What the fuck is going on Sup Forums ?
>$1,000,000+ gross
>currently 2nd top seller on steam
>majority of buyers are westerners.
have (((they))) won ?
What the fuck is going on Sup Forums ?
>$1,000,000+ gross
>currently 2nd top seller on steam
>majority of buyers are westerners.
have (((they))) won ?
Pc master race
It's for women. Its largest player base is women.
They like gay porn as much as guys like lesbian porn.
I think it's a meme game like doctor simulator
Game Grumps fans are buying it. It's a one-off, not indicative of any greater trend.
It's a game for straight goony beard men who think being gay is cool
not it isnt a meme game,if only it was a meme game i wouldnt bother making a thread about it.
this is quite new info for me,i tought the majority of video game players consist of male teenagers and that women were a minority,will you enlighten me : does this have something to do with that gamergate thing ?
sorry for not keeping up with videos games
I see VNs doing well as a good thing, even if this particular one is targeted at women. The other thing is that nothing good has come out on steam in a while, so there is not much competition. A game about gay niggers from outer space would probably be no worse than anything else that has come out in the last 3 months on steam.
>publisher: Game Grumps
excuse me, what the fuck
the end of the western world.
your a bit behind *ahem*
Only something like 30% of regular gamers are women. And real female gamers despise phony gamer girls. It has nothing to do with GG. The amount of female gamers has remained pretty much the same.
so people can do streams of it on twitch
i know that steam doesnt represent the majority of gamers,but if this degenerate jewish cuck box made it into top sellers wouldnt it inspire dev to make more gay pendering games for quick bucks ? are the jews taking over the gaming industry ?
leaf,if this was released back in 2012 it wouldnt even have made it past steam shitty greenlight.
If there is a god, I pray for a cataclysmic knockout instead of the inevitable slow rot.
Most gamers are men. However, there are still a decent number of female gamers and there are so far few games that specifically cater to what they want. Therefore games aimed at women will sell well due to the high demand and lack of competition
If a lot of women really are playing it then they must be desperate for a mate. How to capitalize and transfer daddy fetish to irl?
>every gay movie gets nominated for multiple awards
>every gay TV show gets nominated for multiple awards
>gay game conspicuously ends up promoted in steam despite no one you know actually buying it
It's called social engineering.
Stop posting this in every thread you autistic fuck it's an innocent picture of a girl smiling not everything is a pizzagate conspiracy dumbshit
>are the jews taking over the gaming industry ?
lurk moar
who hurt you an0n ?
so this means that actual females are more intersted in playing a gay game promoting degeneracy than playing a game where they can get happily ever married ? wew,i think we might be into something here
ur mum
people buy it for one of two reasons
a: the memes
b: the brown daughterfu (pic related)
also some are gay maybe but the 2 i wrote are the most common
Because Game Grumps fans are literal robots, only right behind Rooster Teeth fans
Teenage girls have sexual desires about their father
I think this is normal not / pol /? This was already known
From the first look it just seems to be a female targeted DILF simulator. Just think of it as a MILF simulator.
It's an indie game why are you getting pissed off about it? If a few thousands of desperate women want to pay for it then what's the problem?
Just look at how profitable furry shit is if you want to see true degeneracy. You could easily earn a few thousand just by putting a picture up with a link to pay for the second picture even in the 90s before the internet was mainstream.
>Outfit flips.
0/10. I retract my former statements. Just burn and forget.
It's an ironic meme game for streamers, they always sell a ton.
>a sheboon
>gay people
could this game get any worse ?
been lurking here since early 2013,mainly browse /news/ , Sup Forums and /k/. but maybe you are right
you fukin leaf
teenagers are exposed to this shit, i d rather have my soon playing Doom and call of duty than touch that crap.
idiots like you are the reason that the west is in decline, your nescience about degenerate crap is the main cause of it growing rapidly like a tumor
>hurr durr tis just a meem
Steam is already full of degenerate shit. It has been for a long time.
They released a game designed specifically to pander to Gen Z post-post-post-post ironic hipsters and women who are all obsessing over the "daddy" fetish/meme like the degenerate, overgrown children they are. Streamers are buying the game and playing it to virtue signal about just how much they love guys who swallow cock, and it also appeals to the millennial whore's inherent desire for a father figure because her mother either divorced her dad, or her dad was never there in the first place.
This game is pure, 100% concentrated pandering to a specific audience.
amanda is pure and adorable
>m-muh degeneracy
t. NEET who jacks off to tranny porn every night
>They released a game designed specifically to pander to Gen Z post-post-post-post ironic hipsters and women who are all obsessing over the "daddy" fetish/meme like the degenerate, overgrown children they are. Streamers are buying the game and playing it to virtue signal about just how much they love guys who swallow cock, and it also appeals to the millennial whore's inherent desire for a father figure because her mother either divorced her dad, or her dad was never there in the first place.
>This game is pure, 100% concentrated pandering to a specific audience.
Literally this.
There better be nudes. Come on. Throw heteros a bone.
Futa isn't tranny
>Publisher: Game Grumps
As a divorced dad I would approve,. except for the fact that the biggest buyers are degenerate faggots.
how long before we get sissy bbc atheist simulator VR edition + pedophile dlcs trending on top seller
oh well,thank you based aussie for summing it up,you sir just /thread this topic,if only this board had more poster like you.
if you are serious then stop it,get some help. i know projecting on others on an anonymous forum offer a release for you,but you should seek assitance.,i d recommand taking up the no-fap challange for at least a month and keep away from this website.
My favorite movie!
just like japan
women hire men to act like boyfriends
women are so lonely now they are turning to VR games
i dont think theres r34 of her yet, and you cant romance her in game as far as i know
>hire male model that's 8/10
>won't acknowledge humanity of men that are 6/10 and below
>gee why am I lonely
thats their own damn fault, who gives a shit, the world will still fucking keep turning with or without these dumb sloots
is that a girl (male)? i might buy it if that's boipussi
"lmao daddy XD" has been a meme for like 3 years dude.
no you fucking degenerate, that is amanda the pure qt pie mixed-race brown daughterfu (female)
Gross isn't a measure of success. They are probably underwater still.
close, its hyper normalization. shove something in peoples face for long enough and they will start to accept it, even if its ultimately bad for them and they know it.
This is pretty accurate description of the Japanese game market. I wouldn't be surprised if that mentality is creeping west.
>teenagers are exposed to this shit, i d rather have my soon playing Doom and call of duty than touch that crap.
Please don't buy this for your son. Let them buy it for themselves. That is how you can tell if they really are gay.
Maybe not let them have too much alone time with boys/men if he does take the bait.
Sounds like a meme game. Goofy vid icon lets play fodder
>Implying buying and playing this game isn't part of virtue signaling
This looks like this is targeted at people who are already pretty far along in their appreciation of faggotry.
why arent you guys developing video games right now, i am
NeoMarxist post modernist have won... stock guns and ammo, get training, and await the revolution.
Blood for the blood god.
Stop watching BBC propaganda, pol users are supposed to be smarter than this.
most of the (((WOMEN))) have dicks. but since they classify themselves as (((WOMEN))) it artificially inflates the (((WOMEN))) numbers.
>pic related
a (((WOMEN)))
Bara dude on the left makes me think they made that game with a gay male audience in mind.
Daily reminder that the game grumps aren't gay and it's perfect straight to make a club called "The D Club" where you suck eachothers dicks.
This is by Game Grumps you fucking spastic. It's literally a joke game. It was made to be a meme.
Stop looking for shit to get mad over.
> Game Grumps
This is what Suzie has done to Arin. She's a fucking Jew if ever I saw one.
all hope is lost
Women exist you know, and they do play games. Just look at the new final fantasy. You're practically driving around in your own boy band.
>main characters are white
>theyre all gay buttfuckers
I dont get why you're all mad at this game, its redpilled as fuck. Its MGTOW and has zero women in it.