Soarin' Ted swoops in to save the day
Soarin' Ted swoops in to save the day
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>It's real
The delegates are here!
Tea Party got a man close to being President, right wing grassroots are far superior to leftists trash
wtf i'm cruzmissle now
I actually really like Ted Cruz. I just think he would have made a shit president. But AG or Supreme Court Justice Cruz would be amazing for the country.
if sessions wont fall in line then we might need cruz.
that being said, he did co-sponsor that anti-boycott israel bill.
Based Ted Cruz to save this administration.
I still think Ted Cruz should be the next Supreme Court justice. He can replace Kennedy, or if Ginsberg dies, Ginsberg.
Digits says Ginsberg dies in her sleep tonight and Lyin' Ted takes her seat
>Supreme Court Justice Cruz
>AG Justice Cruz
He's been really good since the election, may actually b our guy
He was my first choice for AG but i really thought sessions would be more of a pitbull than hes shown. It takes time though and hes been loyal
He better not. You cannot trust lyin' ted.
he will ruin Trump from the inside for his own political gain. you think he forgot about Trump claiming his dad killed JFK?
there is a reason this snake has zero friends in the senate.
Sessions is a dip shit who still wants to wage the war on drugs and thinks civil forfeiture laws are good.
the opposite of a conservative
I'm oddly comfortable with this.
Goudy was the dream pick, Kruse good second, Sesh show'd his ass with recusal, he's dirty looking because of it
Sessions is a hard-ass on immigration. Cruz spoke Spanish during the campaign.
my dick is diamond
I think Ted Cruz is more effective as a Senator.
What do you guys think of people from the NRA becoming AG, instead.
Would someone like Wayne LaPierre be good as AG?
Have been outta the loop for a few days.
What's wrong with sessions?
>Cruz spoke Spanish during the campaign.
It's a white language...
>...and for that reason I thought Lyin' Ted would be perfect for the job. Everybody welcome Lyin' Ted. That's what I call him because he can't not tell a lie. Ya know, Abe Lincoln. Great guy. Great great wonderful guy, Abe. Ol' Abe Lincoln. He couldn't TELL a lie and Lyin' Ted can't tell the TRUTH. Amazing man though besides that. We all have differences of opinion and so I know he'll be great as America's Attorney General. Believe me, Lyin' Ted is perfect for this job.
But getting rid of the leakers is more important than immigration yet leaks are still happening.
This, also SC Ted El Rato Cruz would cause liberal butthurt for GENERATIONS, while AG Cruz would last a couple of years tops.
He cares more about marijuana than illegals
Yes, let's get into the cycle of removing valuable people in the Senate, installing them as AG, then firing them a few months later.
t spic
lol, if Immigration fails then the rest doesn't matter because we are fucked regardless.
he's a zionist cuck, fuck off
Cruz cosponsored the Israel boycott = crime bill. He's no fucking civil libertarian, he's Sheldon Adelson's fuck pillow.
Sessions isn't going to make this easy. All this is just an attempt to push Sessions instead of pushing him. It's going to cause shit if he fires Sessions, but not as much shit if he fires Mueller.
Dahnald,transfer me your AG delegates so I may soaring-ly rid the country of illegals and shills
>not ron paul
Wow, the Jews are really going mad over Sessions now that they finally got a whole bunch of Trump supporters to express public disappointment.
he's not going to do shit on immigration unless he stops leaks and also routes the establishment. sessions is a bitch who always tries to appease enemies and virtue signal he's a gentlemen. he just talked tough on immigration but didn't do shit on it.
i completely agree america is fucked if it doesn't fix immigration, but you've got to clear the road blocks first. cause sessions recused himself he hamstrung trumps entire fucking presidency. the republicans in congress love that democraps are talking about russia so they don't have to do anything and can sit on the fence. there's zero chance they're going to get a hard hitting immigration bill if they can't even repeal obamacare. thanks you fucking dipshit sessions. the only thing he can do now is literally start arresting the fucking criminals like hillary and do shock and awe to make everybody obey
I don't like this. Cruz is weak, and a Pentecostal. He genuinely seems to believe that Jews are holy people chosen by God. Let him stay in the Senate, I guess, but not this.
Did you not watch the redemption Arc? I mean Vegeta committed multiple genocides but he still managed to save the world himself and fathered a hero who saved the future.
>Trump says something about AT
>Now everyone is pouncing on Sessions' again
This is just dumb. Whatever ends up happening, as long as he doesn't fire Muller it doesn't matter.
fuck no don't do this, we're eating through our senators at this rate
Holy fuck this administration is a fucking disaster
Can we all take a moment to realize the mess Trump is in right now? Just damn... Still glad Hillary lost but Trump really wasn't suited for the job (still making him better than Hillary).
Or how about the fact that Trump chose Scaramucci, the same guy who insulted Trump calling him a political hack and praised Hillary? US politics is such a clusterfuck right now kek
I don't understand why Trump isn't more careful about the things he says and does. He should've changed his behavior a bit since he won the presidency.
I'm really hoping this happens. Ted Cruz is pretty fucking smart and will sink Trump if he finds any dirt.
Scara was choosen because he's an extremely smooth talker and communications has no affect on policy
lmfao that's how I feel after seeing the headline
>The (S)Hill
By the end of this year Trump will hire Hillary. Screencap this thread.
>Or how about the fact that Trump chose Scaramucci, the same guy who insulted Trump calling him a political hack and praised Hillary?
My God! Meritocracy in my politics?
Say what you want, Scaramucci is a talented man.
And he told me Jeff, even you like your job, you can't keep it!
I thought Sessions was a good guy
>No no, you heard Trump wrong. When he said she would be in jail, he MEANT to say she'd be appointed to his cabinet
>Also gtfo shareblue
t. /PTG/
While I like what he's doing, going after potheads and pedos, although only small time, he needs to prioritize his shit.
>Yes, let's get into the cycle of removing valuable people in the Senate, installing them as AG, then firing them a few months later.
4-dimensional swamp draining.
Get lyin' ratfuckin' Ted Cruz out of the senate, and then fire his ass.
Literal redemption arc
Why is session getting fired? I thought he was /ourguy/
Hand o'er the emails Hillary, ye scurvy wench.
AWK! Hand over the emails.
sessions is literally the worst thing about the trump presidency. i'd definitely take cruz over him
>SCOTUS Justice Ted Cruz
God I hope Kennedy retires and/or Ginsburg dies soon.
also i would love to see cruzposting return
>"I came here to chew bubblegum and take delegates, and it seems I'm all out of bubble gum"
Though it would suck if Cruz became Rato again once he became AG
The guy is a sociopath. Has everyone already forgot the shit he pulled during the campaign?
Its high noon, Lyin' Ted
Trump has rewarded several talented people as President who badmouthed him in his campaign. Trump is showing that he doesn't hold grudges and doesn't play favorites. Scara and Ted, despite being former opponents, are capable people.
>Digits says Ginsberg dies in her sleep tonight
False my numbers say that Ginsburg stays on the court till the next Dem President and what's more Thomas, Kennedy, and surprisingly Gorsich all die so the next Dem president can appoint a solidly liberal court.
I haven't seen enough people noticing this but I'm wondered if this is how you drain it.
Now I don't REALLY care either way. Just make sure you don't forget that Ted Cruz is one of 45 senators who have signed a bill that would make boycotting Israel a crime. In America.
Nice try
Talk as much shit as you want about Ted but he's one of the last great constitutionalists we have for a while.
If true, this might get interesting...
>nice try
Bot does a trick. Let's see it again.
I think Trump respects him for his tenacity, remember Trump said Cruz's dad killed JFK kek (maybe tho..)
Just bantz
You are shit.
This makes me sick to my stomach. I fucking hate how the kikes have such a stronghold over our government. As if controlling the banking industry, hollywood, porn, fashion, jewelry, real estate industries wasn't enough.
>Trump Nominates Ted Cruz
>Now only has 50 senate seats until election
Also what is his fucking deal going after people that like him?
It's like a drunk coming home from a hard day and beating his wife
Even more so considering it was Trump himself that brought the special counsel.
>Senate vote 99-0 for it so Cruz is out of the Senate.
>Now I don't REALLY care either way
Then why did you post? You clearly care or you wouldn't have posted. It isn't inherently wrong to care, but when you try to prove "LOOK HOW NEUTRAL I AM GUISE TRUST ME DUMB FUCKS" I get suspicious.
We would lose a Senator though, I see the appeal, but we can't afford to give up any more Senators
Rather have Lyin Ted than Jeff the mouse.
I think Cruz is a lying piece of shit that gives zero fucks about Murrica.
Nord bot never get's to see his family because of people like you.
But he's /our/ lying piece of shit.
Looks like he's much less of a drug warrior faggot than Sessions.
I unironically love Ted, he's a creepy looking motherfucker but he knows how to piss off lefties. Few people have the ability to do that as well as Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich.
The reason the drug war must end isn't because of muh pot. Personally I don't give a shit about doing drugs.
The biggest problem with the drugwar is that it's how the CIA funds itself.
It also creates perverse incentives for law enforcement. They're going after druggies when they should be smashing commie skulls.
Please let this happen. I will praise kek or do whatever the fuck i need to. Cruz was a rat bastard candidate but i believe he will put some of these fucks behind bars and sessions is a cuck
Since when does Sup Forums support Lyin' Ted?
Damn I miss tedposting.