What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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They meant a pair of kikes are trying to subvert dumb yanks and it's working.
I assume it was to further confuse the audience on who the prophecy is about, either Jon Snow or Daenarys.
That's how the books phrased it. These evil jew cunts chose that dialogue for a reason.
or Beric or the hound
That Valyrians deserved to be destroyed
It means GoT is bluepilled normie trash which I could have told you years go.
Slav languages have genders - Prodavachka (female seller) and Prodavach (male seller). English doesn't - it's "seller" regardless of the gender
She meant it like that and not to pander to SJWs. Stop overreacting
In German some nouns are gender neutral.
I love how at the end of the episode they were jacking themselves off at having a bunch of women around the table trying to come up with a plan, when in the end the plan that actually got enacted came from a man.
That's why I don't hop on bandwagons now a days, bop itâ„¢ Was about it
>American Culture
Do you know the exact line in the books?
ITT: burgers have no idea what gender means in a linguistic context
Gender, the word, was originally used in a purely linguistic sense. It has, since some fucked up experiments in the 1830's (I think, need to pull up sauce in a minute) in which a man mutilated young boy's genitals to see if nature vs nurture would win, and he described the idea of "gender".
Thank this faggot for the postmodernist wordplay faggotry.
That's ok, their new arrivals will rape anything.
The Finnish language doesn't make distinction between masculine, feminine and neutral. You indo-Europeans went and increased the pronouns, you should have reduced them.
english too retard. oh wait there's an example right there. a girl is a retard and a guy is a retard. there's no "retardess"
Can't remember exactly where but it might be a Tyrion chapter from Dance.
I can't help but think that even liberals might be bored with this. None of the themes he adds challenge the status quota or are bold in any way. We are reaching a point where dying your hair pink or not shaving your armpits is completely accepted by society. When we reach this point, they will no longer be able to get their kicks and feel rebellious from doing liberal and feminist things. The cultural pendulum is reaching farther and farther to the left but getting slower and slower the farther it goes. Its only a matter of time before it is stops and has to start swinging to the right, and only god truly knows how far to the right the pendulum will be swinging this time around..
Bob asked Mary what time it was. She told him it was 8 o'clock.
So in Finnish you'd have to repeat their names because otherwise it'd be "they told them"?
The show has out run the books as of the entire season before this one.
>ameritards dont know how nouns work
The whole show is a feminist fantasy, everyone in power is either female or has a female telling him what to do.
it's not a statement or liberal at all dumbass. if i say "a ruler will rise and do whatever" you don't know if it'll be a man or a woman because ruler is a genderless pronoun. that's what she was saying.
Gender is what you signal you are
Sex is what your DNA says you are.
Euron Greyjoy.
>We are reaching a point where dying your hair pink or not shaving your armpits is completely accepted by society
Thats why they are supporting muslims and wearing burqas now.
Why are you watching this gay show?
Only good scene in the last 2 episodes.
Cersei's bitch you mean? That will surely be killed by his stronk independent feminist lesbian sister?
It means Dany forgot her mother tongue and needs some nigger to tell her how it is.
Um, my gender is "they" too, shitlord. Please respect them.
You used a bad example as the more standard word in English is "Salesman", which could include saleswoman but the gender neutral "salesperson" is now the PC option.
But yes in most cases English is gender neutral with professions.
Dwarf - "Doesn't really roll off the tongue"
Dragon girl - "No, but I like it better"
Is it just me or did the final scene of that last episode contain a fuckload of anti-sjw/feminist symbolism?
Yara and the Dornish Queen are about to get on some lesbianism, but then Euron's ship rams/penetrates Yara's fleet, a bunch of pirates/seamen come rushing out of the opening, bunch of fighting happens, two female Sand Snakes get beaten by Euron (one even impaled on a long rod), Yara gets beaten by him, then the man without a phallus wimps out, and finally we see the third Sand Snake and the Dornish Queen impaled on yet more rods.
Seriously, I have to be on to something here.
>flag is literally a bundle of sticks
Don't be such a faggot
I have all my money on the Hound
Only if there is confusion.
um racist and sexist much? Fuck white males I hope he dies!
Well when you say it like that...
What about
>Bob told Dolan what time it was.
>He told him---
>Daisy told Mary the time
>She told her---
Not exactly a problem.
When writing fiction, people tend to add themes that are both in your face and underlying. Considering the fact that George RR Martin is a very outspoken liberal, you can assume that many of things in the show weren't put there by mere coincidence. Also, the conversation about pronouns in language that the two had is a very similar to the points liberals make about it in real life.
It's a shame Ramsay isn't still alive. He was a genuinely good character and had no stronk, independent feminist lesbian sister to interfere.
eternal reminder a song of ice and fire was supposed to be a trilogy and boy does it shine through despite fat cuck martins best attempts to try and write himself out of diabetes
Just wait, group sex will become the new taboo, then it will become normalized next, just like the end days of Rome
They are trying to do the opposite of whatever the conservatives deem as wrong. If Trump claimed to love muslims and their values, you know exactly what would happen
This show went from males ruling the kingdoms to women ruling the kingdoms.
Fucking hell.
Is Euron /ourguy/ ?
Fucking hell, I thought I was the only crazy motherfucker who loved that scene precisely because of this reasoning. After the whole episode of females in power rambling amongst themselves, cuck males being their bitches a FUCKING ALPHA cis male jumps and crushes those emancipated whores' skulls. It literally gave me an cinematographic orgasm. I hope he kills his queer lesbian abominations of a niece. This fucking show is cancer, but at times there are sweet moments such as these, for which it's still worth to watch.
What a shit fight scene.
kys faggot
I think /ourguy/ is Samwell Tarly. Let's not forget he who is one of the only people in Westeros who is actively looking for a solution to the White Walkers. Not to mention keeping Gilly and his son safe.
Oh... nvm. The kid isn't actually his...
Social Engineers are starting to get involved in the Show more.
[Archives: archive.4plebs.org
Expect it to degrade & for more SJW/Leftist themes to be pushed.
You mean Gilly and HER son. LOL. Baby Sam is the spawn of Gilly & her sicko father via rape.
and that's why everything is in total chaos Sansa is going to prove she's as incompetent as her mother in the next few episodes now that she has power and Cersei as well. If anything you learn not to give women power from got
Drop the name and trip if you ever want to be taken seriously.
Do you really have to ask?
>Disliking the Valyrian master race
Did someone mistake your asshole for a tailpipe and cram a potato up there?
That's the point you idiots.
The Sand Snakes were literally arguing over who was "allowed" to kill The Mountain and then Euron Greyjoy killed them with their own weapons.
Not that related but...
Which Dragon do you think is gonna get BTFO'd by Cersei's new weapon?
Euron stole the season
The second biggest one
The black one I think will be the one bleached by the night's king
High (((Valyrian)))
Never trust a dragon jew
They meant you should have read the books because season 7 and on is going to be nothing but multigender Targaryen communism and the death of Westerosi custom.
>That noun has 72 genders in High SJW
I hated this fucking scene. Fucking SJW pandering bull shit.
>hmm, this MAN is giving you good advice on not killing thousands of people needlessly
>you know what fuck that kill them all don't listen to him because he has a penis
They are now passed the books but had lengthy discussions with George fat Mountain Martin.
Quit lying Nigger. This is purely an attempt to normalise the transexual mental disorder. That scene had no basis as the books are unreleased you dirty paki ape.
>That's how the books phrased it
This is beyond the currently published books, so, you're lying.
Its not in the books.
>Oh, hey everyone, all the Meisters and Rheagar and a bunch of people throughout history didn't speak Valyrian well enough to realize that the "Prince who was promised" actually meant "The Child of neuter gender in the line of royal succession who could easily also be a girl, don't be sexist shitlord"
Are you fucking kidding me? Come on faggots, you know the drill. This is deliberate pozzing the storyline. Worst part is that Fairy Cakes Martin is probably down with it. He's ready to go full antifa at this point.
>Not killing people needlessly
>By laying siege the largest city in the series and starving it's occupants
>keep doing the exact same thing he told you not to do
>undermine his power in front the whole north
>I've known a great many clever men, and outlived them all, including my entire fucking family who my decisions managed to help wipe out
...its such a waste of good characters and storyline.
>>By laying siege the largest city in the series and starving it's occupants
A siege only kills people if the rulers decide that their rule is important than the people, and when the people see this they decide to get rid of the ruler, which is the point, you fucking mongoloid prison escapee.
>She meant it like that and not to pander to SJWs
You know exactly how it sounded.
Would have been much more impartial to say it is vague in description.
Then again, the retards who watch this drivel would have to think for a minute about it.
They meant that pancake eating fuck should stop
>Andal = Norman/Vandal
>Starks = Yorks
>Lannisters = Lancasters
>Valyrian = Lombardic
>"le grimdark mideebul world with big tid intrigue and gritty ebin sword mans"
>What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it.
A Feast for Crows, Chapter 35, Samwell IV.
>Moral of the story: Women are unintelligent.
So any dragon can lay eggs? Do they need to be fertilized by other dragon?
Nice photoshop.
>Don't touch me or my wife's father's son ever again
I know a lot of people say
>The show has passed the books!
But that's not entirely true. The show has gone past the books in a lot of ways, but has yet to completely leave them in the dust, the show is just doing things in a little bit different order, so, while it has gone past the books in mot ways, it has yet to cover certain aspects of the books in others.
But all that aside, you're full of shit, because this scene was never covered in the books.
Mating rituals of dragons were not observed well and remain a mystery.
Obviously Jon and Khaleesi will end up being queen and king. They're what, cousins? Inbreeding is not really frowned upon in the Targaryen family. This would make the most sense. Jon will meet up with Khalessi and they will hit it off, and end up ruling the 7 kingdoms together.
Why is Daenerys Targaryen immune to fire?
Are you guys fucking retarded? I hate Game of Tumblr, but genderless nouns are a thing even in English.
Oh, it's actually in the books. I didn't realize GRRM was that much of cucky strapon holster. It's still retarded because:
>Oh, hey everyone, all the Meisters and Rheagar and a bunch of people throughout history didn't speak Valyrian well enough to realize that the "Prince who was promised" actually meant "The Child of neuter gender in the line of royal succession who could easily also be a girl, don't be sexist shitlord"
I jerked it to that negress
That they have no fucking clue how language, and learning a second language, works.
>I'm 12, the post
Parents still block you from accessing porn, eh?
I swear to God Sansa is the most annoying character in the whole series and her getting assraped by Ramsay was one of the best moments of the previous season. Fucking orange cunt get eaten by a bear
>He thinks the people have any say in a feudalistic society
No-one likes Cersei to begin with, least of all the people; you fucking dipshit. Remember the walk of shame? It seems to be widely known already that Cersei even blew up the fucking sept, killing who knows how many of her own people. Yet she is still Queen.
Starving the occupants of a city and taking it by force still has the net result, plenty of innocent people will needlessly die.
Anyone else noticed how they are setting up Daenarys to be the feminist ruler of a kingdom lead by cucks, trannies, and women, looking down on a shattered population bereft of strong men and traditional values? Ever notice how the White Walkers are all modelled after white men, leading an army of converts to their whiteness?
It's almost like HBOyvey is using fantasy and tits to inject their narrative into a subculture over which they have traditionally exercised little control.
Really makes you thonk.
She'll be the prince that was promised.