Eichenwald picked a fight with the wrong guy

Eichenwald picked a fight with the wrong guy

Assange is fucking dragging him holy shit


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Why are so many jews pedophiles

Didn't he get caught looking at hentai also?

>reviewing his own books under a fake account

How low can a man go?

This whole Kurt thing is the greatest



he wasn't looking at hentai, he was just showing it to his kids to prove to his wife that it exists

He even retweeted Jim

>tfw my dad never shared his hentai collection with me
Sometimes I wonder if he even loved me.

>he wasn't looking at hentai, he was just showing it to his kids to prove to his wife that it exists
See kids, I've proved to you that tentacle porn exists, like I did with kiddy porn. Next is proving autoerotic asphyxiation snuff films exist.

Requesting a full rundown.

fucking topkek this one is fucking obvious
>What I find most interesting is the reviews attacking this book.....

It's so fucking juvenile it hurts

Yep, the guy who looked up hentai for research...

The guy who was allegedly a kiddy porn website admin, for research...

It's all going to come crashing down on him at some point. He's the sort of person that lives in a house of cards glued together with lies. When it collapses expect a complete psychiatric meltdown.

Kikenwald gave himself fake five-star reviews on Amazon using his pedo alias

Neurotic jew Kurt Eichenwald has beef with Assange because "muh russia is rigging elections", throws a massive Twitter tantrum, Assange then promptly blows him the fuck out by exposing his samefagging on Amazon book reviews. Also he's a closet pedo so he probably shouldn't mess with a guy who's known for exposing dirty secrets.

WTF I missed this, listen to deranged pedo here

Assange is defending Jew_Goldstein now

Literally everyone is on his ass now. God I'm glad he's finally fucked.

HAHAHA holy shit Julian is absolutely bodying Kikenwald.

It's in their blood.

"Astonishing, absolutely astonishing"
top kek


This is sad, what a fucking faggot.

That was my first thought too.

Kevin Alfred Strom, a high ranking NA member, was also a pedo. Maybe that's the connection.

Yeah, the same way he was looking a child porn for 'research'.

Is the guy stupid? He has to know that isn't all Assange has got. It's not rational.

He's not rational. He got caught red-handed looking at porn and tried to pawn it off with a ridiculous story. It'd have been better for him if he just admitted it and moved on, but instead causes a big mess over it.

Now this, and he'll do the same thing. He can' t not fight. The smart thing to do would be to shut up and lawyer up, but he's gonna fight.

He's actually trying to deny it
what a plonker

the kike overdrive lit burned up it seems

Yeah he's fucked, check the tucker shit too it's quite lit insane. This is one is even more fucked up than that Mench thing

Pedophilia is what a degenerate culture leads to which is jewery


Jews are fucking sick people.


Oh shit that's gold

It's a Jew thing -- It's called "chutzpah", and Jews are very proud of this character trait. In a white person, the trait is called "psychopathy".

This is top 5 TUCKED moments all time

Assange is dead, but it's funny the kikes trying to legitimize wikileaks through eight chan shenanigans

that's a funny way to spell Ecchiwald

Excellent defense strategy. "No you're the pedophiles massive secret document releasing organization who have a perfect track record!"

The Talmud approves and supports pedophilia.

hahahaha calling it samefagging has me chucklin


Most definitely, I had to watch this twice now to see him actually sitting there and lying him self green in the face

Built into the practiced rituals

Now that's a good book!

shout out to /e/

Yup 2 years later still funny.

some lad from here spent months and months fluffing ecchiwald up and then "leaked" the trump pissgate dossier and kurt took the bait and msm reported on it and he looked like a jackass when it was found to be fake

He should just hammer Kikenwald on his child porn and his tentacle lolis.

At least he has good taste

We all have dirty laundry that you keep in a closet.

How did they find this stuff out?

If I was rich, I would do some hacker to tell me everything that people could possibly get into, so I'll know what to delete and what password is to change etc

assange is lighting kikenwald up all over twitter

If you can still get off to vanilla i feel sorry for you

I was thinking the same thing desu


source: twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/889555378278735872

Juilain is a Russian shill, so...

I assume this drama is some stageplay do distract from the newest Trump scandal?

underrated post

No his excuse was he was trying to find tentacle porn because, his wife didn't believe it. But, the thing he was caught looking at. Has no tentacles in it. It's much more sadder instead.


Other than Olbermann he's on the top of my shit list.

yassss assange slayy kangg

Many such cases!

best to do that yourself, hacker could blackmail you easy if he finds something good

Haha, funny story. I was just showing my wife and kids how easy it is to write reviews. They all.had a good laugh. Haha

That's Rick Wilson you fucking retard

He was looking at a fresh new release. Like if you're me and I open my news sites and recent hentai chapters and shit, I'd find that specific comic around that day. He didn't just google "hentai lolol" he has the website bookmarked, that's his go-to fap.


Thank you, lad.

Good art is good art. It's not 100% about getting off.

I wouldn't fuck with Assange, especially if I had any dirt on me desu

>inb4 Eichenwald charges Assange with third party assault after his neighbor breaks his nose when wikileaks dumps his cp collection and chat roulette transcripts on the net.

Distance draws really nice pussies, boobs and lips but he can't write for shit.

He was merely showing his children that something as disgusting as hentai exists.

When he was arrested for child pornography and child prostitution he was merely researching a story and decided to go deep undercover to save the children.

>ratting our your fellow pedophiles is "saving children" and "helping launch FBI investigation"

lol technically true I guess

>Trump takes adderall


All important and competent companies already do this.

It's SOP.

That's why it was so humiliating for the Dems.

Even worse, they want to pretend it's the result of some magical state sponsored hacking, when it was just amateurish password phishing.

There's nothing wrong with a key bump of crystal every now and then.

Yeah, but did he also write his own books?

Best sauce of Modafinil?

I'm serious

I truly believe they're evil in the flesh.

This, he's like the new Weiner

Olbermann's a misguided jock who thinks he's doing some sort of crusade against corruption "for the little guy" in a Harry Truman kind of way. Tentamire is just a slimy piece of shit.

Fuck off Kikenwald

rxrex, his site is called like littlebiggy or some shit

>He got caught red-handed looking at porn and tried to pawn it off with a ridiculous story.
It was the greatest excuse of all time. "This isn't what it looks like! I was looking for the other kind of porn!"

I will never not find it funny that people actually follow and listen to a high school drop out that lived with his mother until she died

Yes this fucking dude is as weird as a retard flying an airplane

Even when he was on Sportscenter, Dan Patrick and Stu Scott had to carry him on their backs

Does anyone have images of the whole seizure fiasco and the resulting lawsuit please? I need to add them to the Eichenwald folder.

Aka kiddie porn site admin Roy Rogers

Why is anti-American (((Assange))) targeting a journalist with fake news?

Isn't (((Assange))) himself a rapist who raped women in Sweden?

btw I made a screenshot of Kurt's recent Tweets for posterity starting from his mentions of Assange two days ago.

Also googling "tentacle porn" gets you tentacle porn not whatever shit he had open

Eichenfag needs another seizure. Considering lighting like 10 of these in his front yard.


how old are his kids baka?

The irony here is that the informant is actually a pretty good book. Read it before i knew who (((he))) was or i wouldnt have picked it up.

this is such simple logic, i don't see how anyone could fall for his lie

Watching Olbermann online now is the closest I've felt like we're living in a 1984 dystopia. Lots of news sites are obvious propaganda, but he feels so crazily out of touch with reality that it really scares me. Guy creeps me the fuck out.

>t. CIA