Vapid bitch kills sister live on snapchat

Is this what gen z is like?

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Only the females.

If you raise people to believe they're never good enough as boys and that they're perfect in every way as girls, then you'll raise cuck men and sociopathic women.

A growing section of boys and men have been fighting this by teaching themselves philosophy and unlearning the cuck shit. But women are still perfect in every way, so the number of women here is so low.

>oerfextly frames self in video next to splattered sisters corpse
>"I know I just killed my sister. Imma go to jail for life. I don't care. I'll hold it down"

one of the more fascinating videos to come out this year

Generation Z will be like other generations.

Used to be so much easier to text and drive with pre touch screen cell phones.


you didnt even need to look at the phone

indeed, the lack of chimpouts and war has liveleak struggling. Good thing this gem dropped the same week as Jake Paul showing how fucked gen z's "men" are as well.


that was literally insane

Heh that's insane, Haruki, reset.

So what happened here?

Exactly. Notice less bad publicity over texting and driving back when those phones were the standard.

did you even watch the video?

Don't quite get how she killed her

mexican.... not really human

It was kind of weird how she was shaking the body. It was almost a little sexual....



Spic was driving dangerously, went off road and lost control trying to compensate for it. Younger girl was ejected from car and her head split open. Here's a video of her while still alive before the crash.

and nothing of value was lost

that's a mexican.

>get's mad at OP's source
>doesn't post the source

go ahead then, senpai.

Yea some ghetto bitch was driving and live streaming then the there was a dead bitch on the floor. Not the only one who doesn't quite understand.

Dude that's intense. Who does this though? Her sisters head was split in half and she continues to film?? Literally wat

Also note at 4 seconds the younger sister says "You're gonna kill me"

That's just some mestizo pig.

I would love to see the full vid to this

vapid? nope. who cares..


good ear. I hope they play that in court and she does go to jail for the rest of her short life.

She looks extremely calm for someone that killed her fucking sister.

>Yeah I killed my sister, I'm sorry sweetie

Fucking kek.

"Imma hold it down, sis"
bitch looked up to nigger rappers and nigger life
everytime i open the news a mexican is fucking crashing their car and killing someone -- here in the us

From bad and bougie to dead and smooshy

how is her sister dead as fuck but she is totally unharmed?

Fake and gay. Why would a livestream cut a few minutes out between the crash and the aftermath?

This is absolutely insane. All hope is lost. It's over.

WTF ¡¡¡ why? Continue filming and dramatizing

crime was both committed and prevented

drunk or high crash victims usually survive accidents at a higher rate than those who are not.


I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. I've seen plenty of gore. It's not the gore here that unnerves me; it's the sister's complete apathy for what just happened and what she just did. The way she goes over to her sister, with her head split like a watermelon, taking close-ups for livestream and saying "whoa bruh, my sister is dead. w/e I don't give a fuck. Guess I'm going to jail now." makes my skin crawl.

These beaners are the sort of people that are flooding across our border and festering all across the country. Never forget that these are the descendants of the aztecs and mayans, and it can't be underestimated just how violent those people were, and still are. Latin America has the highest violent crime and murder rates in the world. When you try to conceptualize how people could possibly kill each other wholesale like that, just think back to this girl who didn't even give enough of a fuck about the sister she just killed to stop livestreaming.


The third one got her legs maimed, she too was not wearing seatbelt.

seatbelts bruh

damn the dead girl was only 14. sad!

"I f****** love my sister to death. I don't give a f***. We about to die. This is the last thing I wanted to happen to us but it just did," Sanchez says in the video. "Jacqueline, please wake up. This is the last thing I wanted to happen..I killed my sister, but I don't care. I killed my sister. I know I'm going to prison, but I don't care. I'm sorry baby. I'm a hold it in peace sweetie."

probably from the shock desu. Also the realization she's totally and completely fucked hasn't fully dawned on her yet.

California Mexicans

similar here, user. I don't usually post gore threads, but this one caught me by surprise. It is just the pervasiveness of the internet and degeneracy being accepted these days. She clearly give no fucks about human life, even her own.

take away her phone in jail for a couple weeks and it will hit her like a ton of bricks on what she did.

while i agree, in this case it didnt matter as she was long gone. articles state she was ejected through the back window and died instantly.

Not to mention she was also drunk. Already been in the news and she's being charged with vehicular manslaughter

Wow, I saw many videos from the ISIS but this whore is at another level of cruelty

Stop acting like she represents the entirety of our younger generations. She also is demonstrating significant symptoms of psychopathy (notable by her inability to demonstrate any actual remorse for what happened), which already makes her around 1% or less of the population.

This is the edgiest red ID I've ever seen

>see sister with skull cracked totally open
>brain exposed
>shake her around and flip body over resulting in contents in head to spill out

She was drunk. Quit trying to be a damn psychologist. She's a retard probably not a psychopath

>I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. I've seen plenty of gore. It's not the gore here that unnerves me; it's the sister's complete apathy for what just happened and what she just did. The way she goes over to her sister, with her head split like a watermelon, taking close-ups for livestream and saying "whoa bruh, my sister is dead. w/e I don't give a fuck. Guess I'm going to jail now." makes my skin crawl.
>These beaners are the sort of people that are flooding across our border and festering all across the country. Never forget that these are the descendants of the aztecs and mayans, and it can't be underestimated just how violent those people were, and still are. Latin America has the highest violent crime and murder rates in the world. When you try to conceptualize how people could possibly kill each other wholesale like that, just think back to this girl who didn't even give enough of a fuck about the sister she just killed to stop livestreaming.

screenshot this niggers

calm down sperg

Goddamn, even brazilian drug lords wince a bit when they execute a rival, this cunt just killed her sister and it didn't phase her one single fucking bit. Not even an "oops, my bad" she's completely fucking dead inside.

na, thats just a spic hoe being sub human

Spending time in juvenile hall whilst in Cali was what brought me around to race realism. Spics and niggers are sociopathic and egotistic beyond comprehension, and the idols they worship, the ones that embody the ability to lie to and fuck over others for personal gain without hesitation and guilt, are a reflection of the deepest racial zeitgeist.

dis is woke.


the internet was a mistake

What. The. Fuck.

Is there a better quality version where you see the entire thing from start to finish.

I've watched the most fucked up shit you can imagine (cartel videos, 1 guy 1 ice pick, you name it), but if I killed a family member I would have a mental breakdown and start crying immediately. What I gather from that video is that she is a psychopath that is unable to feel any real emotion. She is unable to cry even though she is kinda forcing herself

You fucking moron, drunk people, especially women, are far more emotional than when they're sober.

I live in California and these 3rd or 4th generation mexican kids are literal fucking subhuman cancer. They do awful in school, consume shit media, shit food, horrible health issues, fight or kill each other, do loads of meth or other hard drugs. Have no regard for culture or other humans.

Literal scum of the earth.

Just imagine 2 or 3 generations of these motherfuckers entirely desensitized by MK ULTRA videos. It's only going to get worse.

Yes. This is what generation Z is like. And it's only the beginning.

>acting like a nigger whilst driving down a straight road
>crash said car
>sister has half her face torn off
>still grabs phone and videos the whole thing

Yup, ISIS, Niburu, NK or whatever cant come soon enough.

She was probably still in shock after the crash. News says she was "combative" and screaming her sister was dead when the ambulance came, so it probably wore off by then.

wtf did I just watch?

She said she killed her sister with the same depth of emotion as saying she ordered a hamburger.

i think she was probably on xanax

>Is this what Mexicans are like?

I regularly fuck a married 1st generation Mexican and I can report that shit is fucking cash. Would recommend highly 10/10.

Only the not-white ones are like that.

I guess she decided to take her seatbelt off at some point?

I hope those gangs signs that twisted sister throws around help her in jail

she was hopped up on xanax its been revealed.

People respond to traumatic events differently. It's clear by her expression and what she's saying that it hadn't really dawned on her what she'd done.

She knows she seriously injured/killed her sister, she just hasn't registered the full ramifications of her actions just yet.

And she's using her snapchat (something she presumably uses all the time and is comfortable with) as a coping mechanism.

>Literal scum of the earth.
And you have more of those than niggers, good luck with that.

>Went to a public school in Cali from 1st-7th grade
>Was the only white kid in my class, no niggers, just spics
Even at the age of 12 I knew this country was doomed. That was 11 years ago, i'm sure it's even worse now.

T9 is god

Well your sister is probably boring as shit and prob a little bit bitchy but a hamburger is always tasty AF

Quit trying to make excuses for this chick if you are in shock the first thing that comes out of your mouth isnt I killed my sister I don't give a fuck she knew exactly what she was doing she was more worried about being a attention whore then her sister who got her head turned into a sunroof

build the fucking wall already

Thanks for the clarification.

Maybe her parents should have raised her better.

If you are drunk, you don't tense up as much so you just crumple. Someone more sober would instinctively go rigid and get ripped apart by the force. The lack of reaction from the alcohol can help you survive car crashes, long falls, etc.

you have to put it in combination with this vid

this is def next level detachement

this. califag checking in and i conquer. they are lacking in all areas of brain power yet are getting admitting into universities like crazy.

>if you're drunk your head won't get split open like a melon

i gotta start drinking again

Intoxicated people are more physically relaxed and slack, thus avoiding or reducing injuries.



Mexican girls suck dick like no other race.

I'm pretty sure the sentiment she was trying to convey was

"My life has been ruined but I don't care about the consequences deserve it because I killed somebody I love"

Of course she's a fucking mestizo subhuman incapable of articulating complex thought, but she was certainly upset by the the situation on some level.

clearly. Although who knows? Maybe they did try and raise her right. Hell, her sister could've been a model child. Just got fucked over because the other one decided to do her own thing. Don't offload the responsibility for this entirely on the parents here.