Gen Z is Western civilization's last hope
Gen Z is Western civilization's last hope
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Gen Z are still in school.
The only reason to talk about gen z is if you actually wanted to say
>some if these millennial boys are pretty red pilled? Pity the millennial girls act identically to gen x.. how do we rectify this
>I know "gen z"
>and well just stretch the definition!
t. Gen Z in his late 20s, I'm too red pilled to be considered a millennial by the lame stream media.
is this Trump Youth forming?
>Late twenties
Pick one millennial
80% of that crowd is Mormon. The American Taliban.
Real Americans
>west va
dip shit 16 year olds on pol think this is a sign of something
Gen Z is conservative because it's almost entirely composed of mudslime.
If you look at the difference in fertility rates between white liberals and white conservatives for the past few decades and take into account that political orientation is largely heritable Gen. Z makes a lot of sense.
As long as there's such a large fertility gap Whites will be genetically more conservative with each new generation.
Obongo is going to learn the hard way his adulation and praise was artificial.
Still need to get that figure to 2.1 or higher
>late 20s
>Not millennial
m8 I am in my mid 20s and not even I can escape the cursed mark of the millennials. Just accept that we are part of the most hated generation in human history and wait for time to forget us.
Boy scouts have always been fucked in the head. Trump appeals to that. I dont even believe your gen memes and nobody knows what gen they are anymore. Theres only boomers like you and nobody else
>Fifty-six percent of 13-to-20-year-olds said that they knew someone who went by gender neutral pronouns such as “they,” “them,” or “ze,” compared to 43 percent of people aged 28 to 34 years old. Over a third of Gen Z respondents also strongly agreed that gender did not define a person as much as it used to. This figure dropped to 23 percent among millennials who were 28 and up.
>Those belonging to Generation Z also rejected the gender binary while shopping—only 44 percent said they always bought clothes designed for their own gender, versus 54 percent of millennials. But they also felt strongly that public spaces should provide access to gender neutral bathrooms, with 70 percent of Gen Zs coming out in support of the move compared to 57 percent of 21–34-year-olds
Based Gen Z.
That's the Republican White average not Conservative White. Conservative White average is higher and above replacement levels.
video pL0x
>daily reminder, that this wouldnt be necessary, if america wouldnt have bowed down to the jews
>late 20s
>gen Z
>gay flag
How's commiefornia
tfw someone says traps are gay
I'm making a joke.
Gen Z are 12 years old. No one can say anything about them. If you weren't born after 9/11, sorry you're not a gen z. You don't remember how the world changed, you do not live in fear that the office feminist will make a false sexual harassment claims at you purely due to resentment.
All along, millennial men are the saviours. We use the internet for learning sometimes, growing up like this has given us about 20iq points extra.
That being said, the media is very good at avoiding talking about us. Exactly how does it fit the narrative that the men who work out (are you an untermensch?), study without the threat of bad marks and frequent the political places are all white, young, and so very attractive.
It doesn't. They want to pretend we don't exist, let's remind them all otherwise and rise to greatness.
National Jambo is attended by troops from all over the country and a few international troops, leaf.
>Gen Z in his late 20s
That's... no. You're Gen Y/Millennial.
good post user to counter all this muh white genocide, who fucking cares if white shitlibs are going the way of the dodo fuck em to hell
None of the generational labeled from the last decade have made any sense.
The term 'millenial' started becoming popular 5ish years ago to describe annoying tweenager culture which made sense because people born in 2000 were 12yo at the time but now people are trying to define "millenials" as being in their late 20s or even early 30s??
40s and 50s babies
>baby boomers
60s and 70s babies
>Gen X
80s and 90s babies
'00 and '10 babies
>also millenials? also gen z?
The scheme doesn't making any sense. 80s/90s babies were branded as 'gen Y' for a while already and now well into adulthoods rebranded again as 'millenials'
Gen Z isnt your last hope e, they are pot smokers and fidget spinner lovers they just hate SJW's they are not your hope they are degenerate as fuck dumb asses you people have no idea what you are talking about
Utah and Idaho are the only states with white birth replacement rates.
Its if you remember 9/11 not born after it
Yeah...we're fucked. Had a good run folks. It's over.
I know, buddy. Looking into it and seeing it's basically white liberals taking themselves out of the genepool and White conservatives have above replacement fertility rates (while learning political orientation is mostly heritable) is a massive White pill to give to people when they're feeling blackpilled.
>Millenials are the saviours
This is such a broad test. I have to know where they find these kids to study. California is not the entire US.
>mormons in west virginia
Boy Scouts is for trannys now tho
Kind of like generalising a whole generation from a boy scout jamboree
german state at it again....
Social media is ruining the minds of youth right now. I'm 97' and remember how life was before the iPhone and twitter to a good degree. I wouldn't say my generation is the savior but we are definitely better than millennials.
this to an extent 2bh pham
a lot of youngsters didn't come to oppose cultural marxism honestly, they are just online for a billion hours and see all the eBin anti-ESS Jay DoubleYou videos and laugh like sheep because it's a cool thing to laugh at right now. They didn't get the chance to grow up and experience Progressive nonsense and form a genuine opposition to it. It's almost enitrely theoretical to some people. They don't like the videos because it resonates with their experience. they like them because of all the EPIC MEMES xD
whereas folks who grew up in the 90s and 00s got to see progressive smugness at its absolute worst.
Jesus Christ newfags never cease to embarrass themselves
>growing up like this has given us about 20iq points extra.
The media is so stupid.
>"Unfiltered Internet survey by a brand strategy firm finds Gen Z believes in saving their money and avoiding drug use; therefore they will usher in a new era of nationalism!"
Two things:
>Oft-cited study is bullshit
>Guess who the very first Gen Zers to reach voting age overwhelmingly supported last year? Pic related
The Gen Z hope among fascists is stupid baseless bull shit just like everything else they believe. Gen Z is saving their money because capitalism is failing - and they know it.
Kind of like comparing a shot survey woth a random article about a boyscout jamboree
Why didn't you archive?
>washingtonpost com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/17/74-year-old-bernie-sanderss-amazing-dominance-among-young-voters-in-1-chart/?utm_term=.df688004273a
National Bolshevik right on mark
They only pretend to be. They must be sick of leftists using social media to bully them into changing their beliefs.
My niece will be 17 next month and she's Gen Z, you my friend are a Millennial and a 90s baby which is just a shit cocktail.
No matter how they try to ruin Boy Scouts, I know my fellow Scouts will never accept the conditioning.
I don;t know a single Scout or Scouter who is happy about the gay/trans pushing happening right now. If it becomes mandatory, Boy Scout will break apart into state groups.
We meet again
False 35 states do Ass.
Dude, I don't care about "Gen Z". I'm more interested in the Whites of Gen Z. And since Whites are probably only about 50% of Gen Z the numbers can't be trusted either way unless they control for race.
I dunno but thanks
What you need to realize is that even millennial whites lean slightly right. Whites. The shitskins are 95% liberal and they're a growing share of the population and virtually impossible to outbreed in a healthy manner.
The future of America isn't democratic, and anyone clinging to those hopes should wake up soon.
we will mold them into the generation we need
This. Conservatives will breed conservatives let the libshits die out.
Libs aren't dead yet they still have a child an abortion and a dog.
Then until you have a study specifically of the attitudes of "whites" in Gen Z, and one that isn't a dumb unfiltered online poll like the oft-cited "Gen Z is conservative" junk survey, your claim that white Gen Z'ers will be right wing is an assertion without evidence.
through the aesthetics of Chinese cartoons
>Whites are probably only about 50% of Gen Z
Now it makes sense. Z for: MexicanZ, AfricanZ, KangZ, and so on.
Is it really liberal for Blacks and Hispanics to vote in their ethnic interests and support redistribution from Whites to Non-Whites?
The only "liberals" in the Dem. Party are the whites. So when whites become the minority of the Dem voter base we'll see them become less "liberal".
It's a bot
At college orientation last week, an administrator said that my class, the class of 2021, is the second one classified as "Generation Z" to be entering the school then gave a speech about new beginnings or whatever.
I was born in 1999 and had always considered myself a millenniaI by default because I didn't know Gen Z was a thing. The fact they are extremely conservative becoming mainstream news is what introduced me to the term.
Anyway I checked with my friends who are going elsewhere to see if they were told something similar, and all of them said that they either were or don't remember much at all lol
So maybe this is anecdotal but I think that at least according to nationwide colleges, Gen Z starts at the class of 2020
Your mom is a bot.
Who /eaglescout/ here?
Lifeplebs need not apply
>Gen Z in his late 20s
kek gen z is born jan 1st 2000 and no earlier, faggot.
One problem is the experts disagree on when exactly Gen Z starts. Some say mid-late 90s, some say early 00s, some say mid 00s.
Almost made it, but I was a little shit head who didn't care enough to try harder.
I will always regret that choice.
54% white, the millennial generation is 57% white, Gen X is 60% white, the baby boomers are somewhere between 62.5% - 2/3rds white. And anyone 70+ is 7/10 white. 85+ is about 75% white but that is merely 1% of the population.
Well, I agree. All I can say is that in the White population "neurological liberals" are breeding below replacement rate while "neurological conservatives" are above replacement rate. Over time the White race will become ever more "neurologically conservative" because political orientation is largely heritable.
I'm a bit older than you, born in the mid 90s. just barely a millennial. I didn't even have regular internet access until i was 10, and certainly no smartphone/gadget until i was 17 and wasn't a frequenter of social media until i was 15
I too remember what it was like.
Everything is so artificial now.
Now people will relate real life experiences to the internet meme they saw.
Now things don't "feel real' unless a lot of people are talking about it online.
Now people spend hours of their free time on forums and twitter, not even really enjoying their time, just frequenting the same spaces because of some weird loyalty, and hyper-consumerism.
"Oh look at this celebrity wearing a shirt with another celebrity's face on it while watching Star Wars and eating Nutella"
"Morgan Freeman is my LIFE!!!!!"
Shit like this. I don't feel like most people truly believe or feel this way internally. They just saw other people say this and regurgitate it.
Do people get genuine excitement out of some shitty, uninspired star wars/hip cable drama mashup parody?
I don't know, maybe they do, but it just doesn't resonate with me and I'm suspicious of other people's honest feelings.
the fact that pretty much every college agreed that 2021 was Gen Z made it seem like there's at least SOME sort of consensus
It's already is trump will get 70% of the white vote next time and do about the same with non whites.
America will be experiencing a white baby boom soon if not already it just wont happen in liberal states. Combine that with illegal immigration and you have big demographic problems.
There is still white genocide faggot.
>Modern day Libertarians
We're not saying there isn't an ongoing attempt at it from certain actors. We're just seeing a glimmer of hope with the non-liberal White fertility rates.
35 states are above replacement rate. 6 states have white women still having 2 to 3 kids each but suffer from very high death rates those states are AZ,MS,AL,AK,FL,and WV. The other 9 states are all states with a majority liberal white population like MA,RI,CT,DE,VT,NH,ME,PA,and NJ.
The white population increases by about 250,000 - 300,000 annually but 150,000 - 200,000 white deaths are not replaced every year most of these deaths are concentrated in blue states.
Every eagle I know is right wing. Most are nazis.
t. eagle
I agree with this schvanz.
With the 24/7 media assault on Trump, sometimes it's easy to forget what normal people believe.
Surprised it was the Boy Scouts, though. Thought the Scouts were dead after (((they))) took over the leadership and forced in the pedophiles and transsexuals.
The nine liberal states have large numbers of aging whites if i remember correctly? they contribute directly your demographic problems as they flood in ethnic minorities to replace themselves. Good to see that White America is making a come back.
California also has a white population that is suffering a "natural decrease" or demographic decline.
Almost entirely. Specifically New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Also yes these states are the most densely populated so it hits pretty hard.
LOL white Americans have always been conservative and unlike Europe 41% aren't even 35 yet. 30% of us are younger than 25.
My little brother is there right now. Good to hear they received President Trump well.
The Boy Scout jamboree where this happened is in West Virginia.
At my little brothers middle school graduation in Virginia, where we live, he received an award that was cosigned by President Trump. Some award for achievement. The entire crowd at the graduation started booing. While my brother went up to collect it.
I unironically and unequivocally believe this.
As far as I am concerned, a far right generation can't come soon enough.
Time to put an end to this side into degeneracy.
If a white generation doesn't do it on our terms, Islam will.
Wonder what the left thinks is going to happen?
Either way, shits coming to an end for them.
Also, I think extreme violence is unavoidable either way.
>gen z
There's a lot of gen z who are fucked as hard if not harder than all the previous gens with degeneracy. I see ~13 year olds getting into/out of cars/homes with grown niggers and mudslimes all the time and no one does so much as bats an eye. Degenerate parents.
lol were do you live? I've never seen such things.
Gen Z is going to kill them all.
>lel he still thinks Western civ isn't hopeless
your optimism is showing
Thank you Xbox and PC communities for teaching kids how and when to call feeding-scrubs niggers
What they are seeing is just a small time appropriation of right-wing memes on the internet (mostly youtube) by those impressionable kids.
"conservative gen z" will be a fad like "sjws" were a fad. In 5 years everyone involved with this shit will look back in embarrassment at the shit they used to believe, including these so called "conservative gen zers".
The very heart of the whole beast, where the entire degeneracy shitshow is run out of and where the most of all of the heinous shit rampantly goes on due to complete and total corruption.
Over here in Virginia I've witnessed the same. It's actually been fucking with my head recently after not having it cross my mind for a while. I think my recent spike of activity on Sup Forums brought it on.
Used to hang out with lots of degenerates and one weekend I met a kid who thought he was a crip, small 17 year old dude. Had two grown nigs, me, one of my girl friends, and a lil 14 year old girl who was actually pretty stay over all weekend.
The oldest black dude, probably 28-33, slept downstairs with the 14 year old white girl all weekend. Can't confirm what they were doing as I couldn't be bothered but one can imagine. You can tell the girl didn't give a fuck about anything except dying as fast as possible.
Perhaps but I assume the political field will be more polarizing than ever before.
My God dude that is absolutely degenerate. I hope it's doesn't become all more too common.