergi

>Fucked 60 guys


Yeah, after the virus wipes out 60% of the population.

my wife is lazy and never puts out. I was an idiot and got her pregnant right away (on purpose) because I believed the 2012 mayan apocalypse.

On the other hand, my 3 kids are great.

She's definitely getting her ass back to work that unappreciative moron doesnt deserve how hard I work so she can sit around and be a fatass, then yell at me because her dad beat her mom regularly and she hates men.

>doesn't believe in the cause
>says he is superior
You are fucking kike deserving of a firing squad.

muh empowered vagina

Fun meme, but unfortunately, no. The cost of living is rising every year and there's no way for most families to enjoy the luxury. I have a few girlfriends that married pretty affluent guys and they still work because they feel like they "have to." So, two things would need to happen: 1) cost of living goes down and 2) some sort of societal regression where women are somehow tricked into going back into the kitchen.

>I don't fuck around

Damn straight

hilarious that we have essentially gone backwards in time and everyone cheers it on as progress. Bring this up to normies and they puff up the most "out there"/weakest arguments with the strongest faith you will ever see, and it's incredibly easy to break, but unlike most truths they will swallow it.

I am sorry to hear that, man.
It really is none of my business, but it sounds to me, like your marriage needs to be strengthened. There are ways to do that.

any advice? I've resigned to be a monk about it all (but I yell back when the kids aren't around, and sometimes when they are, unfortunately)

Women are already expected to find work, When women entered the work force, they dropped the value of all jobs by half. As the value of the dollar dropped average income did not rise because the value of labor has been dramatically lowered.
We will never see any average joe jobs that allow for a stay at home spouse again
tl;dr the jews and their lies

Why have it come to this? Have you ever liked each other? Sorry to sound like a wuss, but i just have to know.

Probably not, and you can thank the rise of automated home appliances for that. It used to be that women would spend all day taking care of the home. Now they effectively have Rosie the Robot to do it for them, so if they stay home all day with no kids and without anything to do they become this:

How many kids do you have? I'm working hard now to make that a reality for when I start a family down the line

>I'm not running a fucking slut charity over here

No. That's just American women in general.

Stay together for the kids. For now.

There's only 1 way

Well that is just downright wrong.
When women entered the workforce, it liberated a huge amount of unused resources in the form a labour. But it is not like there is a limited need for labour. Since the women joined the workforce, we have simply invented new things to do.
The average worker today earns much more, than he did in the 60s

Only if women stop going to college. They take on enormous debt and pay off almost none of it by the time they're approaching the wall of age 30 and scrambling to find a man to marry their fucking finances. Higher education is one of the worst scams in the West.

I have 3 kids, the 4th on the way. I have always wanted a large family. My wife says that this will be our last, but i could probably go for no. 5 aswell.

hide your assets

she's been married before... somewhat of a slut (she was pulling her pants down the first night I met her and offered her a ride home)....

Honestly I am OK with her but she doesn't approach me with any grace about minor issues she has, and waits for me to make a mistake then correct me in an aggressive tone.

I never really got a chance to bond with her....but I still respect her like anyone else. She used to drink a lot and has tons of friends, but mostly superficial.

She's also not very bright unfortunately, so she doesn't feel like she needs to change.

We saw a marriage counselor weekly for 6 months and I learned about coping with a bitch, but every time we went she acted all bubbly and like "everything is great"... sad!

What this dude says, is right.. However i think you can rebuild the relationship. But is has got to take work.

I wonder what she really thinks about that number... Is it normal to her?

I wonder (((who))) could have implanted that notion.

>men forced to work a job
>women forced to stay in the home
>single couple is able to do everything

Women's 'liberation' happens.

>men forced to work a job
>women forced to work a job
>single couple dependent on the state to raise their children

gg feminism, you really gave woman a 'choice' didn't ya

I guess men were CHOOSING to work themselves to death for all those centuries right?

Technology and daycare/public schooling killed the role of the traditional housewife. Most tasks can be done in a fraction of the time and effort. Unless she's gonna homeschool you kids and don't have money to spend on a dishwasher and other shit she may as well get a job and pour more money into the household.

How to handle a woman who is disrespectful and barks / hen-pecks me about everything?

mock or ignore

You don't.

Ahhhh, a challenge men have faced since the dawn of time...

Bullshit. Wages have stagnated and all we have now is tv with 1090 channels

That depends on the index and what sort of goods they're talking about. Food has gotten cheaper if you go for the lower quality stuff out there. A lot of goods have gotten cheaper if you go for made in China, sold at Wal-Mart. Our average wages compared to cost of living has gone way down, and there's that especially nasty effect since the great recession when a whole lot of pensions went away. Gen X will be the first generation in the US to see a true decrease in average pay, not just a slacking of the percentile growth.

>She's definitely getting her ass back to work that unappreciative moron doesnt deserve how hard I work so she can sit around and be a fatass, then yell at me because her dad beat her mom regularly and she hates men.

damn. People like to be tradlarpers on here but I honestly want my wife to work; a well ran household does not require someone to be there 24/7. Plus women aren't creative enough to cook

we can have any kind of world we want - it just takes a bit of effort

when you stat being a traditional man and not a woman hating faggot

Okay... It can get like that with my wife from time to time. Probably not as bad, but i feel like i can relate.

What you do is, you become assertive. If she says something to you, you take as an insult, ask her directly, but in a nice way. "Honey, the way i understand what you are saying, you are trying to insult me. And i don't understand, if, or why you tried to insult me." Disarm her every argument by insisting on a constructive dialogue. It is damn fucking difficult! Especially when you get mad! But over the years, my wife and I have trained our communication, and the number of arguments just decrease year after year. We get better and better by insisting on improving our relationship, through communication.

my dad died before I was born so I never had an example to follow (mom was always single). I guess I should just accept my wife, but she's honestly really tough - tougher than any other woman I've dated (about 5 serious gfs before getting married)

Instant sign that you're dealing with a stuck-up whore.

good advice. I'll try to keep my cool

People don't like traditional men. They are too "square and strait edge" for today.
If you preach conservative values you will be put in a room. Act like a degenerate and you get popular.
It's just how things are now.

I ain't even memeing

neo feudalism is the ultimate future

Your English is good, but your commas are giving me a headache

bc muh sex junk (is so oh oh oh)

don't engage, don't acknowledge her shit-flinging, be like an unmovable stone wall. Treat her like you'd treat a child throwing a tantrum, deprive her of the attention she craves

You need to take control. Now, taking control is not you becoming more of a chad, scolding and screaming more.

Taking control means two things: You need to be able to handle what she says to you as a man would. If she is being unfair, tell her directly, but in a friendly non-combattant way that she is being unfair. Be assertive, and understand that conflicts are almost never a good thing i a relationship. That doesn't mean you should change anything or be affraid of a conflict. That is possibly, the worst you can do. But realize that you can make changes in the relationship, without the need of escalation.

The second way, is recognizing that sometimes she is right. If so. honestly apologize, and then actually make a change. Be better!

I am sorry! In danish we use a fuckton of commas.

>Are we ever going to witness the rise of the single earner family again?
Only with basic income.

Absolutely wrong. Being an mature adult male will give you an attraction no person, man or woman, can really deny. You need to find your inner man. I would advise you reading King Warrior, Magician, Lover.

It is a difficult read, but i personally got a lot out of it. You can skip the parts about mythology, and go to thepsychology parts. Then the book is less than 100 pages.

I actually have a PDF file of it, if anyone is interested.

fucking based

>traditional values
>modern capitalism

pick one

If she hen pecks you in private, shes a normal wife, mate.

If she does it in public, you need to take her aside and have a sit-down-and-look-at-my-fucking-face-because-i-will-NOT-say-this-again talk about it. She has to know it won't end well for either of you if she keeps it up. it's not right to nitpick your partner in front of others.

The most idiotic post, in this entire thread. Who do you think will pay for that basic income? Yourself, you inbred mongoloid. It is like giving a blood transfusion from your left arm to your right, while spilling 10% of the blood on floor in the process.

There's no way anyone with even a modicum of power would remove the enormous boost to the economy that women workers provided. We've come to rely on it to the point that reversing it has the potential to bankrupt the West.

Millienals aren't really having kids, and without kids your wife will just essentially get bored and have a job more as a something to do.

Should be called 7 good reasons to make white babies.

>that cheeky "socialism kills"

every time

it's always in private... I guess it's normal, weird

I'd just like to simply add that I'm now at an age when women begin to have kids on purpose for a change. Every women I know who did things the "traditional" way of going to school, starting a career, getting married, AND THEN getting pregnant all want to be full time moms. Every last one wants to put whatever career or professional life on hold to be professional mother and wife.

Be better... got it, thanks for the advice pal
