Midwestern Reich General /MRG/


Give me a break Dalton. It;s not going to happen! It's all about the midwest now. Not saying that other white folks can't come to our ethno state. I'm just saying that the south is a lost cause.

Website: midwestalliance.webnode.com/

Podcast: soundcloud.com/generation-zyklon/generation-zyklon-ep-2-consider-the-following


Other urls found in this thread:


Always remember




Bring back segregation now

* deport all non-whites

Uh quick question since Sup Forums were being shit. I have an opportunity for a great job but its in Bend, Oregon. Anyone know about that place?

How silly of me.

thats not the Midwest m8

Illinois reporting in!

Wen u geography like a nigger af

Still. Any info? I dont trust wiki's info.

What's up bros?

Its like several thousand miles away. We dont get around much

Oregon is pretty far left, but everyone there is white so it's a good place to live. California shares basically the same type of law code, but it's full of Mexicans who leech off the system.

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy just south of Indy here.


Even Bend? It looks like a country town though.




Oh the countryside is probably pretty conservative if I had to guess.


Are there any IA goys around here that want to do a midwest politics podcast? I think with a little white taqiyya we could pull a fash the nation on a local level and pull in some normies. Just look how Steve King is doing. Plus I think itd be good to bring attention to local jewery/niggerdry and make people realize how important local politics are/how they affect daily lives.

add pennsylvania or die

Also good job & keep up the good work to who ever made the second podcast episode.

Still waiting on the answer from the last thread: will your capital be Detroit or Chicago? You know that power concentrates in cities, and you know who owns the inner cities, right? A diffuse power base spread out over the countryside is a recipe for losing.

hit up our email if you ever get an episode up. would be happy to have it up on the site.

shitty divide and conquer thread. The south and midwest are only different in accent, food, and weather. We agree on everything else.

We're already on it man: youtube.com/watch?v=aEQbS4euEyA&t=2703s

Plan as of now is to build a new central capital.

I guess I'll go for it. Looks nice as well.

* and the amount of non whites

That's quite ambitious. How long before it's overrun by illegals and undesirable migrants from the remains of the US? How long before your capital becomes San Francisco 2.0?

thats a little down the road, we have general ideas about the far future and ideals, but for right now we are focusing in on forming a movement.

Capital will be Chicago desu

>implying mid rest Erich, Dixie, cal-exit happening at the same would lessen the possibility.

I say we just roll the dice and sees who sticks around the longest.

>tfw not a yank cuck

Dreams are fine things. The folks in the Northwest used to dream about some sort of Cascadian/NWF ethnic state. Then they realized that nobody worth having would move to a region except to places that had the possibility of decent employment, and that those places were all cities, and that the liberals were in firm control of all the cities and basically the entire western region from Vancouver down to Portland. That's why I ask about your capital: if people are going to move to the midwest, they'll want jobs, and they don't want to be famers.

Will do.

For our national anthem, should we chose which state has the best sounding anthem and add some lyrics over it?

I'm here from Iowa, seig heil!

you missed first by a big slit you Dixie faggot

i'm just across the mississippi from you in illinois. even though im not an ia goy id love to join in a podcast

>being landlocked

>hilarious attempt to avoid being landlocked

As far as centralization, Rochester MN would be good: It's near the center, and already has a decent infrastructure to work off of.

well have more information coming up about a possible capitol since this is an issue in every thread.

Im sure you'd have plenty talk about with (((chicago))). Ultimately Id want a less shit posty, more information and news driven. One of the problems Ive had with the alt-right so far is a lack of concise information. I want to open peoples eyes to what is going on around them so they see how it affects daily life.

I'd be down to helping out with that. I live in a decently negrified town and I've spent a lot of time in (((Chicago))) so I definitely have a lot to talk about

Do you use discord or any other chat type apps?

Chicago needs to be bombed and started from scratch desu

There are still good parts and a lot of beautiful architecture. I say we just practice for the race war and go in guns a blazing. Those niggers wouldnt stand a chance against a well organized white militia

True. But Chicago pretty much went to shit when it became (((modernized)))

forgot pic

Moment of silence :,(

Yeah, I use discord

Capital is Des Monies currency is bitcoin.

And also Texas.

Fuck off

I go by jackanderson88. Add me nigger


Anyone know where to find qt aryan irl gfs? Im trying tinder, but living near (((Iowa City))) and being reformed hipster trash, all I drudge up is real hipster trash that is too far gone to save. pls help.