Israel/Palestine Conflict

So, Sup Forums, who's side are you on?

Other urls found in this thread:

The side that didn't deliberately attack a US ship killing 35 Americans in 1967.

I don't care, they can kill each other all they want.

On the side of the goyim

Neither hopefully they wipe each other out so we have less problems and drama to worry about.

Neither. Fuck them both.

On the side of dat ass


wtf i hate Palestine now because of that booty

There's been a distinct lack of Jews killed by Palestinians lately. I'm getting fed up.

whichever side kills the most 'people'

>Jews and Muslims slaughtering eachother


>So, Sup Forums, who's side are you on?
I'd probably side with the Israelis if I had to. Not only are they the white guys, but they seem to be pretty redpilled on Islam. The Palestinians just look like your typical brown 3rd worlders.

Well looking at the number of muslim girls I fucked vs jewish girls... Muslims.

Veteran here.

Why the fuck does she have white socks on?

The American side.



Its possible that shes not actually in the military sir

somebody better take that gun away from her
or him
whatever that fat-assed bunt is
You mean the same event where the CIA just released documents on where Preisdent Johnson and the CIA ordered Israel to do it as a false flag so they could join in the 6 day war.

Archive the clickbaiters

How long does israel honestly think they can last? Are they so attached to this piece of land they did not earn because of a magic book that they would subject their families and descendants to certain death?

Sure, they can just nuke the world if it gets too hairy, but that would just mean Sup Forums was right the whole time.

Israel, they remove kebab daily unlike OP and USA is on their side



I also side with India over Porkistan, Ethiopia over Somalia, and Greece over Turkey. Whenever it's Muslims vs. Infidels, I will always side with the Infidels.

it s all propaganda for IDF

anyway in general i side with palestine ..kikes are basicly building on other people land , i would fucking throw stones at them as well if they would destroy my house to make place for some big nose kikes

kinda makes me wonder what the fucks goin on over there

Fuck it, sex sells , exploding your own spinal remains into your enemy is kinda stupid.

neither have any right to the land
those "jews" are not the real jews
and those Palestinian squatters
took up residence after the real jews were driven out
i wish death and slavery upon them both
also this thread is stupid

Damn I'd fuck that ass. Hell I'd pay her just to let me dry hump her aggressively for ten minutes with leggings on for five and with them off for another five. Damn shame she has a kike nose, maybe on my way out I'll rip a fat one right in her face and scream "GET GASSED! KIKE!" and run out."


They can settle their differences themselves. The longer we keep them from really getting into it the longer the resentment will simmer.

the people trying to negotiate a peace deal are following the same logic that suspends a kid for defending himself.

iran, obviously

Death to both, thanks

Jews still exist in your country?

I side with the kikes, but they just bitched out and agree to remove metal detectors from the dome of the rock

More importantly, IDF doesn't wear black short boots. They wear tall dark brown ones.

>I'd probably side with the Israelis if I had to. Not only are they the white guys...

All Israelis must serve a compulsory 3 years in military service.

>JewU capital

What do you think?

That was just the pilot. He was still being ordered by Jews.


Well you probably are a durka, because Islam prohibits their women from sleeping with and/or marrying infidel men. If you are an infidel and you did really sleep with that many durka women then someone would have cut your head off by now, stoned you to death, or lit you on fire.

The best way to win against kikes is to take their women

"Our son will be Jewish user!"

Anons: "Fuck no! He will be a Christian National Socialist"

Look at this skag. It's feminine empowerment in a nutshell. Posing like a soldier in a sexy pose. Name the jew.

Female soldiers as far as I know are allowed to wear white socks. If I were you, I would be more concerned about the overly tight uniform, which I'm pretty sure aren't allowed(since I'm almost certain that that kind of modification to uniform is forbidden)

no, that's just wrong you fucking idiot

this side is a-ok

How many palestinian goy kids have you murdered today Shlomo?

Right? Horseshit

Men serve 2 years 8 months, women serve 2 years. My statement still stands.

Kill the Jews, kill the Palestinians. I retake the Holy Land for the Fourth Reich.

yo man wtf i know her IRL

To be honest, I bet the kikes hired her just for that photo and that she's not even Israeli or Jewish.

Why did you reply with Damon Lindelof?

How did you know I was a huge fan of LOST?

How did you know my name was Jim?

How did you know I worked at Kalco Construction?



36 months for men, 24 for women

Calling me a Muslim murderer isn't an insult here.


Can I poop in her butt?

Let the jews cleanse that place for us then we take over. The kikes want it so bad too

There is no common ground between white man and Islam. They have killed and enslaved us far too much. Anyone fighting against Pisslam is doing the world a favor.


>mfw /nupol/ is suddenly fine with kikes

It seems I am on >>>reddit already kike

>the question is why. And nobody answers this question. The answer is that it wasn’t planned.

The question of why has been thoroughly explained.

Stating that it wasn't planned is a blatant lie. McNamara had a plane en route to Cairo with a nuclear bomb at the very same time the USS Liberty was being struck.

That article is just more Jewish lies and displacement of blame. This article only proves whites in our government are completely subservient to Jewish goals, policy, and agenda.

ye right , you are just an oven dodger

It's also not murder.

We are just glad that they actually kill muslims, welcome newfag. Did you kill any this week? Nope? Then shut up

>Tfw I will never get to marry an Israeli woman

My side.

Something hot about a chick that could prolly whip my ass in hand to hand combat. Let alone handle a machine gun.
Whew lads!

100% European, southern Confederate.

You're a total cuck if you're Italian and supporting Islam. Shame on you, if that's what you are. But I'm thinking you're a durka durk. Italy is full of durkas now thanks to the EU and Ghadaffi being gone.

t. Edgy flag hiding jew

Back to >>>reddit with you

Yes, someone needs to do it. It's a damn disgrace that we haven't taken back Constantinople yet. We need to take it back and chisel all the durka screed out of the Hagia Sophia.

And you're just a useful idiot

>jew buttocks was made for ass fucking

is this true, Sup Forums?

You must be fucking 13 to not see the game for what it is. When kikes and muslims are killing each other, it is a good thing. Keep defending muslims, they are a greater threat by their numbers in our countries

I don't mind them killing each other. But I have to admit that I don't like way Jews jewed the land they own from Palestinians. Arabs are right, but they can still die.

What's with the nigger assets in girls these days?

>Is this your wife getting rbed by an uncut goy cock?

Oy veeey

whatever side she's against, so I can be her POW
>ywn have a qt Israeli and/or Palestini grill force you on your knees at gunpoint so she can BRAP in your face and make you lick her combat boots
>caring about something that happened literally half a century ago

As a real ethno-nationalist, Palestine.

okay now redraw that cartoon but with the male soldier replaced with the cutie above

Thats a mistake goy. You cant go against Israel. /nupol/ is civic nationalist now and por Israel



Really finngolian? Why do you have to post that?

Is there a lower form of life than the civic nationalist?
Yes. The Jew.

Iraqi, Syrian, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Palestinian = interchangeable Arabo-muzzies. They are all the same people. There is more difference between a European American from Texas and New York than there is between these durkas.

Does it trigger you Goldstein?

israel. They're kikes, but they're not in the West so it's okay. They're whiteish and BTFO mudslimes by merely existing. Nazi wannabes don't realize this but the jews are split between anti-west globalists and westerner sympathizers. Plus jews in israel and out of Europe was what hitler wanted in the first place, goatfuckers caused the holocaust by not allowing the kikes.

>not realizing that you're Jewish if your mother is Jewish

with the side of the death. the more dead people the better

Good goy!

I know jews are literal cuckolds, I can fuck your wife and impregnate her and you will raise my kid as a jew. kek

oh dear

Culturally they're Arabs, but ethnically they resemble the inhabitants of the region thousands of years ago, whereas the Jew has no claim to the land, being a vile mix of inbred Khazars and European bastard children. They have no homeland.