Why are you against female business leadership, Sup Forums? Don't you want higher economic growth? Do you hate money?
Why are you against female business leadership, Sup Forums? Don't you want higher economic growth? Do you hate money?
Other urls found in this thread:
>1.More honest
>gets to the point faster and more directly
It's like they're talking about men
>plot twist: they are
>that image
>less ego blindness
Pure pottery.
>More Honest
>Direct Communication
>More Ambitious
What is this retardation?
Why are they setting women up to fail? Men never needed info graphs, they never needed "meninism" to get where we are. No one needed to see some infomation on why men should lead, they just did it, we still do it now. If women want to really come to power they should stop making a big deal about getting attention for it.
1 & 4 are complete bullshit.
Literally who is against it
If they can, they can.
If they can't, then they'll fail miserably.
Why the fuck do they seem to need our permission?
Only 8 and 4 are even moderately useful in business, everything else seems like a liability
If patriarchal men weren't hindering women's careers, we'd have achieved parity of women CEOs already. Ever heard of the glass ceiling? Look it up. It's stunting our economy.
You all are laughing, but studies prove that gender diversity directly impacts the success of companies: mckinsey.com
are they going to ignore that the best men will always be better than the best women at all these? average dudes doesn't become entrepreneurs
I work for a company that is ran by a women. Its losing 10m a month..
I guess the horseshoe theory is real
>There's no difference between genders women can literally so anything a man can!
>Here's some reasons women are better than men.
Women good at direct communication? Hahahahahaha has the person who made this ever been in any kind of relationship or friendship with a woman before? Trying to get direct answers about shit and trying to get a woman to tell you what she wants or what is wrong is fucking near impossible.
Point 8 is correct because they want fat stacks of money to buy everything to show how much material wealth they have over their female friends while most men are not driven by greed.
>emotionally intelligent
Why the fuck would that be a good thing ?
The world of business and enterprise needs to be governed by ration, not emotion
Also, I've never seen a woman in charge giving a fuck about someone she doesn't like ( not appealing to her "feels" )
Direct communication????????????????????????????????????????????
Really?? So I guess I'm just surrounded by trannies then!
You are a jackass just like your flag. Good job.
>Whiny feminists have given up pretext of equality and went full fem supremacist
>Gen Z rejects feminism like no generation since women got the vote
really coincidences my detectors
Damn these oppressive men, giving women the permission to start their own businesses, own their own property, enter politics and affirmative action hiring women because of their gender instead of qualifications. DAMN THEM!
>glass ceiling
Women aren't denied promotions because of their sex, they aren't promoted because they are incompetent diversity hires.
Replace patriarchal men with "the jews" and you look like stormfront
And I dont even need to go past point #1 to know this is complete shit. Yes because safe spaces are about being brutally honest to get to the heart of a problem. Sure thing sweetie better luck next time
>read point 1 fully expecting the b8 potential
>get irrationally mad and close the picture
I am not against female leadership in business or any other province of society.
I'd like leadership chosen on merit, not some cultural Marxist inspired social justice program.
In fact, these current quota schemes devalue and demean those women who are there based on merit.
>Taking more risks than men
The entire reason the wage gap exists because women on average take LESS risks. This is a verifiable fact confirmed by pretty much every single study that breaks down why women earn less.
Feminists have given up on merely stretching the truth and are just 100% making shit up at this point.
>gender diversity directly impacts the success of companies
I can tell you one thing, once companies hire skirts just because they are skirts and not because competence, it all goes to fuck itself.
I work software devel.
My boss insists to once in a while hire a woman just because "they should have a chance" , not because actually passing tech interview.
They are also obtuse and lack imagination. Only thing they are good at is taking notes and saying a lot of nothings
We even had one that would lock herself in the bathroom and talk on the phone for hours . She could've just go outside, no rule against that, but I guess she liked the bathroom more.
My boss didn't fire her, she left on her own because of "better" opportunities
Pick one
And yeah I do hate money it's brought nothing but problems to our race
every single point is complete bullshit, arguably except 2 (which is the exact opposite of what you need in an entrepreneur).
>more honest
Has the person who made this shitty meme ever actually MET a woman before? Women always stab you in the back, they never let you see it coming.
>Value relationships
Women hate men AND hate other women as well (unless they're dykes). They can't bond with anyone very well.
>Appreciate creativity
Because they can't actually follow directions, they need to constantly "get creative"
>Direct communication
HO-LEE-FUCK, that's funny.
>Fair negotiations
The few women of power I've met in business are terrible negotiators, and always overreach to overcompensate for being female.
>Emotionally intelligent
Read: lack logic, but have emotion in spades
Being fucking neurotic as Woody Allen isn't being good at business, yo.
>More ambitious
So ambitious, they constantly fuck things up and get held back before their "ambition" can ruin something else.
>Less ego blindness
Once again, another HO-LEE-FUCK moment. Women don't need ego to fuck things up, they just claim to always be correct even when you can prove them wrong in a hundred ways, then they cry when they have to admit failing.
>Calculated risk taker
Primarily because they're not playing with their own money or resources do women take risks. If they had to put their OWN shit on the line, they'd curl up in a ball and do nothing.
t. business owner of 20 years
(((They))) have to keep the the job market over inflated and undervalued or else they might actually have to pay the goyim a fair wage. God forbid her husband can earn a living wage and she can get her ass back in the kitchen.
>more honest
>direct communication
>calculated risk taker
>More honest
stopped right there,already know its bullshit
>More honest
nigga u wot
>Value relationships
If you put greater value on relationships than transactions you'll make a TERRIBLE entrepreneur.
>Appreciate creativity
>Direct communication
What the fuck? Has the person who made this ever actually TALKED with a woman? Are you fucking kidding me?
>Fair negotiators
Yes, women feel the need to "compromise" all the fucking time because they like to pretend all viewpoints are equally as valid even when they CLEARLY aren't.
Men look at the hard data and decide what's best.
>Calculated risk taker
Yeah, they're grat at calculating how much a man will be prepared to put in to save their failing business.
who the fuck still believe in such an arcaic concept as intuition, why don´t they make a chart about how aligned chakras makes you a better businessman?
This may be more reply than you pol fucks deserve but here goes. I've been working for about two years at a startup where the majority of the investors are women and thus far they have by far exceeded the male investors both in attitude and intelligence.
This is obviously not universal as every board is different, but I think it lays out some interesting dynamics. Most investors, particularly when dealing with young investors, display some paternal behavior but with a total absence of the patience and forgiveness that would normally come with parenthood.
In the case of male investors this manifests as extremely harsh criticism, and low tolerance for failure and "bad deals" even at the expense of the company's best interest. On the other hand, our female investors are much more upfront. They are supportive and have certain expectations, and if you don't meet them, you fail, but at least they don't change them last minute based on ego and power dynamics. In general they're just a lot more useful than the guys, since they gravitate more toward actually helping than trying to prove a point.
To be clear, I'm talking about middle aged women with a business background here. They aren't the teenage connivers you all are mad won't date your racist asses. But I'm always struck by how outright wrong the impressions are in threads like these are. It just lays out how little you must actually interact with the people you criticize.
>the majority of the investors are women
Is it a startup for a new brand of tampons ?
>thus far they have by far exceeded the male investors both in attitude and intelligence.
Nice LARP fantasy, but we all know you're just a lying female trying to save face.
Not gonna fool us, twat.
i worked i a couple of companies so far.
guess which one went bankrupt?
YES, the with a woman leading.
>women belong in the kitchen!
>If patriarchal men weren't hindering women's careers
So not giving biased opportunities, and not specifically hiring women because they're women because >muh diversity is now hindering careers?
>gender diversity directly impacts the success of companies
>It's stunting our economy.
Not playing on a meritocracy is desryoying the quality of our workforce and the possible products that come out of it. Here's a better sentence for you:
Gender diversity directly impacts the success of companies; it's stunting our economy.
1. I doubt this and either way, honesty is in not always the best way to handle a business.
2. Relationships only get you so far, money can take you as far as you want to go.
3. Creativity isn't a guarantee of success.
4. Bullshit. Men are the ones who are direct and often referred to as blunt.
5. Fairness does not make a successful business.
6. Not sure how this is relevant to running a business at all.
7. "Womans intuition", this is bullshit on the level of superstition. I'd like scientific studies to back up these kind of claims.
8. Men are more ambitious, we've known this for most of human history, and statistically more woman want success because less have it. A successful man doesn't want to become successful, he's already successful.
9. You'll get nowhere in life without confidence. Also most women have massive fucking egos, it's why some 6/10 woman expects to marry a male model who made his first million by the time he was 17.
10. Statistically women are significantly less likely to take risks than men.
>woman intuition
Author has never been to a new city/In the woods with a woman.
These are contradictory
> More ambitious
> scared to take risks
> less ego
Ego and risk taking is how you become rich
I love abstract merchants
>direct communication
top kek this image is bait
>replying to bait
come the fuck on
>You all are laughing, but studies prove that gender diversity directly impacts the success of companies
yeah the more gender diversity the less success, thanks
i mean yeah, of course tehre´s some great woman in the business world, the thing is if
they´re better than men in general
I reckon if you replace Jews with men, and Jewish conspiracy with patriarchy, you could have a feminist quoting Mein Kamf without realising it.
Women evolved to manipulate men. Men evolved to manipulate the environment to take care of women
Honesty is not a valuable asset in the business world, and women are lying whores anyway.
ITT: Little boys scared of women being superior. The game is already over, anons. Men lost.
This is a rather nuanced and subtle form of bait.
Nice work good sir, I wish my shitposting had half as much flair.
>Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she'd kissed goodbye to conflict...
>Over in one corner sat Alice, a strong-minded 27-year-old who always said what she thought, regardless of how much it might hurt someone else. In the other corner was Sarah, a thirtysomething high-flier who would stand up for herself momentarily - then burst into tears and run for the ladies.
>Their simmering fight lasted hours, egged on by spectators taking sides and fuelling the anger. Sometimes other girls would join in, either heckling aggressively or huddling defensively in the toilets. It might sound like a scene from a tawdry reality show such as Big Brother, but the truth is a little more prosaic: it was just a normal morning in my office.
>The venomous women were supposedly the talented employees I had headhunted to achieve my utopian dream - a female- only company with happy, harmonious workers benefiting from an absence of men.
Archive of article: archive.is
TLDR: Female CEO hires females only in her company, turns into a complete shitshow because women can't manage, the end.
okey guys real talk, women are conquering the service market, that´s why so many of them are making so much money and putting their careers first, but if what so many people say about automation is true,the sevrice market will be replaced by AI really quickly, leaving tons of women without a family AND without a job
will robots and AI bring the hell woman feared for thousands of years?
If we use blacked.com posting as the standard bait posting, this would be the Mona Lisa of baits.
>Statistics show
>No citation
What? Also, 4, 7, 8, 10 are laughable incorrect in my experience.
I'm against quotas in a system that already favors women.
That is a good observation. 50/50 quotas is an attack on wages.
Women don't negotiate because they have been convinced by MSM they aren't worth as much as a man so they are driving the average wage down.
Many women choose not to work and no amount of quotas will change that.
The law already enforces equal pay for equal work.
The oligarch wants women working not raising children.
Don't forget to get those abortions and don't forget to remind the father it is your body and your choice.
hahahahahaha holy shit what a way to discredit the rest your list