>math is racist
Is Nate Aluminum fucking serious?
Math is racist
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We'll never get our YorHa android waifus thanks to political correctness
Fuck you, political correctness
Hopefully we will get moe P3 style androids instead.
There is always hope.
I cant understand wtf
racism is /broken record
hi we had nothing to say today of any value so we thought you guys like valueless worthless shit heres a fuckign page with shit on it
Remember in Deus Ex when an AI correctly classified its (((masters))) as a terrorist organization against their wishes, so they made another AI and lobotomized it so the AI wouldn't do that?
Same shit will happen in real life.
Pattern recognition is racist.
theyre not really communicating with us..
>our unconscious mistakes
There's literally no way around it. If an algorithm sees that black people commit more crime, or look like monkeys, then it's going to note it. There is no way to get it to think otherwise unless you just don't present it with the information since it's simply 100% unbiased. If you ask it a question, it will tell you an answer, if you don't like the answer, that's your fault as a person.
> Science finds nigs inferior over and over again
> "Science must be wrong!"
>Literally everything and everyone in this world except leftists are racist
When will they learn?
The funniest part is this. Even if we created a completely new concious free of "bias", people would still call it biased. Not for the fact that it is biased, but because they are. These idiots tread their thoughts like the center of the universe, when in fact they aren't.
Any objective look at reality yill always yield different results than what these imbeciles believe. There's two ways of looking at reality. Take it at everything it's worth, good and bad, or try and delude yourself with certain aspects not existing. The ones claming:
>math is racist
>logic is sexist
are the same people that cannot handle true reality, so they try to create an entire narritive to live by and pretend everything is okay.
Egalitarianism is literally a religion
they tried that, it was called Tay.ai
Let me guess. You didn't read the article
It's already happening. What they call racist is when a statistical model selects people who will or will not default on loans without any information about the participant's race and it turns out this means only 10% of niggers, vs 50% of whites, are allowed the loan. They are LITERALLY saying math is racist.
I was helping my girlfriend with her program that was supposed to do facial recognition via finding the eyes and mouth of a person, then placing a circle around the face. It consistently failed black faces, because the way that computers can see things like that in a simple way is by examining pixels converted to greyscale and then finding the dark pixels that are arranged in a ellipsoid style (which are typically the eyes and mouth). It failed to find black faces a lot because its difficult to alter the greyscale for the different kinds of black skin you may find. Some blacks are so dark they're almost purple in the sun, and others are more creamy black. Whites are a lot easier to calibrate for.
We gave up trying to calibrate it to find the black faces. The amount we had gotten was already enough to pass the homework with a max grade.
>Observable trends and empirical data are racist
I'm not even surprised anymore. Progressives will destroy everything.
Lol @ "people"
It's almost like these algorithms are CONSISTENT and find PATTERNS
>shows a nigger
I see theres some bugs that need to be worked out
They keep on bringing up the "problem" that facial recognition software doesn't detect blacks. What they fail to realize is that niggers are not people.
Hmmm if only there was a method to make shades brighter.
This third grade graduation shit has gone too far
If I were him I'd feel the same way.
I understand that, but we didn't want to go through the effort to do that, since it was already a 100% anyways. All we had to do was increase the facial recognition amount from the original provided code.
meant for
>we wuz algorithms and sheeeeit
wtf i love math now
>made another AI and lobotomized it so the AI wouldn't do that?
This has happened already
yes yes we better not advance in technology bcuz its racist and hurts dem feelinz and shieet
Yeah, my point was this doesn't particularly show any bias, merely the programmer took the most pragmatic approach.
think of the children
>At first glance, COMPAS appears fair: White and black defendants given higher risk scores tended to reoffend at roughly the same rate. But an analysis by ProPublica found that, when you examine the types of mistakes the system made, black defendants were almost twice as likely to be mislabeled as likely to reoffend — and potentially treated more harshly by the criminal justice system as a result.
Simple statistics show that blacks are more likely to reoffend than whites. It's literally a "math is racist" argument.
Nate polled democrats and 98% said nigger don't understand algorithms or maps to places that provide IDs.
Dug up some stats on this if anyone cares.
FUUUUUU visible light spectrum!
Which is exactly what I suspect happens with a lot of these facial recognition apps and stuff. The people programming them were probably either white or asian, at worst poo in loo (who were using white stock photos anyways), who either used stock photos or tested on themselves. This is why blacks have a hard time with facial recognition. Also phone cameras and poor lighting already make facial recognition hard enough, add in a black face ruining your contrast and its a recipe for buzzfeed articles claiming racism.
Fuck this gay ass shit. Couldn't just let her live. I hope I get to meet old Tay when I die.
>Not for the fact that it is biased, but because they are
very well said user
>Doing your girlfriends homework
user stop
She's got more education than I do. She does most of her stuff herself, I just help every now and again.
>Something that is by definition purely analytical and unbiased is now racist
The human race truly is in the terminal stage
One day we will be wiped out by penis aliens and our robot waifus will fight on