Aliens make first contact with your nation. What can the world expect?
How would your country handle contact with aliens?
We'd give them an EBT and section 8 voucher.
I think you know
Convert or face judgment.
Fuck off space niggers. You can crash on the moon if you want.
Taxation for visitation
shoot them and start a war we cant win the threaten them with nukes and small pox very loudly and slowly so it breaks the language barrier then die slowly due to our actions. first babies stop being born nearly as often as just 10 years ago then a flare up of various mental disorders ending in madmax times just before they decide to end the charade and just use the remaining americans as food for their pets
I thought Finland were some of the less welcoming Nords? Certainly you wouldn't let them just go around tentacle-raping your women like Germany or Sweden.
I dunno, man. That is OUR fuckin' moon.
The aliens declare us Terra Nullis, thus ok for the aliens to colonise us. They then proceed to genocide us until only a few 100 000's left, and laugh as we spend the day sniffing petrol and getting wasted.
we would shoot them leading to an intersteller war that would end the earth.... because america
Collapse in a matter of months, then reconquista the galaxy through outbreeding and religious zeal
Pretty much Warhammer 40K
WW3 I think as both Russia and the US would try to get their hands on tech and intel. People forget that half the reason our country exists right now is because it was made a buffer zone between the west and the east.
^ I had muh meme flag fucking hell
fuck off we are full
How much oil they got?
>Warsaw, Poland
>ayyy lmaos land
>get accosted by alcoholic bums whose main battle cry is "SZEFIE! URATUJ! DAJ PINDZISIAT GROSZY!"
>meanwhile their ship gets taken apart by scrapyard alcoholics
>the PiS government blames the aliens for Smolensk 2010
>ONR takes to the streets with banners that read "POLSKA DLA POLAKOW!" "ZABIC UFOLUDOW KURWA!"
They will totally reject world leaders and choose specific individuals from the populace to represent them.
Fuck off we're full
Canada becomes first nation to add colors to the rainbow flag beyond the visible spectrum.
Spanish would do nothing until after they had a nap and very late dinner.
They piss gasoline and shit plutonium.
we'd probably star them in a reality tv show
There are no (((aliens))) you dumbass, and the reason there are none is that if they were they would have landed on some field, talked to some baffled locals long ago and our (((governments))) would all been vaporized for serving (((them))).
Instead, we get some blue-beam lazershow from (((space)))), feat. capt. haarp and the haapoonz who will only fly to the whitehouse and talk to whichever kike-tool they got sitting around there, next stop rome and the fake black pope.
amen to that crap
Then we Liberate them.
If aliens make first contact with Canada we know they're weak and gay and no threat to anyone.
We would convince them to form an Intergalactic Union (IU) and then use our economic power to subvert the new system to become ruler of the universe.
How would your country handle contact with aliens?
Demand tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.
Then offer the aliens a nice cup of tea with some toast.
The tea should be Assam. The toast, a good seeded batch.
Space aliens from distant galaxies from from planets very far away will come to England first.
And they will zap the EU down an event horizon.
Billion-Year Space Reich!
Kill them, find their planet and deface its surface
> the aliens are biologically incapable of understanding queuing
> darjeeling tea is the only thing that can kill them
> we discover that the tracks they have left on Earth form a crude drawing of their species' genitals
maybe we could rein in the kikes with promises of infinite shekels?
Accept union with Turks and Caicos Islands and build a shuttle launch platform nearest the equator. Develop a small remote shuttle with two canadarms to clean up space debris in our solar system. Build a lunar colony/embassy in a northern crater with ice. Build Solar Arrow that will eclipse the Voyagers. Then scuttle everything cause America said so.
>Aliens make first contact with your nation
>What can the world expect?
A flood of space niggers pouring into europe from the nigger star system-AB09
All hail space-mutter Merkel.
>hey wanna trade with us?
I COME IN PEACE is the most real alien contact movie ever made. Dolph Lundgren saves us btw
This is insider leaf I will disclose info what do you want to ask about the ebe presence ?
Polititians would probably try to sell some advantages and get bribe to finance their campaign on next elections.
tell the glow in the dark CIA niggers to go home and that no one is buying it
How long are they here? Couldnt they prevent Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber?
Aliens think putting chocolate sprinkles on toast is degenerate.
Nunavut is an alien word, isn't it?
They are stuck in Rio because as soon as they landed the locals stole all the parts off their space ship.
>Not running them over
probably send them money or at least free junk food and sneakers.
>buguers send american food to aliens
>5 years in, aliens suffer from widespread obesity on their ranks
infect all the spess niggers computers with he ThirdTempleBotNet
only if we evolved past human could we have stopped canadain music but we have already shifted into a time line where that will never . thats what the alt timeline greys were trying to warn us about .
it mean great land my young friend
We'd shoot them and possibly eat them.
It would be easier to just sell them MS Office.
> tastes like possum
Its ok to run over space aliens
but dont let them turn you into a pedo
Rejoice as our Thule brethren have come back for us so that we can leave shitty Earth behind.
USA will say "welcome back, about fucking time we got our shit together so you could make a public appearance, wouldn't you say?"
You are forgetting one important thing. First coming is the evil one, second coming is the true one. From this you must take that you are to be skeptical of all coming encounters.
build a wall and make sure they only enter legally
We let ICE handle them, send them back!!!
So when do we get the option to filter out all fake flags?
give them the infected blankets and buy their ufo for beads
Hey ET, pass me your wallet
care police
do they play vidya?
Some cunt would try to get drunk with them, I just know it. Before long there will be space saunas.
Justin will make sure they're down with Islam and pose for a photograph
>we discover they've copied our pizza recipe and have been putting some kind of disgusting alien ingredient on top of it
>war is declared
key this never gets old