You have exactly 10 seconds to thank Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for something or I blow your brains out.
You have exactly 10 seconds to thank Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for something or I blow your brains out.
>thank Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for Trump
Thank you for helping me serve with honor during WWI for my fatherland
There are only two dimensions. To break through you have to become a crystalline entity. Jewels like diamonds are super compressed carbon, basically the same as human ash. The Jews were behind the holocaust to create ash to turn Jews into diamonds. Hitler recognized the Jews as the chosen people and designed the plan to make a giant Jew diamond for all the Jews to join in a mental collective transported into space by the "bell" space craft. The bell is what created the pressure via centrifugal force as it traveled through space time.
Also papa john is an alchemist and creates better atoms for his "better" ingredients. His company funded ceti to create his atoms.
I would like to thank the lord God for keeping his mouth shut so long. Can you imagine if God actually spoke? Shit would be obnoxious.
I thank the Lord Jesus Chrrist for freeing me from alcohol addiction and gradually weeding the degenerates out of my life by showing me who they really are.
First i was a little sceptical but the papa john part convinced me. Thanks for the redpills :^) I can't wait to tell my friends and family about this.
german state at it again....
Grrrrrr! You filthy goy
internet comment etiquette?
Fuck Christ. God doesnt exist, deal with it.
thank you jesus for trump
Hey fedora
thx jesus
Thank you Jesus for my wonderful family and our health.
I'm thankful that my grandparents are Christians. They are the only people in my life that are religious. Everyone else in my family is trash. Drug addicted degenerates and pedos and general faggotry are common. I never was like them because of my grandparents. They took me to church. I refused religion as a youngster but still went out of respect for them. Fast forward to late 20's me and now that I have a good head on my shoulders and am fairly successful, looking back they are the reason I didn't end up like the rest of my family. They showed me the value of morality. My grandpa showed me how be a man. They taught me to swing a hammer, to shoot a gun, to pray instead of give up when times are tough. They are in their 70's now. I don't know what I will do when they are gone. I fear it so much that I make 100k a year and moved in with them just to help them out. I go and get their prescriptions, do all their yard work, motivate them to work out, help them with their inability to use basic technology. I love the shit out of them. I hope some of you anons out there have family like that.
Chrrist is Grrrrrreat!
t.ony the tiger
Even if it is true, and he isn't real, people lose nothing by believing.
What if you are wrong? What do you lose instead?
Food for thought for you user.
Thank you based Jewish man
Thank you Lord for making me good looking so I can fuck bitches.
Sorry for having lots of premarital sex Lord forgive me
That is me and my parents!
But seriously I am thankful
Thanks Allah
Thank you jeebus
I found out my grandmother is cancer-free today. You bet your ass I'm a praying fedorian today. I really need to get the fuck back to church on a regular basis. I always enjoy it (and not in a snooty look-down-at-the-plebs sort of way); I don't know why I don't go more often.