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Here in the US healthy food is actually cheaper than boxed and processed stuff. Go into any grocery store and they are throwing fruits and vegetables at you for nothing.
The problem isn't the cost, it's that people here are lazy. Not sure how it is up there.
Serious question, but why does America have so many people on food stamps yet Canada has no such program (that I know of) and the poor are forced to use charitable food banks?
Asking because I have no issue taking handouts from my government (which is run for the benefit of foreigners) but wouldn't want to ripoff a charity.
This is true. Who wants to cook anything when processed stuff is one isle over?
I'm tired of dumbass canadian posts. We have food banks which are subsidized by the government and donations, which are only accessible by low income citizens. Americans have food stamps to try and curtail their NIGGERS from spending their welfare and disability on crack.
We are pretty much socialist police state. No joke, day of the rake when?
Free shit. Less money they have to spend on food. So it is spent on other things like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, luxury items, and so on.
So even more taxes for you Canadians, a shitty healthcare system already taxes you enough
canada already has free food dispensaries for people on welfare
fuck this country
>healthy food
Serious question : fucking ignorant leaf who doesnt understand we have free food banks
Oh you're just SO righteous I can't even stand it! Can I lick your feet? Don't forget to bring the gefilte mommy made you
Where the fuck are these Canadian cuck boys getting the money for all these fucking programs? Their money is monopoly shit that isn't worth the paper it's printed on and their economy is in a downward flaming death spiral. WHO is paying for this?
All world governments just invent money to pay for things.
Food banks get their food from grocery stores, private citizens and farmers. Plus their staff is paid by the government.
Fruits might not get you any sweet gains, but they're not going to make you a fat fuck. People don't get obese eating apples they get obese eating hot pockets. Fruit has good vitamin and mineral content for the calories as well.
Quite the opposite up here, actually.
Must suck. Produce is practically free here.
this op is retarded... anyone can get fed, food healthy food is already cheap...
but no one buys it, they buy soda, chips, ect ect and dont cook.
Food banks and so on exist, people are not starving...
Keep coming up with more ways to give away other peoples money though.
everyone already has the right to plant their own garden and grow their own food.
stop being fucking lazy and do something for yourself and your family YOURSELF!
I don't know why idiots repeat this meme. You know what's healthy? Broccolli, and you know what has almost 0 calories? Broccolli. If you want to save money cut ALL vegetables and most fruit from your diet because they're extremely low in the calorie per dollar. The cheapest foods that could sustain you would be something like rice and beans with some oil. Not the healtheist food.
Yeah, I think i'ts about time we add 10 stars to the real flag of the americas. I hope canadians can be assimilated to the superior U.S. culture and patriotism. It is time my dudes.
If you're going for calories and nothing else you could just eat sugar.
manifest destiny whne
An apple a day keeps the gulag away.
>healthy food
canada was the cuck nation that fed their peasants GMO foods for a decade without telling them, experimenting on their population
canadian government doesnt give a fuck about its people
you don't understand Canada my dude
we want the gov to do everything for us
Refugees are going to fund this
no rice is the cheapest food for just calories but you need some fat and protein otherwise you'll die (hence the beans & oil)
that is not true at all at mcdonalds you get a cheeseburger little less than 1/4 lb (beef cheese toppings bun) for $1. a lb of beef where i live is around $5 (beef is expensive up here in vt) that means the beef alone is the cost of the entire mcdonalds burger and you dont even have the bun cheese or toppings
cheapest best meal i can think of is rice and beans with chopped hotdog mixed in. 10lbs of dry rice for like $7 5lbs of beans for another $7 each pound of bar s hot dog is $1. with these ingredients you can feed someone for $30-40 per month
Yes goys, pile more of your nation's debt money into the immoral already bloated welfare state currently eating your country alive, while its resources are sold to China and militant muslim migrants live middle class lifestyles off of specially enacted extra goodies from the nanny state's saccharinely sweet teat.
>Fruits and vegetables aren't cheap at the grocery store because McDonald's sells beef cheaper than the grocery store's beef
nigger you're retarded
The government "science" on what is "healthy" food will just make people more unhealthy
Thats why I keep half my money in US monopoly bucks.
Seriously looking for another way to protect my savings when the government eventually comes to seize everything. I don't trust the bitcoins.
they are borrowing money, weedman also sold all their gold, they seem to have copied the swedes 100%
Avocado bread lines when?