What is his problem?
Pic related is him (according to the archive)
Anti-White Turk
wh*Tes are subhumans
Lad looks like a dirty Korean. Can you post a link to the archived thread you found this in?
you look fucking nasty bro
Wasn't Atatürk pretty much a white turk?
That's not me you illiterate niggers my eyes are way more slanted and i have pale skin
and i'm not a fucking alevi
Speak of the devil...
idk what's his problem but he's probably not only one guy.. i've seen some of turk bait threads. i guess all turk posters are trolls.
go back to ching chong land you're not t*Urk you'll never be a roach.. your a fucking worse then a roach chinaman
>pic related it's your dinner
Pretty much, most Turks are just native Anatolians LARPing as steppe nomads anyway.
that's not actually true. they're a mix of churkas and greeks or armenians.
Why am i even associated with an alevi
why would an alevi even have problems with white people, they're like hippie version of muslims lmao
He was pretty much Albanian
Fair enough, the point is they're not the so called Mongols they worship.
Albanians are the only animals that i hate even more wh*Tes.
even more than*
>looks like someone with greater skill than I should get photoshopping...
Turkic to the core my friend
Also Koreans are Turkics so the glorious Nippon
Nah i saw his eye in one thread it was bigger and wider
>literally fingolian
can't make this shit up
Turkic masterrace here.
I don't live here, just on holiday at some relatives' house.
wh*Tes are fucking cancer. Whenever they talk to me they stutter like autistic 5 year olds.
But I have to give credit to their women, though. wh*Te girls are easy as hell to manipulate and provide a good pound before you leave them for another one of the same kind.
ignorant burger
thats just some korean dude he found on facebook
pic related, its him irl
His problem is that he's a slant eyed Gook, a manlet and probably the product of cousin marriage and inbred as fuck.
just a bit of bantz m8, he probably has more steppe blood than you do
i'm a little late to the game but how is it that albanians are so bad? and how did everyone come to this consensus?
They're literally worse than wh*Tes and k*rds combined it's an achievement.
Figuratively the shit heap of Europe. Economically stagnant, culturally backwards and a inbred mix of Slavs and Turks that combine the worst traits of both.
Too bad he's alevi
I want a qt sunni turki :(
I'm Albanian. These fags are just jealous we are the only Europeans who actually originate in Europe. Literally everyone else is an Asian invader. Fuck serbniggers and their propaganda against Albanians and Turks.
They're not albos and turks make the best bant threads no one takes these pasta makers seriously.
Nice bait my friend, i can tell your just some german cuck sucking demir off.
alevi değilim ak47 op'un resmindeki adam kim bilmirem
Aren't Turks a bunch of rape babies anyway?
Sorry, not bait.
Just wanted to share my experience here with my fellow Turkic brothers.
wh*Tes are so fucking easy to score, jungle fever is a real thing in wh*Te countries, I am really fucking impressed how virgins like seriously think that their whiteknighting is going to help them "preserve the wh*Te race"
the same reverence that a jew has for his 'g*d'. kek
Muh Illyrian background.
Turns out you guys are just a mix of Indo-Europeans from Ukraine, and Neolithic White people from Anatolia.
>Sorry, not bait.
Alright what ever you say Hanz.
How can you guys feel proud knowing that your ancestors were Greeks that were raped by Turkish invaders? I'm not trying to make fun of you.
You are a k*rd wanting to subconsciously draw lines to a Turkish heritage, while simultaneously connecting Turkic ancestry with wh*Te ancestry.
How fucking pathetic can projection get? Let's find out!
Inferiority complex
Why try you realize anything stated by a would be Albanian is just bait right? These guys live for bants, Turks are sometimes serious, but Albanians never
what a b.s map lmao my tribe was the majority in my city after 1250 :DDDD
Says the hypermongrel
being a turk is cultural thing, not a racial one.
what culture, most of it is stolen
direct descendant of genghis khan
what kind of bullshit map is this? how did he found the language data for 750 A.D? please tell me
I know a Turk who is 4% Turkic and he says the same thing and how he is 100% Turk.
1000 yılına Erzurum/Tunceli (sanırım) civarında 2 tane türko şehri var acaba kim onlar :DDDDDD
Science has proven nords to be descendants of the first european. Could be why scandinavia shows up on every heritage test
>what culture
steppe and anatolian mixture. you cannot steal a culture. don't be an idiot.
I am 6%. if you speak turkish natively, and feel you are turk, then you are a turk. that's it.
Bu yüzdeleri götünüzden mi uyduruyorsunuz canlarım
Can I be a Turk too? What is your other 94%?
>What is his problem?
He is not white, just a jealous inbred mongrol shitskin who think that theft is a virtue and behavioral like a dump animal is strength.
DNA testing
They're talking out of their asses without knowing nothing about actual genetics.
More like bullshit testing.
Show gedmatch proofs like pic related.
you again? dont you have some gore to be shitposting?
genetik teste giriyoruz, oradan çıkıyor sweety.
do you speak turkish since you are a child?
do you feel any identification to Turks?
if these are both yes, you can be one.
Don't roaches ever sleep?
Götünüzden uyduruyorsunuz bence. yüzde 4 yüzde 6 ne amına koduğumun aptalları sizi. beyazlara yaranacağım diye mankurtlaşmayın.
I have to ask him to do it.
Does that mean a literal nigger from Sub-Saharan Africa could be a Turk too? Or is it more complex than that, like having to be born in Turkey or having Turkish parents.
Nice bullshit chart. What's the source, Dienekes the Butthurt Greek who tested orphan Kurds as Turks?
Idk I found it here
not identification, do you idetify as a turk?
la oğlum siktir git. dah kaç defa açıklama yapıcam sana. illa her seferinde nat geo testini mi göndereyim. limni adasından gelenim ben işte.
we hve sub saharan africans that speak turkish natively and feels as a turk. so yes.
Don't listen to this troll .
Turkic is a race and it is unobtainable after being born.
The modern Turks taking tests are shitty gr**ks trying to find redeeming value about their race (aka hoping for Turkic genes).
Turkic people don't need to send off their DNA to Jewish parasites, because they already know what race they are.
they are talking about Turks, not turkic you fucking idiot. you even don't know the distinction between them.
it's more complex than that.
don't believe the rapebabies/white cucks who spew bullshit.
Yav koçum sen karışmış olabilirsin ama gedmatch sonuçlarına göre gayet yüzde 4'ten yüzde 8'den çok daha fazlayız. hala moğol dnasını baz alarak türklüğü ölçüyorsunuz. hem ben sana şu raw dna'ni genetik kalkülatörlere koy demedim mi?
>What is his problem?
You already answered your question. He's a Turkroach.
>because they already know what race they are.
cause that makes sense
nat geo ayrı para istiyor raw dosyayı vermek için. bir ara artık.
moğol dnası diye ayırmıyorlar. asyadan bölgeler belirtiyorlar.
You fucking retard, everyone in Turkey is Turkish.
Turkish is not a fucking race, Turkic is.
Get out of here, k*rd/ gr*eek/ alb*nian scum.
Go to hell, kike.
Not everyone is an insecure faggot about their race.
What's up with your black dick obsession?
>You fucking retard, everyone in Turkey is Turkish.
>Turkish is not a fucking race, Turkic is.
and what did I say you fucking idiot? read the post again you goddamn retard.
sizin baz aldığınız dna moğol dnası.
bak şu kalkülatörde arkadaş yüzde 18 moğol ama nedense yüzde 50 orta asyalı gözüküyor kalkülatörde, neden? çünkü sizin gibi asya dnasını değil iran/batı asya gibi türkilerde bulunan dna da baz alınıyor.
lütfen eğitilin azıcık. senin dnanı görmüştüm ama genetik şirketinin akdeniz dnasını batı asya dnasıyla bir tuttuğunu düşünüyorum, çok detaylı olmadığı için kalkülatöre koyamıyorum. ama asyatik dnanı baz alarak söylüyorum yüzde 10/25 civarı türkmen kökenin var.
Is this the faggot roach that is triggered by the word "white"?
No, but no one just knows what their ethnic composition by birth is and if your claiming you somehow do you are delusional
batı asya dnası ayrı gösteriliyor bende. akdeniz ile ikisi ayrı.
Why to Turks hate whites so much? Most of you guys are already European. If you hate whites does that mean you hate yourself?
Dediğim gibi yine de çok detaylı değil. O yüzden tam olarak hesaplanamıyor.
Raw dna dosyan elinde mi? Elindeyse gedmatch'e üye ol oraya koy, tamamen bedava.
gedmatch ile uyumlu değil nat geonun verdiği dosya. detaylısı için ek para istiyor.
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD kaç lira para verdin :DDDDDD
3 yıl önce yaptırmıştım. gümrük dahil 650 liraydı.
This isn't a person. This is The Hivemind
There he is. One of God's own prototypes. The roach.
geçmiş olsun ne diyeyim iyi girmiş
şahsen ben de dna testi yaptırmak istiyorum da param yok ve gümrükle uğraşmak istemiyorum. 1-2 tane çepninin sonuçlarını görmüştüm ama yüzde 50-60 civarı arası türkmenlik var.
Top kek.
derdim bilime katkı, başka bir şey değil. bu bölgeden dna testine giren fazla insan yok, o yüzden katılmak önemliydi benim için.