What's wrong with white people? Yesterday you faggots were talking shit about the girl who killed her sister by driving like a retard. What do you retards have to say about this?
White "people"
Yea this is way worse.
I think we can all agree that there is something inherently wrong with the Western white civilization. The white race, which comprises just 18% of the population of the world, has committed 85% of the most heinous atrocities against humanity and is the most violent race of them all.
I'll begin by pointing out that the white race is NOT superior. It just has a momentary advantage of 100 years or so, which is nothing in the 200,000 year span of modern humans. By CHANCE, whites industrialized first, allowing them a momentary advantage.
The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world.
The United States are the logical culmination of the White Farce. It's a fine country, I'll give them that. But this beauty is only skin deep. To put it shortly, this country is not a peaceful, egalitarian utopia. Blacks, hundreds of years later, are still being excluded from the so-called American Experiment. Their ancestors were kidnapped, enslaved, tortured, murdered, starved, raped, belittled, and degenerated by none other than white folk.
The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.
yea... white people are fucking crazy
and ya'all think you have a chance.... lel
White genocide can't come soon enough
>reckless homicide?
How is that not murder 1? Did she bury the baby thinking it was dead?
>someone white does something fucked up
we spics are one of the most criminal races ever , next to niggers of course
when are we going to stop pretending to be better?
She did nothing wrong. She just wanted a new one cuz it was a shitty baby probably jaja. The spartans did this too, to ensure a healthy population.
>What's wrong with white people?
We have to live amongst niggers
Its more a woman thing than a white man thing.
They're all sociopaths.
Soulless cunts every last one.
White """""people"""""
Every race has it's nigger-tier human. Some just have more than others.
>that girl is 18
It's amazing what drugs will do to a person's face. This girl looks well over 30.
>Anglo surname
Pick one.
What color was the baby?
What a brave Progressive pro-choice woman.
I can't believe it took so long for someone to ask the important question.
she looks like jeff sessions
If it was a half-niglet then she qualifies as a crime prevention activist.
Still better than the standard nigger response of leaving the baby in a toilet.
depends, was she a coal burner? then she did the right thing. Otherwise she needs to be thrown in jail
Baby got in the way of her cock carousel. Had to do.
This is feminism's fault.
It was just a late-term abortion. We should be celebrating her female empowerment.
It's not a slippery slo...
If she had killed it right before it came out, progressives would have defended it.
Every now and then a white will become corrupted by a lesser race's culture.
it was white.
ok now that that question was answered what have we gained