You really think Trump is the real deal or just another puppet?

You really think Trump is the real deal or just another puppet?

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I honestly give it a 15% chance that America is trolling then world and the real president is Mike Pence.



real governing isn't done by three branches

Puppet, the first 6 months made that pretty clear.

you had to be a stupid red hat wearer to believe Trump is other than a puppet.

A little bit of both. More like an antichrist. One of my captchas had a juice in it by the way, lol

Š”onald is real


literally nobody cares about what your captcha says. I'll never get why some retards think their captchas mean something.

He's the real deal user. He tells it like it is. Have you ever seen him bend for the Saudis like the other cuck presidents. No, never!

Have you ever seen him pander to the kikes like the other cuck presidents. No, never!

Have you ever seen his family bring dishonor to the office like that gorilla tranny Michael did for the last 8 years? No, never!

That depends on what he'll do about the microchips.

What if that just means the president has far less power than we think he does?

Have you ever seen him stutter and stumble through his speech like Obunger. No, he speaks clearly and intelligently. He's the real deal user.

The president has never been the president. You know that.

real deal. the establishment isn't just pretending to hate him.

He was the real deal, now he's a puppet, or at least kinda playing ball with the kikes.


hes the real deal for sure. its obvious. thats why he is having such a hard time getting shit done right now. the swamp does not want to be drained

>I'll never get why some retards think their captchas mean something.
People believe in tarot cards ffs. Hell even some people actually believe that when they sit in their house, yelling at the electric jew for some /fit/fag to throw a ball, it helps them win.
Mentally ill, or superstitious delusions? You decide.