>A 20-year-old woman has been charged with rape for having sex with a 14-year-old boy in North Carolina after the boy’s mother found out she was in a consensual relationship with her son.
>A 20-year-old woman has been charged with rape for having sex with a 14-year-old boy in North Carolina after the boy’s mother found out she was in a consensual relationship with her son.
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My main thought is that she looks 35.
She looks 40
post her body
Holy fuck man, I'm 20 and she looks old enough to be my mom.
It will never be the same as the other way around, no matter how hard leftists sacrifice sexy teachers to push their equality meme
20 year old having sex with a "14" year old boy.
Im sure she choked him as she was ontop controlling the act.
Pretty sure the kid is okay with it, parents not so much
Considering these women help create the "other way around," I'd say they deserve the rope just like the male pedos they create.
That's awesome actually, who fucking cares, good for the kid for scoring. I like to see that they don't just throw these cases out and actually prosecute women to the fullest but I would've loved to be "raped" by a teacher
She's American. American women look like they're in their forties when they're in their twenties. They don't age well.
So you're in favor of reducing age of consent to 14? A 14 year old is capable of legal consent for everything else too, then.
>what is statuatory rape
There are different types of rape than what your fellow mudslimes are spreading across your country.
Where the fuck were these women when I attended school? FUCK!
Nice, also
I think 14 should be the AOC so I dont feel this woman should be jailed.
However, she is a whore.
Such bullshit. Any male knows that that 14 year old boy was enjoying the shit out of that 20 year old pussy, and the article even mentions that it was completely consensual and that the mom was the one getting her panties in a bunch about it.
The boy clearly was physically mature enough to have sex. Mentally though? Maybe not. But if having sex with mentally immature borderline-retarded people, my double digit notch count would still be zero. I haven't had sex with any woman who wasn't dumb, naive and generally confused about life. Hell, I'm not even sure I've met one.
No one ever call say that the boy didn't like it.
But, he should get checked.
>But if having sex with mentally immature borderline-retarded people was forbidden*
>6 years difference
These laws are arbitrary as fuck, 14 is the absolute perfect age of consent.
>The law shouldn't apply to women
That's all I got from your shitpost.
Dumb kid is going to regret going public... I mean, what straight 14 year old guy is going to pass up to get banged by a hot 20 year old chick? baka...
>Sup Forums pretends to hate women
>suddenly don't want to use the exploitative legal framework of consent women created against them because you're all too busy being thirsty virgins
>I haven't had sex with any woman who wasn't dumb, naive and generally confused about life
you're a scumbag and part of the degeneracy problem.
>tfw all your peers had sex with a particularly hot faculty member, except you.
Equality for all or equality for none. If I can't bang teenagers neither should these roasties. Burn the bitch.
Women are basically children.
That said, women have the right to vote, drink, drive, and a bunch of other shit that children don't, so fuck 'em.
I'll be all for non-conviction once they're on the same level as far as rights are concerned, but until then? Throw the book at these fucks.
only women can be raped
She's going to jail bro. There is equality in this case my friend.
>trying to use logic with thirsty virgins
as soon as they saw the word "female" and "sex" they lost all bloodflow north of their stomach
>A 20-year-old woman
I don't believe it.
I'm 24 and I've only had sex 4 times in my life lmao
I'd have given anything to fuck a hot teacher at 14
seriously it would not have been a crime in my mind
And she'll get out in six months.
Nah, 14 for lads, 16 for girls and 18 for homosexual activities
Nah, I don't think fucking 14 year olds should be illegal regardless of gender. The only reasonable argument I've heard against outlawing sex with 14 year olds is that they are emotionally immature, naive and vulnerable. And with that logic, we would need to outlaw sex with women, period.
Don't act like such a virgin, who cares honestly. Dumb bitches are the best because fucking them is literally easier than turning a light on
I know what that user means because I have never once succeeded in fucking a girl that had her shit together (good grades, direction, job, etc.) because those women are serious and want you to date them long before you do anything. Dumb bitches just need some contact with someone to feel like their existence is validated
not guilty
Nah, 16 AoC just exists so women have less competition, and most women don't want to fuck down.
14 for girls and 15 for guys.
No she wont, she's going for statutory rape
why didnt i get raped as a lad?
No male victim of statutory rape which resulted in a pregnancy has ever successfully gotten out of eventually having to pay child support in the United States.
absolutely fucking disgusting pig. She's fat and looks like total white trash.
> flag
I'm 47 and I only had sex once and it was with a fat mexican girl.
You're a faggot who's jealous of women. Guess what, queer, you'll never be a woman no matter how hard you try
White trash is fun, as long as you don't let them know where you live. Same with faggots and niggers.
I'm 44 and had A LOT of sex in my teens, 20s and early 30s. I had so much sex, I got sick of it. Haven't had sex in 15 years.
Age of Consent is 14 in some countries in EU and have been for decades.
Its 15 in most others.
How degenerate do you have to be to put your dick in that slob?
16 in canada.
Also 16 in some american state.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Female-On-Male Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bitch Like Nigga Zip Your Pants Haha
Women can't be raped since vaginas are designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped.
I've put mine in much worse, I fucked a black girl once
I mean, he already fucked her, might as well get her arrested so you can ensure that exclusivity.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Male-On-Female Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk away From The Bitch Like Nigga Zip Your Pants Haha
The most hilarious thing about America is that, in order of least to most responsibility required, they would order things like this: driving cars->having sex->drinking alcohol
Congrats on your 15th wedding anniversary
>RATHER have sex with children than you.
Honest to go Sup Forums I'm not sure how much more I can take.
This hurts to hear this, at least you did it though, some people your age havent gotten laid.
Why the fuck weren't you banging young stupid sluts as a 30 year old? Young girls love guys that age, you can get tons of pussy then
That sounds like a challenge. I need to have a son.
Honestly I'm okay with this
Just imagine how awful you'd feel, if you were the boy.
>Get your own piece of heaven youtube.com
>this is probably the first time in a long, long time that an adult has paid you any attention, because American parents are retards and have no idea how to deal with a teenager
>It's an attractive female to boot, one of the most intimate creatures in the world. Probably sucks your balls dry and then cuddles the teenage angst out of you.
>It gets trashed because some other 14 year-olds are too retarded for this kind of thing, meanwhile you've probably been needing this like a goddamn heart transplant for two years already.
>she's not even that much older than you.
>Don't act like such a virgin, who cares honestly. Dumb bitches are the best because fucking them is literally easier than turning a light on
You take advantage of women less intelligent than you because smarter women see through you.
You're like the other man are scumbags.
Bitches got to many rights and they are no angels, but taking advantage of weaker people whether it be mentally or physically weaker is still degenerate as fuck!
Not to mention you're furthering this degenerate status quo while also further ruining any hope said naive/dumb woman you fuck will have any chance to find/have some kind of healthy normal relationship in the future.
We are white men, putting white women in check isn't about MUH DICKING DUMB ONES BECAUSE YOU CAN!
MUH DICK is nigger tier shit!
that's 20? chick looks closer to 40 if anything
it is not rape if it was consensual. It's okay to have sex with a 15 years old if you are less than 25 years old
>tfw you will never be molested as a lad by a 20 year old chick
She is the real victim
Less competition? Are you >implying that 16 year old girls are too old for you?
Do you like "lolitas", short-eyes?
Get kid, Get STD, get emotional issues all at 14 not to mention forever lack the ability to properly bond with an adult woman so you end up dating Old women MOMMA figures who don't respect you and abuse you in later life.
>We are white men,
Pretty sure you're not a man.
The time for that shit is long past m8, the younger generation doesn't buy that anymore.
Double standards are a thing for a reason.
>Pretty sure you're not a man.
>The time for that shit is long past m8, the younger generation doesn't buy that anymore.
You're wrong. I'm a man. You sadly are not. Muh Dicking randoms does not make one a man.
Kids during this time are still developing their brain, and this is the time where they develop their sexual horomones. They are not able to consent until they are full developed (18), because instead of thinking with their brain they'll think with their dick. Fuck off pedo bear.
No, I'm implying that 14 is old enough for a good dicking.
Women just don't want that because it means more competition for them.
A 14 year old boy isn't competition for a grown as man because women are attracted to status, while guys don't care nearly as much.
This 14 year old kid has more sexual experience fucking young adult women like this than AT LEAST 50% of Sup Forums. What a joke.
>Not to mention you're furthering this degenerate status quo while also further ruining any hope said naive/dumb woman you fuck will have any chance to find/have some kind of healthy normal relationship in the future.
I can't change the status quo, so might as well embrace it, and if these girls are dumb enough to have sex with a jobless retard like me, well thats their fault, and most likely they're too stupid to actually maintain a real relationship.They already aren't worth anything so whats the matter?
First of all, the AoC in most states is 16-17.
Secondly, the brain doesn't finish fully developing until your 20s, which is why the drinking age is 21.
I am now convinced that you are not a man.
Again, that doesn't work on any guy under the age of 25, no one cares.
Hope you are trolling.
wew if pic related is a 20-year-old then I am doing GREAT for 38
By the time I was 14 My cock was getting boners for like 7 years.
ANy way nigger women. At 14 if I could fuck a 20 year old id kill for it.
Shut up with the bullshit emotional lies.
>she's hot
Full development is not at 18. Full mental development occurs at 25. Humans are not meant to only make decisions or act independently when fully matured. The longer you delay autonomy and responsibility for individuals past the onset of puberty the longer you delay mental adulthood, which requires experience and experimentation/responsibilties.
A 15 year old woman is not much different from a 20 year old, except the latter is likely not a virgin anymore and has less fertile years.
it is jewry attempting to keep white fertility low that makes perfectly acceptable partners illegal. Feminists of course support this, because now 30 year olds dont need to compete with young women.
>taking advantage of weaker people whether it be mentally or physically weaker is still degenerate as fuck!
Taking advantage of weaker people is literally the meaning of life. Have you ever heard of survival of the fittest? If you're on Sup Forums, which you are, I'm sure you've had more than your fair share of experience being shit on by people. In that case, it's about time you realize that you can either shit on people or be shit on by people, those are the only two options that exist, obviously.
Think about how romantic relationships look. Men want to get as much sex as possible while giving as little commitment and resources as possible. Women want as much commitment and resources as possible while giving as little sex as possible. You can either be a man who uses a couple of different young girls as fuckholes 2-4 times a month, or you can be the cuck in the dead bedroom marriage. Up to you, buddy.
want to end up a loser? get fucked by a teacher at 14. it fucks you up in ways you can't possibly grasp until it happens to you. it's not okay that some she-vampire steals your future just so she can feel relevant and wanted for a few minutes by tricking some kid in to thinking it's the best thing to happen to him
I think it's fantastic that more women are getting fucked by the same laws they were so happy to see men get fucked by.
Feels good man, feels real good.