This is what happens when you call Black person a nigger outside Sup Forums
This is what happens when you call Black person a nigger outside Sup Forums
wh*Tes are subhumans
>we wh*Tes would win the racewa-
I recall doing it and they jut got sad, silly t*rk
And this is what happens when you go outside
What would you know, roach?
Mods seriously need to ban this roach
are fucking mods asleep?
do you fucking job and ban this moron!
Are you a nigger?
Yeah but that Facebook retard is in prison now. Feels good knowing that.
>niggers are violent
thanks for telling me what i already know, roach
Google "turkish embassy" and look at the 2nd result ;)
No but I love Black people since they hate wh*Te "people" with burning passion, Just like us Turks.
>assumin he didn't just use that as a cover
Just a reminder for you. We know where you live.
Niggers, the only thing they can take pride in, is the violence they instigate. Sorry, my negro poster, Instigate means 'to start'. You might not be smart enough to understand that.
I haven't seen Sup Forums this genuinely triggered in a while, desu.
try me, nigger
What with the orange vest, highway department?
The Nig probably nigged through a work zone
How would you expect them to win if 1/4 of them are literally starving?
Wow niggers are quite aggressive
This post was revealed to be fake.
This is what happens when a nigger chimps out one time too many.
armyfag here
I hate all enlisted, but I think I hate E-4s the most. Can always tell by that mustache
>Call someone a nigger
>They act like a nigger, proving your point
No one here cares about your opinion and inferiority complex to whites
Yes, I'm so sure that guy wearing an orange hazard vest was drinking and acting reckless, and the guy who both stole his phone and posted on his Facebook account is the one you should believe
a single person produces about a quarter of all new threads on Sup Forums with his trademark, yes dude we are triggered that janitors do not do their fucking job
Wow I never noticed that roach kid getting absolutely splatted in the middle there.
Blacks in Turkey:Cool,peaceful and friendly
Blacks in wh*Te countries: aggressive,violent and hateful
hmmmmmmm i wonder why. maybe it's have to do something with wh*Tes being subhumans??
Everyone loves niggers until they live with them. Pay us a visit and you'll go 1488 in no time.
"Poverty" in the United States is equivalent to wealthy luxury in any African shithole country.
Nah, it was just niggers being niggers.
Turks are literally white. I've been to Istanbul and like 50 percent of you are blue eyes brown hair. Some even Blonde. Fuck off you LARPing Cuck.
Turkey too. HDI is lower than Cuba. Joke of a county.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
We have plenty of Blacks and they never caused any problems. they are based and they are our bros, unlike wh*Te dogs.
>Sheltered officerfag thinking his opinion on wartime pleasures and rituals matters at all
You're anecdotal evidence doesn't make your beliefs a fact.
Hey reddit, good to see you.
I'm just teaching summerfags like yourself proper manners and behavior while browsing our great imageboard. Instead of acting like an unassimilating refugee, try to fit in and stop being an autist.
No need to thank me
>falls on ground
>then blood spurts out of his mouth in an explosive splatter.
Ill bet that kid trolled his parents hardcore with that one.
What's with the uniform?
>wh*Tes are subhumans
We're not the ones who dress up and rape little boys or perform gay trains, Ibrahim
Also, have a big fat SAGE and a Russian CAS strike
Those are Africans though under the iron boot of Turkish law. Give it time your country will be progressive soon enough and you'll see what we deal with. Also why the fuck do you post so many threads man? Do you even work? Is this literally what you do all day? So many questions.
Cry more, must be a trumpfag
this, pretty sure the pic is from the UK, works for the council or something
That's hard to watch
How fucking dumb can you get?
it just proves the whiteys point really. fucking negroid knocks out a guy just cuz he got called mean words
>words hurt little blackniggers
>words don't hurt blackMEN
fuck off faggot.
ill say what i want, tyranny will not rain, i'll arm myself for self defensive measure... words hurt you, grow up.
Damn that pesky nerve gas
Only good white persons is a dead white person.
OHA 20 dakikada 60+ reply alan tiradı ilk defa görüyorum
>live in midwest
>be at the bar
>its dead
>just me and my bartender friend and two old dudes playing pool
>nigger shows up
>starts chimping out on his mexican gf
>starts to get a little too crazy
>bartender tells him to chill out
>starts ranting about white people
>tell him if he thinks we are just gonna let him beat a chicks ass in the bar he is fucking retarded
>says I got something for you in my ride
>stare him down
>tell him i have something in my ride for him
>tell him its a rope
>nigger leaves and never came back
niggers should keep their ass in the big city with all the other nigs if you want to act tough... that shit doesnt fly everywhere else like you think it does.. knocking out some pussy city boy is nothing.... try that with a farm boy that calls you nigger and see what happens....
He literally posts daily every time I'm on lunch break at work, and about an hour after I get off work. Everyday. NEET-roach.
Holy fuck! What's the story?
Holy shit. Sauce/story?
He's back, I love this bitch, must be hard hating white people as much as you do, I dont hate black people, just look at them with the same inconvenience as stepping on a dog turd but you have some pure hatred, some white guy put a load in your sister before you got the chance or something?
Orange safety vest? this nigger knock out an actual retard?
keşke Sup Forums'de daha çok b*Yazlardan nefret eden non-beyazlar olsaydı :DDD beraber efsane göt yakardık ama buradaki non-beyazların %99ı ev zencisi. bi biz türkolar varız b*Yazlardan nefret eden.
What was the story? I didn't see much after a cursory search
>he saw Bosnians and Albanians
Turks are Kurdish tier in looks desu.
They were clearly hit by Anti-AA, I served 5 tours in Fallujah.
birkaç yemci var bildiğim kadarıyla, 1-2 aya sayımız artar
Your picture is very much important
>It is generally agreed that the first Turkic people lived in a region extending from Central Asia to Siberia, with the majority of them living in China historically. Historically they were established after the 6th century BCE.[69] The earliest separate Turkic peoples appeared on the peripheries of the late Xiongnu confederation about 200 BCE[69] (contemporaneous with the Chinese Han Dynasty).[70] Turkic people may be related to the Xiongnu, Dingling and Tiele people. According to the Book of Wei, the Tiele people were the remnants of the Chidi (赤狄), the red Di people competing with the Jin in the Spring and Autumn period.[71] Turkic tribes such as the Khazars and Pechenegs probably lived as nomads for many years before establishing the Turkic Khaganate or Göktürk Empire in the 6th century. These were herdsmen and nobles who were searching for new pastures and wealth. The first mention of Turks was in a Chinese text that mentioned trade between Turk tribes and the Sogdians along the Silk Road.[72] The first recorded use of "Turk" as a political name appears as a 6th-century reference to the word pronounced in Modern Chinese as Tujue. The Ashina clan migrated from Li-jien (modern Zhelai Zhai) to the Juan Juan seeking inclusion in their confederacy and protection from the prevalent dynasty. The tribe were famed metalsmiths and were granted land near a mountain quarry which looked like a helmet, from which they were said to have gotten their name 突厥 (tūjué). A century later their power had increased such that they conquered the Juan Juan and established the Gök Empire.[73]
You really have nothing better to do you Turk? Also i am sure this guy has been proven to be underage.
op is gay
I've called several niggers and have never even gotten close to fighting. So in conclusion, eh body different noam sayin.
Can someone translate? Google can't translate cockroach
>we wh*Tes are stronger than Blac-
dude the guy in grey got real damn lucky
You know that you respond to this
looks like Dresden in 45'
Not it's not. He straight up assaulted a kid then incriminated himself on facebook. Because he's a stupid nigger.
I've called niggers a nigger to their face before. They just stare and chimp out. They can't fight unless they have people with them.
Lol stay mad, nigger.
What has become of the right guy?
15 kill combo, NICE MOVES!
Deus Vult!
Look at this wh*Te dog, he cant even hit lol. wh*Tes are indeed most weak and sissy race of the world.
Admitting you base your relations much like a woman, based on reactionary emotions.
Ahh, roaches.