what were the 90s like?
if they were so great then what can we do to bring it back to the 90s?
>inb4 this shitty meme again
our movement should have an end goal in making america great again, and i always hear people saying that they miss the 90s
what were the 90s like?
if they were so great then what can we do to bring it back to the 90s?
>inb4 this shitty meme again
our movement should have an end goal in making america great again, and i always hear people saying that they miss the 90s
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>underage b&
im 20
And you don't remember waddling as a toddler in the '90s?
it was the peak of civilization
The 90s never went away in some aspects.
It was all about being an edgy kid with RAD-itude.
It's just that you've grown up and realized that being an intentional contrarian is stupid as fuck, and for children only.
Was thinking of this today. The 90s were the best. People left eachother slone, race relations were best, politics werent in everything, etc. Back then people didnt say who they voted for for one, television was more innocent and family oriented, music wasnt all depressing, economy was better, internet wasnt full of socisl media there were chatrooms
i want to know from an adults perspective
And then dot com, terrorism, and housing bubble.
did you need experience for entry level jobs?
how so? were people generally nicer in the suburbs or cities
The eastern europe and much of asia in the 90s was absolute hell.
It depends on your kind of lifestyle. For me it was a much harder time to live on because back then it was extremely hard to get subtitles for anime and translate manga, light novels, visual novels and dojin. In fact, it was even hard to just get your hands on them in the first place, usually college clubs had some storage but other than that, you're mostly on your own. Anime and manga stores had shit, they released separated volumes, like you could only buy volumes 6 7 and 8 of a series that go from 1 to 12. There were some arcade videogames around and the internet was a much better place. Actually it wasn't technically internet but it was fucking comfy. Threads like this get 404'd in a matter of minutes, back then it took months sometimes years for a thread to be archived but in compensation the quality was billions times better. McDonald's didn't do deliveries and most restaurant chains like KFC and Outback Steakhouse didn't exist (at least not in Germany). Search engines were terrible and people had to actually do some research, if they made stupid questions (like yours) they would be told to fuck off to preserve the purity and overall high quality userbase. I could go on but you get the idea. I went to college in Massachusetts and I traveled back there and it has much more blacks and latinos, streets are more unclean etc. Young people all look ugly, dye their hairs etc. I live in a small town so it's barely any different except we got more internet coverage at much higher speeds and some stores opened but that's it.
Born in 90. Lived in Oklahoma, Texas, Montana before y2k.
Less nogs, spics, poos, chinks, kikes, and sand nogs.
Much better.
after the collapse of the ussr? what happened over there
It was the decade when women started removing their pubic hair.
I was about 5 years old when Nintendo 64, Playstation, and Windows 95 came out. I was in the prime generation if not for all the libshit propaganda affecting us.
Also, travelling back them was harder in general. Most country free-visas that exist today didn't hold these same agreements 20 to 30 years ago. For example to travel to Japan to go to Comiket I had to fill in all kinds of papers. Nowadays travel is faster, cheaper and thousands of times more simple
Also, can't forget World Wide Web.
im from ma this place is a shithole now
The early internet was a blast. The connection-speed sucked, sure, but there was a TON of exploration to be had.
Social-media wasn't in everyone's goddamn lives.
>tfw will never, EVER relive 1999, one of the greatest years ever
You're off by several decades. The 90's were as pozzed as today but most remained blissfully unaware.
Oh the 90s were to die for! Literally!
But what would a burger know about it...
There was one good thing about that time though, we were finally free of communism and hadn't yet signed up for EU or any other kike arranged deals.
Just our own people and our nation! Well and and a pretty big horde of Russian speaking undesirables left over from the Soviet occupation... But that's just one major problem instead of an endless tangle of problems introduced by the EU.
>did you need experience for entry level jobs?
Yep. Every generation bitches about this.
MA was beautiful I don't know why you let that happen to your country. But then again I am German so who am I to say.
i honestly have no idea what happened, and i get butthurt about it all the time.
I was born in 86 so i grew up during the 90's. What a time to be young.
>nobody had cell phones
>playing outside till the street lights came on
>internet was still young and just coming into it's prime
>PC gaming was starting to actually get decent.
>awesome consoles like SNES or Genesis and later N64
>Saturday morning cartoons
>99% white kids in my elementary school
If I could push a button and go all the way back I would do it in a heartbeat.
Well having been a teenager all through the 90s, let me tell you! The 90s were the time when the 80s died and everything stopped being cool. The music transformed from anything good into something called " alternative rock " which wasn't really alternative since they played it on every radio station.
The lyrics were suddenly confusing and nonsensical. The tones boring and depressing.
People started dressing funny. Oh they did in the 80s that's for sure, but it somehow became even worse. Track suits. Lots of nylon.
Women's hair during this time was the worst it's ever been in world history. I don't know what the fuck the average woman was doing with her hair during this time but I'm glad it stopped because Jesus Christ, eagles could and I'm sure did nest in that shit.
Movies became special effects super fests instead of the awesome fun stuff we got in the 80s. Except at this time, CGI looked like dog shit ( more than now ) so you can only imagine how shitty this was.
Like I said, the only thing the 90s represents to me is the death of the 80s. Nothing good came of the 90s. It was a shit decade.
Of course it was also the last decade that mattered. Since 2000s I haven't noticed the decades having flavor anymore. It all just seems the same. Shitty.
perfect decade for kids, literally an unlimited amount of toys, video games, cartoons that were all top tier quality. I dont know if it was just because i was a kid, but looking back comparing to todays shit, kids today should just off themselves. It was magical
You'd have to undo 9/11 and the presidencies of George W Bush and Barack Obama, at the very least.
>awesome consoles like SNES or Genesis and later N64
>remembering that first time I saw Super Mario 64
It was glorious.
Yet generation Z is better than millenials, and I say that as a millenial.
> born in '99
> half nigger schools k-12
>Dumb ass liberal baby boomer white guilt teachers
>Feel bad for white kids born today
>Angry the problem wasn't fixed before I was born
we need to bring it back to the 90s
At least you're honest achmed
Nail on the head.
To add on to this, the 90's was the birth of being a cynical asshole all the time. Sarcasm started in the late 80s and by the 90s, it was common to speak lovingly about something you hate, then say NOT! At the end. The music got more depressing, the clothes looked like goodwill shit from the 70s and PC became widespread. The 80's were the last great decade.
Ha ha ha I remember going to Toys-R-Us on my bike just to play the demo they had set up.
Truly glorious times
The 2000s onward have definitely had no flavor. why is that? Wtf happened?
every other major decade in recent history has a unique sense of fashion, style, music... Now it's all just kinda shit. reminds me of that South Park episode where everything is literally shit
Better? The book is yet to be written. Let's not throw our shoulders out jerking off generation Z just yet. No offense, but anything is an improvement over millennial, as a whole.
Special effects were at their heyday in the '90s. The effects actually enhanced the real film and then shit like star wars episode I came and ruined everything later.
>no cellphones
>mostly no PC (in Germany) and if, the father or the mother were the only one, who were priviliged to use it
>if you had a gameboy at school, you had 230420ß3 friends
>saturday fuckin morning-cartoons were on their peak
>meeting your friends outside, no need to call them, because you stood to your word you gave in school this morning
Just watch Malcom in the Middle
Laid back. The cold war had just ended and there was a general sense of peace, harmony among races and nations and overwhelming optimism about what the future held. Tv was much more holsom and interesting when every channel and network wasn't owned by only 6 jews. Saturday morning cartoons were the best. You woke up early as fuck, ate half a box of cereal while watching bugs bunny and then went outside and played for 12+ hours unsupervised with all the other kids in the neighbourhood. There were very little immigrants and the ones that were here were very hard working and made such an effort to assimilate and made sure there kids did as well. Maybe not for everyone, but in my case many of my teachers were the oldest of the baby boomers/ a couple ww2 vets. They were hard as fuck but caring and stern, they taught you to be a good student and upstanding citizen. No degen bullshit. Kids bullied eachother and got over it. We fought it out and made up after kicking the shit out of eachother. Politics wasn't anything children knew or were exposed to. Adults didn't preach their leanings and children weren't concerned with it, We were concerned with being kids. Toys were awesome, vidya was awesome, music was awesome, movies were awesome, just generally everything was comfy as fuck.
As long as they aren't libshit commie snowflakes they're already better.
It was, champ. That's one of the things progressives forgot to mention while brainwashing gen Y. Think about it, in the 90s urban black and suburban white merged. The whole decade was a handful of chimpouts, tops. People started smoking weed again, loosened up. It was cool.
>why is that? Wtf happened?
Consolidating of media, I figure. Look at the internet. How much of it feels different compared to the 90s, when you had Geocities, Angelfire, and every website looked different just about.
Now, everything has the same... flavor to it. Sterile, calculated, etc.
Hard to really quantify, but it just feels like everything is the same.
>mcdonalds/burgerking toys were actually enjoyable
>90s actionmovies were awesome for you (Jurassic Park, braveheart, MIB)
Fuck, i have to search my watches....
everything smelled better, like... vanilla fields.
Tfw you got to be a 16 year old taking out a hot white piece of ass and she had no cell phone to distract her.
Romance is fucking dead now.
I remember that shit. Better times.
Precisely; millennial generation progressives fell for the same hippie commie crap that raged hard until 1970. In the long run, that's what pushed gen z so far right, so I guess there's that.
I remember we didn't have the "duck and cover" drills in school after 1991 when the Soviet Union finally, completely dissolved, so that was a plus. Operation DESERT STORM was a resounding success, and the economy was pretty good. Terrorism was primarily confined to overseas, and the attempt that was made against the WTC failed miserably. Frankly, it felt a lot more optimistic and safer back then. The politically correct movement was just kind of...meh. I mean, it existed, but no one really paid it any mind in day-to-day life. Politics in general hadn't invaded every element of life, there was no internet, or slow internet, and not every idiot had a soap box. Nor did we have cell phones, so you actually had to plan if you wanted to go out and party. I liked it a lot more than now.
>you will never know the true taste of the single greatest diabetes delivery device ever devised by mankind
HOLY SHIT, I totally forgot about those.
Kid's meal toys were awesome. I remember I used to have Batman Forever clear glass cups that were killer.
And then there's the whole Beanie Baby craze...
The 90s wasn't that great, all the shit that people are being nostalgic about was afterglow from the 80s and earlier.
The 90s was when cynicism, the disruption of technology, and fucked up culture begins to set in big.
Everyone saying otherwise is just ignoring the rot that hid behind the veneer of normalcy that lead to today.
The only reason any of us miss anything is because now a shit.
We will not rest until we put everything right again.
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
I remember when terrorism meant domestic bombers and shooters because of the 1970's radicals, and then later on Waco and Oklahoma.
>recordingsongs from the radio on your cassette and listen to that shit all evening in shit quality
>90s, where the candys and ice-cream were also at their peak. It was a perfect balance between quality and price
>No one really paid it any mind in everyday life
We thought it was a stupid, gay fad that would pass.
We were so fucking wrong.
I remember the duck and covers as well! I remember even at the age of like 8 thinking it was retarded that anyone would think crouching under a desk would offset the effects of a nuke... Then a couple years later realising it was taught that way to minimize a class of kids freaking out until they were vapourized
>And then there's the whole Beanie Baby craze...
Shit, my sister and me used to have like 30 of these things. My grandma gave me a otter. We shared the same birthday.
What has the world become?
Thanks for reminding me that it'll NEVER FUCKING BE THE 90s AGAIN WHY GOD WHHYYYY!!?!?!?
dud mc ds always sucked i remember that back in 2003 they were giving out plastic Pokemon masks that shit was for fucking loser poo poo pants doo doo kids my man
I was born in 2000, so I wasn't even born yet. I just want to MAGA.
It did have a backlash, which is why that shit went underground for a while. They introduced that in the 80s and people scoffed.
Hectic & stressful. 80 were much better.
Moved to a new high school sophmore year and fucked a qt. to that track.
I can't forget, its fucking the greatest memory.
Spent most of the 90's in prison.
A decent amount of food music came out.
Thank you
late 70s is where I got some peaceful memories from, but that is 100 years from now. A better world, all of it. And no fucking niggers of any kind in the sick place now called ...Yurop
What did you go in for?
>back in 2003
Not my time, pal
they were shit, had terrible music, and was the enviroment that gave birth to entitled cunts
Yes. I recall hearing the first rumblings of the hyphenated American pc shit in mid 90s. By 2005 it's participation trophies and no bullies. By 2010 we're pumping 7 year old boys full of estrogen.
>the environment
Do you mean bill the fatty fucker clinton?
What were the 70s like?
I concur
dude youre not 18 gtfo you high school loser
your face when you will never be born in the 19s
The 90s were a paradise lost for me and seemingly many others.
Everything was great, until it was destroyed, as if civilization itself ended at that turning point. And I'm very, very angry about it. Politically, the rest of my life will be consumed with the desire to see those responsible eradicated from existence in every possible respect.
so you never went to mc ds in the year 2003
"You're special! Special! Everyone is special!"
Barney & Friends.
We only had participation medals, I was 6-7 in 05
No one cared about the medals and just wanted to win the trophies for 1st-3rd place
i agree. george bush first one sucked shit and started GMO and a lot of other shit his cocksucking pal clinton kept doing
but, I dont know if you hating everything is really all that .. real. cause i think it was maybe kinda a coopted movement. I didnt just go ooh look at me i want to be a hippy, but i had school teachers (aka fbi (no shit)) faggots calling me hippy but they made me an enemy and called othe rpeople the rednecks. and had them chase me ad my friends in his van one time.
coopted shit is what i would say. the grunge shit came from something else. and was attmpted everything id see, id say they could try to do. NIrvana sucked. fukc him and his fake death and his fake shit they called grunge. maybe it was ok but with 100s of people in a think tank making that shit for you go fuck yourself
Fuck it, I'll blog in a 90s thread.
>be lower middle class white family
>live in a neighborhood that was about 70% russians 30% white trailer trash
>be the only white person in a click of 8 russians
>they treat me as their own
>have best friend named sasha (guy)
>always played Sega Genesis and other video games at his house
>One summer day it was really hot in his room while we were trying to get through Contra Hard Corps
>decide to open the door and go into the living room
>see his father in nothing but a red robe and leopard-skin underwear (some russian dad thing)
>he is watching porn on the TV
>Sit down on the sofa across from him and start watching porn with him
>realize since I'm 8 years old I probably shouldn't be watching it
>Look over to friend's dad
>friend's dad looks back at me
>stare at each other for 2 seconds
>we both go back to watching porn
>eventually get up and go back into the room to play more video games.
I fucking miss that family man...
Not as a kid.
Reported you too.
Muslim terrorists were acceptable movie bad guys.
Then Muslim terrorists killed thousands of Americans.
Then Muslim terrorists were not acceptable movie bad guys.
I was born in 95 can I have a mfw
it all started at the same time. @2007-08 they started using a flash scroller o theri front page
oh thats the front page template they use
>10 year old in 2003
are you retarded?
>blyaaa you aren't going to fucking that whore right?
The son of the best friend of my mother was the typical 90`s-leathercoat-egoshooter-fool, who lived in his cellar 24/7. He drank cherry-coak all the time and introduced me to gorevideos, when i was 6 or some.
I just saw a chink getting butchered by the propeller of a helicopter to the sound of Type 0 negative
gen z are the children of gen x, i.e. the people actually living through the 90s, thus making it the coolest. duh.
things were pretty relaxed. there was a sort of aura of innocence around everything. even the degenerate things were more cheeky than overtly crude. i was still in full bluepill mode which helped a lot of course. clothes were ugly as hell but not as bad as the 80s. everybody seemed happier and full of hope.
im talking about the uk obviously 90s america looked like hell on earth to me
your life story fucking sux i honestly feel bad for you