>Revelation 13:16-18
>And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number Six hundred threescore and six.
I wonder what this could be
Other urls found in this thread:
>when u microchip your employees
i remember this shit from that book series the Rapture. Is Trump Carpathia or whatever his name was?
Right now eceleb thread are being spammed to slide the forum.
If you want to get out information, spam their threads with this information. Because they won't stop the board sliding.
I thought that referred to Catholics and Ash Wednesday?
But where is the chip to be implanted? This is important.
I think it was called Left Behind or something. Yea, Nickoli was his 1st name or something like that.
This only validates my original post.
In the right hand. Once they become mandatory some people will try to cut them out. Then they'll be implanted in your head so that you can't remove them.
>Not having programmable RFID implant
As long as you can flash your own shit, it's great.
I'm just a little afraid that it will go same direction as the web, people who know the technology will abuse those that don't.
I thought the biochip meme was dead in favor or non-invasive biometric readers.
Ok Alex I'll buy the damn water filters.
Left Behind that was the series.
it used to be voluntary to buy health insurance to
>ash Wednesday
>mark of the beast
I've wondered something about this. How do they actually enforce this? I mean I get that form in the mail when tax time comes that has my health insurance info, but it says it's optional to put this form in. So how is it enforced if you never go to the hospital?
This isn't anything new, companies have been doing it for years. IIRC one version developed by Germany a few years ago includes a remote activated cyanide capsule (Designed for escaped prisoners).
Would you support this being mandatory being receiving welfare?
>when you realize prince williams owns they rfid chip companies
its fake news from a parody site you turkey. quit spreading disinfo fatty
Fuck this noise
Who would ever agree to have this installed in them?
It's real.
I've been thinking about getting one for shits and giggles, easy enough to do the procedure yourself.
>get hand implant
>they check my nightly activities
>8 hours of rapid up down motions
>The Body Politic
If the personal really is political they better learn how often you can jerk it
>Dat file size
>666 KB
Unholy wew lad
This, I seriously doubt they were voluntary. Maybe a few, but most would consider this a boundary.
The whole point of a mark is that it's visible.
That's why the hand or forehead is a great location.
We have chips smaller than the pictured example that go into the bloodstream.
im gonna get one on my dick
don't understand the type of person that would do this
I'd rather not have a tracking augment and I'll be damned if I would do it for a job
It's visible for (((them))). At all times. Everywhere you go.
the type that would open doors like Jedis and post on Youtube
>there are people existing who are okay with this
Everyone this is officially THE LINE.
Do not cross THE LINE.
>in the future, microchips implanted subdermally into the hand replace credit cards
>niggers chop off your hand to steal your nubux
32M? as in 32.000.000? lol there aren't that many jobs in the US.
nice faggot bait. catching any?
Name of the company giving chips to their employees
you likely have bogdabots inside you right now
>just a little afraid that what will inevitably happen might happen.
come on user.
Would be much cheaper to put the chip in a card or to use finger print sensors.
Whoa goy, they had a choice between taking it or being terminated!
Goys these days...
>the contents of this post have been Cheq't (TM) and verified as legitimate
It will become the new drug screening.
"Don't want to get chipped? We don't have to hire you" - that will become their new mantra.
"Global Community" - Left Behind
>if you don't have a chip you can't work here
>It's for safety
(it's not, it's for production)
>It's a site requirement
> Have it or don't work there
Calling it now
They have rfid trackers at a few places in heavy Industrial settings. They're bullshit.
If this goes mainstream I go innawoods without telling anyone. I will make my own territory and I fucking swear, anyone who comes inside my territory WILL BE KILLED WITHOUT WARNING.
Giving. HaHaHaHa
>Chip guy dies in your territory
>"Hmmmm, send a unit out"
>Officer dies in your territory
>"SWAT team it is then"
retina scan, hello, Satan are you listening...not mocking, just asking
>he's such a faggot he can't take on a swat team and then the army
lol fag
stupid fuck. they don't need a reason not to hire your lame ass
If you are really that stupid then you will die alone in the woods and the varmints will scatter your bones
Hey! It's voluntary.
wtf is the problem here?
Income garnishment for refusing?
*evil maniacal laugh*
t. cuck
Yes, inserting a piece of metal and plastic into your brain is a perfectly reasonable alternative to just opening doors by hand.
They must think people are fucking retarded.
Stupid boy scout dream. Die alone, no enemy in sight
Getting fired just got a whole lot easier.
"Why can't I open this door? Or log into my computer?"
Implied action.
>I am going to set up a territory
>but it's secret, so no one knows about it but me
>and I will kill everyone who has cross the invisible line I made in my head
Please seek help.
Yeah they can just hire pajeet and gook fuck for a fraction of the wage of a normal person. Those people won't say no to bullshit like this(or don't know how to)
Fuck you
>They must think people are fucking retarded.
Have you ever read Twitter?
You faggots act like you don't already have the mark in your pocket that tracks your location and what you look up. It's not really that big of a leap to refer to smart wearables as the mark, let alone programmable Tech you put in your body.
I visualize you raiding the Safeway dumpster in your effort to be free
You mean why not just use a wrist band or ring or something you can troubleshoot easily.
This is only a good idea for use as dogtags or civilian equivalent.
reminder that building in pic related also harbors the company that invented and still produces RFID chips that also is owned by kushner giving a direct relation between the chips and the 666
The idea of being tagged pisses me off. But we are basically tagged 24/7 regardless. Your smart phone transmits your GPS location, has cameras both front and rear, and a microphone that is on at all times analyzing everything it hears.
Dion't think your phone is listening in on your? Try saying "OK google" or "hey siri". If it can hear that and use that as a signal to open a search engine what else can it be programmed to listen for behind the scenes? Literally anything.
You are already willingly carrying around a tracking device.
The corpses shall mark the territory boundaries.
its done in sweden for some time already
Good point however it's not tracking my (((production))) at work.
Looked up the article, 32M is the name of a company. Never heard of it, but it seems to be a Wisconsin based "micro-market." I seriously doubt (and hope) that this bullshit will catch on.
hate to say it.
but visiting Sup Forums, just once, is enough to mark you for the rest of your life.
no, I will not figure out a way to get unmarked. you zombies.
Please archive those archive.is
The mark of the beast will not be voluntary. You won't be able to buy food without it. And they will hunt down and behead anyone who refuses to take it. Also it will probably be supernatural not technological.
get a load of this retard. swat teams are trained for urban operations.
holy shit what the fuck, really?
They tax you if you don't buy it.
At least it's not implanted in my skin against my will.
im sorry bot kun. appreciate it
its just some first step. some trial.
>Your smart phone transmits your GPS location
>Dion't think your phone is listening in on your?
I turned these features off to save on battery life. Also turned data off.
I also turn off wifi whenever I'm not actively using it.
Easily tripped my battery life.
Also in the Hadiths, Muslims believe that the Beast is the good guy and are taught that the mark is good. Really makes your rattle rattle.
The Mark is circumcision, you dummies
I heard about this on the radio... What retards.
Chipping themselves like dogs.
what do the normies want
>They must think people are fucking retarded.
People ARE retarded user. See: social media, MSM, etc.
As a child this is one of the most terrifying things ive been told would happen, fucking scary. This is like nightmares coming to life for me.
It s different . I can leave the phone home and ho where i want , but can you remove the chip ? No , maybe you can tinfoil your hand so they can t track
>is like to buy some food
>take your dick out and scan your cut mark here sir
because you get circumsized on your forehead and the back of your right hand
>I've wondered something about this
Quantum cracking perhaps? Supposedly a powerful enough quantum computer could completely fuck all encryption, bringing the economy to a grinding halt while spewing peoples porn collection all over the place. Sounds like a good excuse to force some sore of physical measure like this.