Whats wrong with communism?

whats wrong with communism?

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It doesn't work



Everything is wrong with communism. Do you have internet? No? Thank a communist.

what's right with it?


it is just an underhanded way that they can outlaw private property(and thereby take it for themselves via organized crime). its a scam. an old scam and part of a plot to invade and conquer europe. a failed plot.

it hasent been tried by any other country
you can have freedom in a communist country???
The internet could have been made in a communist country. The internet just happened to be made in a capitalist country.
Everything. No poor people, and people wont hoard wealth. Why is this bad?

It doesn't solve the nigger problem


Do you even know what /thread means, because what you just did was upvote. Get it leddit?

What the hell are you on about lol

>people wont hoard wealth
>implying that is even possible
Its like commies have their head stuck in the sand or something

>3 post by this id in 5 minutes
>slide thread
Wow. The quality of this board has really taken quite a dive.

>whats wrong with communism?

a stupid idea that brainfucks the weak

stop ignoring my question
of course it is. do you know how rich people are compared to some other people?
not an argument

>it hasent been tried by any other country

These threads are so fucking boring.

It's predicated on atheistic materialism, reducing humans to bio-robots in this life and condemning them to hell in the next.

it's great if you like killing your own people.

Hey Conrad I'd like to create an esoteric communication device that allows all people's in all worlds to communicate and transfer ideas freely. Care to fund my project with rubles? No? Oh I get a free trip to Siberia? Wow thanks comrade

you see this image?
It's literally the most over used non-content cancer post ever.
consider euthanasia for the betterment of the human race.

not an argument
wtf are you even on about

""""""never been tried""""""

not an argument
yep. never been tried.

Read a fucking book, you know the one

It's fucking retarded.

>hurr durr read a book retard
not an argument

You do not get to steal money from man. Communism functions only on theft. What the hell is wrong with people? Is this a bait thread, or are people seriously just getting less intelligent each day? Is it something in the water?


Nice on paper but impossible to apply. Requires 100% of the people to be willing to do it and the gulags sucked ass. Communism is just a fancy name for judaism (Working class = goyims and Power = Chosen Ones)

Nothing is wrong with it.

^^ speaks the deluded mind

It is run by communists.

Communism worked when people were living in tribes. Than we evolved. Its the product of selfish, nihlistic, inbred fucking retards. If you're ancestor helped found what is now know as socialism than you're related to a nihlistic, fact proof, zealotic faggot.
I hate this board now because i feel like i have to defend normies from bait they can't answer.

It's literally a scam, nothing more. Use people's emotions and empathy for the lower classes as well as their desire to live a work-free to coerce them into giving the government more control and power. That's all it is

Communism might work on limited scale like a village maximum

1.) Jews

2.) promotes cultural/national destruction

3.) it doesn't work

that's right it's not an argument especially since communists aren't allowed to read anything that isn't approved by the party.
communism doesn't work because people like him exist, they are true believers and legitimize the horrors of the reality of war, the power vaccum created by the toppling of a powerful nation will never, EVER lead to communism.
The only road that will ever to communism is the one where you fucking kill yourself for considering such a fucking non useful ideology.

What isn't retarded about it?

Equal pay means no desire to work which means your economy goes down the toilet. Also le jews xdddd

Pick up a Torah idiot!

Communism has nothing to do with Judaism.

Russia and China still use Bill Gate's Windows XP and Gentoo. Any questions gaffot?

It's about a particular island chain of prison systems, it would broaden your perspective

It's shit

It's actually surprisingly effective at killing other communists though.

>Pick up a Torah
Pick up a Talmud.

Name one Communist country that isn't/wasn't a complete shithole

we need to educate people that by redistributing wealth to the people that everyone will be able to live a normal life
not an argument
communism is made by geniuses
theres people who cant go to school because theyre too poor. are you saying to leave them like that?
1. shut up
2. So?
3. Yes it does
WTF are you on about? I dont give a shit what you read
youre stupid
no it isnt? its redistributing wealth from people that dont need and deserve it
no it isnt

there were no communist countries. countries like the soviet union failed because it was a diversion of communism

Tard. It's the political system for luzers and failures.


lol what an argument, "you're stupid"

>muh "that's not real communism"


you're 12 OR have the intellect of a 12 year old.
>Communism==='mom wheres my chicken tendies'

>theres people who cant go to school because theyre too poor. are you saying to leave them like that?
You just used an appeal to emotion to argue for your system, and with the lower class no less, just as I stated. Thanks for proving my point

no it isnt
the civil war had nothing to do with communism
>waahh i cant respond correctly to a post
it isnt
not an argument

There is no objective value to materials and its obtainment.

> (You)
> we need to educate people that by redistributing wealth to the people that everyone will be able to live a normal life

People are greedy, everyone want more and provide less as possible.

Redistributing wealth? There would be none to redistribute in a cashless society

Your only hope may be more automation and slack a bit on the "equality"

I'd rather see every family with their manor that share one for 5 families

Gommunism operates on the false pretense that everyone can be made equal. Bugmen think that every human being on this planet all have the same exact capacity for intelligence, work ethic, morals, etc. But this is simply not the truth.

so you just let people die? just because something is a logical fallacy doesnt make the claim incorrect. thats colled the logical fallacy fallacy

Read the gulag archipelago

Communism tries to be the solution to all the World's ills.

Uses violence as a way to attain power

Can only get 3rd worlders to follow it and fails to appeal to the white European/American

Tries too hard to use the losers of society to attain power. There is a reason why the powerless and poor should never be used to get anything.

Communism fights against nature and forces equality on people who do not deserve it.

Communism creates pointless conflict where it does not need to be (children vs adults, white vs black, poor vs rich, smart vs dumb, etc)

Economically communism tries to appeal to the worker but is woefully impotent compared to what capitalism does for the worker.

Communism takes away free-choice

Communism forces out religion just to end up becoming a religion itself.

No matter what form communism takes (feminism, marxism, ancomm, maoism, etc) it always fails

The only thing of value is race and the autonomous servant of the races rights.

nothing. stalin did nothing wrong.

I dont want to be equal.

mom where's my ckihckne etndies?


>shut up
Not an argument.

The destruction of nations/culture/race is a big denigrating factor the the health of society. Look at how Yurope is getting rekt, thanks to commies and (((globalists))) importing so many muzzies. Look at Detroit. Look at Venezuela. Niggers + leftism is a recipe for disaster.

3.) No it doesn't; commie countries had lower GDP than the West throughout most of their existence. People in East Germany thought blue jeans were a luxury item when they made contact with the West again.


mame wheres my tendies chijken??

Each individual being has a right to own property and expand their personal wills and rights of themselves to their trade and such.


Solzhenitsyn was redpilled.

1people are greedy unless they get educated
2what the fuck are u on about lol
3 & 4. ?????
>hurr durr gulag!!!!
gulag has nothing to do with communism
1. it is
2. no??
3. retarded
4. you mean using the people? whats this "reason" you talk about?
5. no it doesnt
6. no it doesnt (except poor vs rich which isnt pointless)
7. how
8. no it doesnt
9. no it doesnt
10. no it wont

Communists are the same as capitalists defining people by material value.

It comes from the notion that all human beings are equal. It totally ignores that human beings have different needs depending of our IQ, age, gender, race, religion and culture. Science has proven that we're not equals, and culture programming cannot overlap genetics.

Also, we've evolved into the notions of abstract freedom and justice, and communism keeps going back to the tribal concepts of equity.

In other words, it's outta time, anti-scientific and far from logic.

I know, but you never even refuted my original argument, instead going straight for the emotional appeal.

And yes. Some people die of starvation. It happens. Doesn't mean people can't go out of their way to help the poor out of their own free will.


It is literally envy in methodological form.

There is no objective value to production or any matetials.

Why should you or I be defined by something that is arbitrary?

You clearly are a moron

it's for furries

>whats wrong with communism?
It's Jewish

The Gulag Archipelago was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, he lived in the USSR for the majority of his life. His book shows how the culture and practical implementation of communism (Marxism-Leninism), led to the creation of gulags and a dystopian society in general.

You should probably read it, since you're obviously stupid as fuck.

>But, but, but, it wasn't real communism
Yeah, but it wasn't from a lack of trying.

Somehow the Jew Bolsheviks couldn't figure out why the Russian peasants didn't want to just give up the crops that they worked to plant and harvest for nothing. Then the Bolsheviks figured out that by killing a few peasants, it was easier to
convince the rest.

well said. communism is horrific from what i have studied in college. i was taught by a person who lived under Mao, and the only reason she survived the cultural revolution was because her mother lied about her age so she wouldn't get sent to the rural areas. Her father was in the navy so their family got better ration portions than other people who eventually had to resort to eating grass and tree bark because the redistribution of the rice was so fucked up. people resorted to cannibalism and it was so bad that the people they ate where so malnourished they didn't even receive any nutrients from cannibalizing their children and neighbors

> defining people by material value.
Every one in the world does this whether they know/admit it or not.

>whats wrong with communism?
It is the greatest violation of the NAP ever conceived.

>be organized and defined by materials and its obtainment
>be organized and defined by peoples values rights and actual human values
Humans are the only thing of value not materials.


It gets too many replies on May the power of SAGE compel you to make better aurguments

rewarding everyone the same regardless of how much work they do or dont do causes everyone to put minimal effort.

I worked once with a Chinese woman who did get sent to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution. Her crime? Her father was a University professor.

Everything. Now move on bait

Ive never done this because I am not a low iq nonwhite subhuman.

Anyone who isn't a communist moron should be buying crypto. It is the way we are ultimately going to defeat these authoritarian faggots.
