Good pick. Cruz is a class act
Hillary thought she would be free..
Not so fast.
We need him in the senate!
100% support this.
I would be so fucking hype
>We will drain the swamp he said
>Wants to hire a guy who takes money from Goldman Sachs
Wew lad
He can do more as attorney general. Also, he's in texas. Not like they can't replace him
I support this.
T. A real American
Tryin' Ted
but I still want Ted at the supreme court...
Goddamn pol, Wapo is always full of shit.
>muh romney
>muh lieberman
As if he'd take a nevertrumper
>not Rudy Giuliani
I disapprove
Jesus christ you guys are some good little goys
This fat ugly kike is one of the senators who signed the bill that would make backing a boycott of Israel a criminal offense
Fuck all of you worthless faggots
>wanting anything to do with that booger eatin' good goy
>washington post
you all are faggots for believing this
>He said this about his own future AG
fucking this x10
Funny thing. Now that the narrative is about to turn Trump is going to actually put the people in place for his cabinet that he originally wanted to in the first place.
Spicer was not his first pick as Press Secretary. Sessions wasn't his first pick as AG. Tillerson wasn't his first pick as Secretary of State.
So now I bet you will be seeing a lot of pieces being moved and replaced.
There is a greater purpose for ISRAEL then what is on the surface. Not necessarily the people of Israel/JEWS, but the state of Israel is important.
People have let trump down big so far, Trump is obviously looking to turn that around.
Cruz would be a big deal, he has shown his loyality in backing trump on many things. Obviously he is a bit of a neocon, but there just isn't getting around that. Trump isn't in the position to fill his cabinet with absolutely perfect picks.
>people ITT forgetting everything that happened before, during and after the primaries
>forgetting that Lyin' Ted is as slimy as they come
>trusting him
Horrible. Cruz is a swamp rat.
This is a ruse to foreshadow prosecutions.
Holy fuck. Can you imagine all the Cruz missile posting?
doesn't the governor make a special appointment if cruz steps up? that'd be even better than having to run someone
lol you expect anything but blind obedience from trumpcucks?
Trump: Cruz is a lyin' ted
Trump: I'm considering cruz for AG
Cucked beyond repair.
Did he really? source?
Everyone in the Senate, both parties, hates Ted Cruz. He's just an unlikable prick to the people around him. I could see them not confirming his nomination.
>literally best timeline
Of course they would confirm him. They want to get him the fuck out of the senate.
They are also afraid of him because he's a master baiter.
rand likes Cruz.
Fair point.
Oh well, he can't be any worse than the Keebler elf.
>the state of Israel is important.
fuck Lord Balfour's little project
and fuck Ted Cruz
Actually this I fully approve
will he ever get the chance he deserves, bros?
I'm off the train if this goes down. I don't need some illegal in bed literally with Goldman Sachs to be in charge of deportations and immigration law and shit. Cruz is the epitome of (((civic nationalism))).
Wtf I am now a Cruz missle now
launch the Cruise Missile
>top 10 redemption arcs in anime history
Sessions should stay, even CNN wants him removed. The people who support Sessions resigning are support neocon policies. Hopefully it's fake news.
> archive.is
> "and some confidants are floating prospects who could take his place were he to resign or be fired, according to people familiar with the talks."
> "according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment publicly."
It's the same shit every time. How many times will you idiots fall for fake news?
>I'm sorry that I called you Lyin' Ted
>you should be called
>Like an Eagle
Everything is about the Jews here right Mr shekelberg?
Its WP so its definitely fake. I hope this is a Trump led fake out though the entire Sessions "heat" atm.
Lyin Ted redeemed himself long ago. as well did Marco "sweatin bullets' Rubio
cruz missiles are back!
If Cruz and Trump were on good terms now, secretly, this would be a brilliant move. Cruz could stop this special prosecution and investigate Hillary, and nobody would be able to question his impartiality because he could still pretend to be mad at Trump over the primaries.
The last thing Trump should do is put a Senate seat up for grab especially with this healthcare crap
Even if offered, he wouldn't take it.
He wants to run for lt. Governor or governor
Your office, Jeff. Give it to me.
Did he actually say that this time or are they just making shit up still?
"""Sources""" who are """familiar with the conversation."""
He finally got his delegates. Republigoyim are shite
Dunno. Can't trust MSM.
"""sources""" also say Rudy Giuliani is being considered
>oh no it's a TX seat up for grabs
Agreed. So whats with the faggot double down shit. Either everybody is a fag or you dont mean it. Which means the first thing is right again. Figured this out a long time ago we all know this
Lyin Ted? If true, Trump is retarded.
Hey newfriend
>create public controversy with sessions giving the impression he will be BTFO at any given moment
>give legitimacy to rumors he will be replaced
>tell a bunch of different people a bunch of different potential replacements
>get leaks in past 24hrs that both Giuliani and Cruz are going to replace sessions
>two leakers have got themselves caught
It's just so blatant
If he ACTUALLY PROSECUTES people in our government for the crimes they commit then by all means El Rato. By all means..
At this point Chuck Schumer could fuck a child in the street and nothing would happen.
Trump broke Cruz so he could build him back up again, just like they do in the Marines
That's at least how it works in AZ, probably works the same in TX. I checked into it once /pol memed the glioblastoma into Mccain's brain
Governor appoints someone from that party until that absent senator's term is up
>Doesn't know what a line of credit is.
I approve.
Ted's redeemed himself and he deserves the position. He will ride the Trump train untill something better shows up but that probably won't happen anytime soon.
This. Anyone who's actually excited about this is clearly a newfag from leddit that needs to get gassed. Unfortunately it looks like half of this board are plebbitors now.
Mfw Trump is "leaking" this bullshit to the wapo himself
this is proof donald trump comes here
Sessions is Trump's guiding light on immigration. I highly doubt this will actually happen unless Sessions is more useful in some other sector of government.
I don't like this. I'm for Sessions because his immigration views align most closely with Trump.
this mentally ill fag is way more active now that we have shitposting flags
So does cruz's, no?
We want someone out for Clinton blood...bleeding out his/her wherever for justice.
Find the biggest swinging dick around to cock-slap DC in the face.
Rudy, James Kallstrom (Former FBI AD), Ms. Jeanine Pirro. Hell, get that little bulldog Mark Levin if need be.
Yeah, remember when Trump bashed Bannon in the press? They smoothed it over just fine. Maybe Trump is just whipping Sessions into shape.
Why is he always replacing people ?
Holy fuck the damage control is unreal
Next before you know it Rex Tillerson confirms the rumors are real and quits his position, and Trump chooses Hillary to replace him
What will be ptg/rthedonald's reaction then? Hurr it was 64D chess?
Where the fuck is rand?
Trump is grasping at straws when he refuses to acknowledge the real problem. He needs to get his hands dirty but hes a coward or hes being misled by someone close to him. Or just a pawn himself but hes still innocent until proven guilty so its up to us to give him the benefit of the doubt.
He's not man. Scaramucci is feeding suspected leakers names of replacements to see who actually leaks. In 24hrs we have 2 leaks of both Giuliani and Cruz replacing sessions.
Yeah, my pendulum swung from despising him, to lukewarm indifference, and now back to hate again because of that Jewbacle.
>or hes being misled by someone close to him
Isn't it almost entirely Democrats that support this crap? Makes you think.
Sheriff Ted is tough and has a spine. Jeffy and his southern gentleman routine is all wrong. President Trump needs a kick ass legal man.