BREAKING NEWS: Veteran intelligence agents, including NSA agents, have sent a memo to Trump saying the "Russian Hacking" of DNC computers was actually INSIDE JOB to frame russian government, citing new forensics studies!
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>Inside job
Rip Seth ;__;7
Justice for Seth Rich
Hacking to the gate.
No shit, sane people have been screaming this since at least November.
This is beautiful. Bump hump gump
fake news bullshit gtfo my reddit
F for Seth
Damn, Debbie looks like she's aged 20 years in the last 12 months.
Have a bump, OP.
>Intelligence veterans
OK, I get that this narrative has more weight to it because it could actually be true, but let's not pretend like we haven't just employed the same shilling tactics as the left.
I'd prefer to champion a "smoking gun" rather than a ".jpg of the smoke that was allegedly part of the gun"
Bump smore
His name was Seth Rich. He was too good for the DNC
Why are people still going on about this Russian hacking drivel? Trump won. The election has been over for almost a year. Hillary will not magically take his spot.
Just let it go already
dnc hacking is old news
no one gives a shit
Why doesn't Trump use forensicator's findings and order intelligence another proper investigation on this matter?
Fuck you, bernies still in this. Match me bros.
>"Russian Hacking" of DNC computers was actually INSIDE JOB to frame russian government,
prepping response to formation of BRICS
>3k active intelligence agents with millions of dollars worth of resources believe it was russa
"fake news. they liars."
>1 retired agent believes it was an inside job
"finally some sense!"
how stupid can you people be
His name was Seth Rich
My dear leaf friend, the leftists in this country still whinge about two things pertaining to the 2000 election:
>candidate al gore winning the popular vote
>the global warming hoax perpetrated by said candidate
That was 17 years ago, and merely mentioning either subject will send leftists into a frenzy.
I can assure you, the popular vote and Russian nonsense surrounding Trump won't be going away any time soon. Not until the Millennials grow old and senile.
How anyone can still respect the guy after he let some BLM sheboons hijack his microphone while he stood off to the side with his hands folded like a cuck is beyond me.
That single moment should have told everyone that he's not fit to lead.
Hmmm election fraud committee allowed to see voter rolls from ALL states
Rumors upon rumors of pedophiles fleeing like scared rats
Rumors of Mueller about to announce Trump is clear of Russian shit and Hilary and Co is actually the ones guilty of collusion....
Awan brothers hard drives taken by FBI
Now this? Damn it is flooding like a broken dam!
Justice for Seth, and all the others.
This post
How is this news
Stop posting your shitty fake website here please.
His nama Seth Rich, never forget, never forgive, an American hero and patriot.
What's their endgame? Do they think they're going to find that magic piece of evidence that will lead to drumpfy being led out of the white house in cuffs, the election declared invalid, and Hillary taking her rightful spot as president?
Is that what they're actually holding out for?
'White House user" did say it would be a series of happenings leading up to one big BOOM. Hmm. Maybe he wasn't a LARPer.
When is this story going to fucking end? Stuck on repeat, my fellow Americans and I are enduring a never ending circle jerk of democrats and MSM narratives which are false. It's like that story about the boy who cried wolf except in our version that shitty little boy never gets ate by the wolf and instead continues to torment the town.
The legit WHanon WAS right about his news every time. The other ones were fake/imposters.
>retired and therefore doesn't have access to the data
wow you cocksuckers are desperate.
forgot to change your flag back bud.
I think the goal is seriously just to bitch and moan and obstruct and gum up the works to try to make Trump less effective. It's largely motivated by spite alone, though I'm sure some think they might actually get him out of office. Even liberals are beginning to crack. They're just plain tired of hearing about Russia. Their hopes keep getting brought up, only to come crashing down. I know the Russia stuff seems endless and annoying, but at least we're the ones who get to laugh each and every time these retards are shot down.
Canada, that is a funny analogy.
they still know people, and many still have clearance. retirement means nothing with government agencies, especially nsa
Funnily enough, yes. They're going to keep pushing this impeachment narrative until Trump finishes his second term in office.
Then, it's back to bashing "muh Rethuglicans" as if nothing ever happened. To do otherwise would result in them admitting they were wrong, and they're simply incapable of doing just that.
>Japanese Bernaboo
Ah, yess-uh, grorious plesidential candidate, uh Bernard Sannaders.
Their smoking gun is a 2gb file couldn't be downloaded in 87 seconds over the internet.
Bullshit. MY home internet is faster than that...
>US Intelligence Veterans Believe
What does this actually mean though? Has someone formally addressed it, or is he just reporting the obvious facts of the matter?
Jake Tapper has aged 30 years since November. Looks a mess, nipples protruding . Sad.
You've got like 200 megabit download at home? Nice.
Gigabit (or better) at any kind of real commercial enterprise would be no big deal, but getting 200 megabit at home is pretty impressive.
I wish more leaf posts were like this
There's a bunch about 20 major problems... First one being the geniuses from the FSB/KGB basically signing their work with : THIS IS HACK FROM SOVIET RUSSIA!... No red flags? Really? And that's without the FBI even having the chance to review the server.
>Gigabit (or better) at any kind of real commercial enterprise would be no big deal
sorry faggot. i think the ex-nsa sigint guy might know more than you.
Seems like something they'd do.
Where I work we have two 10 gig connections to two different ISPs.
Aren't the DNC straight shooters?
Probably. Because when Trump wanted to look info voter fraud the Dems fought hard against it. If they really believed in fraud, why would they block a fraud investigation?Either because of their part in it or because of their votes by illegals, or both.
That must be amazing. It takes me about an hour just to download 1GB.
Hopefully they have a parade with Lyin Brian, FakeNewsMan Dan, Tom Brokaw and Carl Bernstein demanding we respect their authoritEYE.
more posts like this and I'll break all my rakes
Steve Scalise would have to disagree with you.
Even if you were in South Korea or something like that where 100 megabit home connections are normal, it would have taken twice as long.
But if both machines have institutional connections it's entirely doable. USB 2.0 tops out at about 33MB/s, so getting only 23MB/s is a pretty reasonable alternative depending on choice of thumb drive, server load, etc.
Where is steele? Bayrock. Nobody meets with russians or takes their money. Who cares about muh cyber security. Nixon fucked all that shit anyways
They aren't kidding their blood sacrifices and anti aging fetus cells
Seth was working for the NSA to gather intel on the corrupt CIA civilian contractors working for the DNC.
>I know the Russia stuff seems endless and annoying,
2 schools of thought on Russia.
#1 Are we to believe the democrats are upset at Russia because their "hacking" exposed Hillary's server, emails, Wikileaks, etc. Thereby insuring Trump a victory? Not because of any incriminating subject matter?
#2 Or do the democrats think putin helped and colluded with trump because of some back room deal to make him president? Because a Trump presidency boosted out supply of oil, world prices dropped hurting russia. Out military supports trump, our economy is doing better. Trump is not a pussy like hillary or obama. Seems like russia would be more interested in hillay winning since she would drive up oil prices and not be a threat militarily.
Bump for Seth
His name was Seth rich.
One of them is Binney, this is legit.
>US intelligence veterans just now realizing what 45 year old soccer moms realized almost a year ago
How do these spooks even have jobs?
Sounds like its fake news. I'll wait till i hear something from a legit source, OP
that sucks, she needs to spend a long ass fucking time in jail, no ez way out
Democrats dropped the russian narrative today and blamed hillary... why do you think they would do that, buddy?
I kek'd. I love you, Japan.
>Even if you were in South Korea or something like that where 100 megabit home connections are normal, it would have taken twice as long.
>But if both machines have institutional connections it's entirely doable. USB 2.0 tops out at about 33MB/s, so getting only 23MB/s is a pretty reasonable alternative depending on choice of thumb drive, server load, etc.
I have a residential plan with Comcast in South Florida and I get 180Mbs but at night it regularly hits 200Mbs down, that is of course with 25Mb up.
Sent 20€.
We knew this.
Who was Seth Rich?
Oh god, please let it be true
Just think of all the salt that could be mined
>Even if you were in South Korea or something like that where 100 megabit home connections are normal
>South Korea or something
What the hell? 100 Mbit is standard with fibre connections here, even houses on the countryside are getting them these days. Anything in or near a city would have it, and a lot of countryside places too. From there you can go up to 1/1 Gbit, usually. Pretty pricy though, 1/1 Gbit should cost ~$97 (800 kr/sek).
the russia shit is annoying and endless, but that's because they're using the Alinsky tactic of accusing your enemies of doing what you're doing. Obama and McCain and Hillary while she was Sec of State were supporting the CIA's islamoterrorist networks and Benghazi was all about that--how the CIA was running arms to them. hell, the disgusting kikes even gave the islamic state chemical weapons to use in Syria to garner MUH RED LINE, MUH GLOBAL OUTRAGE when they attempt to frame the terrorist's shit on Assad. Trump and the people with him were promising to fuck over the Deep State's spies, crooked career politicians and globalists' agendas. There's a lot of shit to drain out of that backed-up toilet though.
And there has never been any hard evidence presented to the American people.
At this point we need it in black and white.
lol I pay like $115/mo for 3 MB/s down to my house. Always remember that the ancient infrastructure in the US gives most people in the US a different perspective about typical residential speeds.
Do the Dems ever NOT blame the republicans for the shit they actually do?
Bump for Seth. F
Thing is they've got nothing on Trump.
If there was anything on Trump, Obama would have found it using the FBI and the IRS.
They got NOTHING, because the guy is a "straight arrow".
And he can't be bought, he already has everything he wants.
The Establishment is going apeshit.
>Thing is they've got nothing on Trump.
Not yet.
Mueller is a prosecutor and he will find "something" no matter how small because it's what prosecutors do. Id Trump or Republicans object to any of this it's muh obstruction bullshit charges. IDK if Trump survives this. Plus old rinos like ryan want him gone.
no fucking shit its all fake.
>Do the Dems ever NOT blame the republicans for the shit they actually do?
The Russians made Hillary have illegal server and emails.
The Russians made Podesta say unkind things in his emails.
The Russians destroyed Bernie Sanders.
>"Russian Hacking" of DNC computers was actually INSIDE JOB to frame russian government, citing new forensics studies!
That's what everyone already knew anyway. Not to say that I wasn't OPEN to the Russia thing but the problem with claims is you gotta present evidence and not just copycat what someone thought of as cool and hip is saying.
Thanks for including the source
Russian propaganda.
If there was ANYTHING AT ALL, Obama and his Deep State operatives would have found it.
And the libs don't even see Trump has been more of a NY Democrat than Repub.
The Dems are so frothing at the mouth, Sad.