Islam will win, Christianity will lose

Christianity is a false religion and that's why it will lose.

Christians do not worship Allah (God) They worship 3 gods, Their book is corrupted and their religion is false. Chr*stians will go to hell, Chr*stians are the residents of hellfire. Meanwhile Jews and Muslims will go to heaven because they worship only one god (Allah) not 3 gods unlike chr*Stians

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I could just say all religions are false. What do you say now, big boy?

by the way wh*Te christians are double subhumans and eternal residents of hell.

Fuck off sandnigger

THIS! Kill wh*Te chr*stians


Christians worship one god, who is 1 with 3 parts, the father, the son, and the holy ghost.. that is god, if you swine, pig orcs, cant comprehend that, then anthemia will you sit.

The Christian militias have been doing pretty good killing your kind, roach faggot.

shoo shoo filthy turk

>Christdog militias

in his little wh*Te amerisubhuman brain

Islam is for queers

Die Roach Fag

Let's be honest, despite the cultural sandnigger shit, the Quran is basically a copy of the New Testament before it became corrupted by kikes. In fact, I'm pretty sure the Quran is closer to the original Christian Bible than today's Bible.

And yet you Euro Fags have welcomed it with open arms


You're both fucked, my fedora is going to tip you straight into the grave.

Christ stains.

Daily reminder; To anger muslims post pictures of the under side of feet.

It makes them incredibly angry because it reminds them that they are bugs to be trodden underfoot

Shoo shoo filthy turks

Dirty roaches get stepped on.
Shoo Shoo

Muhammed was a faggot and a pig fucker.
pic related

Roaches be gone.
I cast you out!

This. The reason we endure this mockery and humiliation is because Christianity has become cucked.


You're women aren't bad though, once they take all those blankets off

This one's in the Quran right?

Hi Mohammad. It's really quite the opposite.

Answering Islam 7: Are There Historical Mistakes in the Quran?

here comes the daily roach bait