I want to be Christian but can't bring myself to believe in all of it. Is there no greater suffering than this??
I want to be Christian but can't bring myself to believe in all of it. Is there no greater suffering than this??
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believing in God the creator doesnt require you to believe all the other bullshit other humans try to sell you.
You don't have to believe the dogma.
Just be good to the each other.
Well it's good you know what you want...
What's holding you back?
What parts of the bible may i believe and what parts may i not believe?
Just believe in the god IN the scripture, not necessarily the god OF the scripture. Whether he is real or not is irrelevant, what the book outline; the stories, the morals, the objectivism, it all has meaning on this earth regardless of whether or not it actually happened user. If Plato made up Socrates, would that mean all of Socrates's stories would suddenly have no bearing on the world or not have any meaning? Of course not. Socrates, real or not, outlines excellent ways to reason through situations on earth. The Bible, real or not, outlines an excellent way to live your life, though a sort of passivism, through mutual benevolence, through individualism and through the family.
Im not a Christain user, but every once in a while I'll go to Church just to be there. Just to feel the energy, just to feel the community. Im like you, I've been redditized and just cant believe in the God the book talks about. But I can believe in the moral and just god OF the scripture, the God thats between the lines.
Belief is supposed to be the greatest challenge.
You are normal.
If you accept your faith, then belief will strengthen you.
STOICISM is your answer
We all suffer it.
Just play the part and focus your energy on other things.
>Just play the part
What a horrible thing to say.,
>What's holding you back?
Not OP, but I'm an atheist who wishes christianity was real.....but if you have ever read the bible or briefly studied the history of the canonization of the bible, you honestly have to be braindead fucking retarded to believe the garbage
Truth Contest Read the present with religion, go search now
>Belief is supposed to be the greatest challenge.
For fucks sake, religious people are fucking stupid.
By definition, it is not possible to choose your beliefs. You can say to yourself 1+1=3 all day long and swear you truly believe it, but everyone knows you are blowing smoke up your ass unless you are literally retarded
and that's why stoicism is your answer. science isn't in conflict with it and it's end goal is what's best for humanity in nature
If anything in life is easy, it is usually the wrong choice.
Great things come with suffrage
Please do not take fideist cancer to be representative of religious people.
Thank you anons. I understand the importance of all the guidance it offers and all of the moral teachings and stories. It's just from the constant Waring the media/politics/internet has done on christian beliefs I find it very hard to take such a ....blind leap of faith. I wouldn't make a very good Christian anyways seeing as I despise most of my fellow man. Yet I always find myself defending it against anyones criticisms.
It's not the act of heaven or paradise but just being created for a purpose. Not that I am afraid of nothingness after death but the simple fact of "whats the point" like if I build a large sand castle its only going to be washed away. Besides that, there being no justice for the poor and innocent harmed by scum etc.
he wasn't talking about the bible though
I heard once faith follows action. Take from that what you will.
religions are allowed to evolve you fucking idiot
I go to church and I don't in a physical god. To god is an abstraction of moral absolutes that ought to be followed. For me church scratches my tribal itch by connecting me with a community of like minded individuals. I don't even talk about the metaphysics of god with my church friends, we just talk about what would be considered unpopular political viewpoints and critisms of certain intolerant cultures.
t. Orthodox Christian
Christianity is a kike religion, all
Bibles qurans and talmuds should be burned.
Here is the link that kinda got me back to believing, at least in terms of religion being metaphysically and metaphorically relevant. youtu.be
If it did not start at 2h:1m 58s you can always fast forward it to that point, although the entire podcast is very interesting.
Also forgot to mention that his Maps of meaning lectures as well as his lectures on the Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories are overall pretty interesting. I strongly recommend checking those out if you got the time, anyways that's all the shilling I got for this man.
Then you've not investigated enough. Don't stat with "Is Christianity true?" Start with "Is what we call God possible?" Look into Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Frank Turek..
This is coming from an Orthodox Christian.
If it's not the scripture that's bothering you, but the authorities behind canonization, it would probably be best to look at each individual book and evaluating it's likelihood.
You should ask yourself:
>Does this book conflict/contradict anything?
>What are the chances of the events carried out in this book true
>Could the events in this book happened if X did/did not happen
>Could any given detail in this book be inaccurate or require a different time in history
>Is this book literal or metaphorical? Is it straight-forward or poetically written. What is the purpose of the book?
Of course, I would encourage looking at the un-canonized books in this process.
This is an annoyingly difficult task, but it might be the only thing that brings you an answer.
God bless.
consider yourself culturally christian,im atheist but i push the churches teachings
after the bill nye episdoe.............i want no part of a godless world
>no greater suffering than this??
* rolls eyes *
Read "An Ascension Handbook" by Tony Stubbs.
Also, The Book of Enoch.
It was removed from the Bible because it was too revealing of what actually happened.
Wow now I believe in sky people and fat babies with wings
If you like the people just fake it. Most of them are. Shit's not real anyway. Doesn't take away anything
OP look into the Jeffersonian Bible.
I could believe in a creator, an intelligent designer but why must you pray to him?
Why should you believe a book written millenia ago is the truth and why do you even need a god?
Just follow your morals and do what is best for yourself, your family and mankind and don't be a cunt to people.
The bible is good at teaching that I guess but why do you even need to be christian?
The arrogance of man is the belief that his understanding of the universe is all-knowing.
To simply take a worm, a worm will never have any concept of sight, it is something beyond it will never comprehend because it is something beyond its ability to understand.
There very well could be realms of existence so far our ability to decipher that we can not even begin to understand it because we are limited. Take comfort in that I suppose.
Until we make something to extend our senses. I'm with you on this in a lot of ways, but we continually create machines that do what we cannot to help us comprehend the nature of reality. Assuming we don't do something stupid we will continue to do so. We may even extend our reach outside of "reality". I wonder if God would be greet us then, or if he wants us to be able to comprehend his mystery and he is waiting for us to do so.
What do you struggle with believing OP?
Catholic here. First, don't neglect prayer. ASK God for the gift of faith.
Next, I suggest you try reading" More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell.
It has sold many copies, so I don't think it should be difficult or expensive to get a copy. The book is unfortunately it's written in a somewhat golly-gee-whiz style that seems aimed at American teenagers circa the 1970s.
THAT SAID, there is a lot of VERY good information in the book. In brief, it lays out the evidentiary case for the Resurrection, which is *surprisingly* strong. This argument is one of the things that persuaded me to revive my Catholic faith after basically losing it in my late teens and early 20s.
It's a short book, a quick read, and persuasive. Please give it a try.
Note: The book aims at presenting the evidence for *the Resurrection*, not God, per se. But if you're persuaded that the Resurrection is true, it's likely (although perhaps not logically necessary) that faith in God will follow.
I would also recommend two other books:
1) Was Jesus Who He Said He Was? by Michael Green. Similar to More Than a Carpenter, but aimed at a more sophisticated reader. I highly recommend this, if you can find a copy.
2) Spiritual Journeys edited by Robert Baram. This is a superb collection of conversion stories by persons from every conceivable walk of life, from academics (including one who actually *was* converted by reading Aquinas) to house wives to punk rockers. I've read a lot of collections of conversion stories, and this one is particularly good.
We have in a way created machines to extend our senses and see things like cosmic background radiation and gravitational waves
Does such a church exist that is both anti Israel and Islam immigration?
Well if you're not mentally retarded it's pretty hard for you to believe
yes but that is nothing like leaving the universe or being able to meet God face to face
sick burn bro
You're thinking in a 3 dimensional mindset
>wants to be in a religion he doesn't believe in
Please make your picture a reality, OP.
You are an epic level of pathetic.
Thank you very much user.
Steven Anderson's Faithful Word Baptist Church
You're welcome!
>book of rules and stories written by numerous jews
why would any intelligent sane person believe this
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
Don't fall for the bluepill you idiot. Look at you. You're clearly intelligent. Look at the people trying to convince you. Don't be retarded.
at 2:01:58 is where he gets into religion, from that point on I started to believe in Christianity as a basis for our western values.
I could of sworn I posted twice in this thread. Odd that I can't find this link in here
Bruh just watch the Jordan Peterson biblical series vids.
There's no other requirements to being christian besides accepting Jesus Christ
Don't know if OP is still here, but I hope the pic helps.
Do you have any specific claims or arguments, or are you just being a fedora fag?
The cannon was decided fairy early on with little controversy.
You don't seem to understand the argument. Believing something difficult is not the same as believing something impossible.
>It was removed from the Bible because it was too revealing of what actually happened.
[Citation Needed]
It was never in the cannon because it don't meet the criteria for inclusion.
Atheists are the most bluepilled of all.
Be a cultural christian. Remember, jews killed christ. Also, there is no such thing as being gay acceptant if you are a christian. Any church that says it's ok is preaching baal worship.