im going to mexico in the fall to teach english in an urban city for a semester, and i want to know realistically:
what are my chances of being killed jumped robbed or all 3
Im going to mexico in the fall to teach english in an urban city for a semester, and i want to know realistically:
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It can't be that bad, i'll be teaching in Acapulco.
Don't trust the women
Even if I had a chance of love with the sweetest, prettiest Mexican brawd, I'd run away immediately
Why isn't Juarez in the danger zone?
Which city?
Is it close to the border?
what city?
acapulco seems nice. it is marked as dangerous on your map though. people go there for vacationing apparently so probably not bad
Are you a pretentious little shit? If not you'll be fine.
According to your map you're fucked
Good luck senpai
Also you are white right?
The police robbed me in Playa Del Carmen. Straight up...they pulled me aside, pulled weed out of their pocket and framed me with it. All for a $90 bribe.
The 4 months I spent studying there were unironically the best of my life. Never felt unsafe and I was staying in cheap places all over, just didn't go north of Mexico city.
Yeah, Accupolco is one of the most dangerous cities in he world at the moment.
Probably you would be fine but
don't come
Acapulco is no longer nice
>Ciudud Juarez not highlighted
Map is bullshit
Just dont be a flashy nigger, stay modest, and you should be fine.
It was nice knowing you, OP.
just maybe dont try to make a difference in some little criminals life. leave that kind of thing to the locals
Yeah dont argue with the police just pay the bribe usually a few hundred pesos which is like $10
just don't talk to people with tattoos and don't play with your phone when you are outside, just a advice
Why not just go to Arizona and do the same thing?
dont talk like a gringo, dont be gringo/10
Border murder rates, OP. Check where you're heading.
I was in Mexico, made it back across the border alive but needed stitches after the machete incident. Started having headaches a year after coming home and the MRI showed I had neurocysticercosis and required surgery to remove it. Also they still haven't figured out how to treat the sores on my benis or what the mystery parasite that gives me bloody diarrhea every few weeks.
>im going to mexico
and im going to raqqa
good luck to the both of us.
KEK and reminder spics are the biggest threat to American whites.
just don't talk to people with tattoos and don't play with your phone when you are outside, just a advice, and don't get outside before the 12 and be very careful with the police, remember you are in mexico
It's the most violent city in the world... Wouldn't you rather going to Syria or somewhere safer?
>don't get outside before the 12 and be very careful with the police
>remember you are in mexico
next holiday, booked.
t. Mexican
Your country is the most violent country in the world. Why haven't you fixed it lazy spic. Even nigger countries in Africa aren't as bad.
how come Mexico hasn't taken in any "refugees"?
if you stay the fuck away from the outskirts of the city it is possible nothing will happen to you as those are where most of our degenerates roam (seriously, not even the locals are safe walking around in those areas). Also, acting like a pretentious little shit will help a lot.
*not acting like
my bad,kek
>how come mexico hasn't taken in any refugees
actually, we're being culturally enriched by being forced to accept fucking haitian niggers which, according to american blacks and other americans, are fucking turboniggers on seems (((them))) want to make this shit global and fuck everyone up merciless right and left, although we've got an advantage that whites do not have, the moment they start chimping out our cholos will simply dispose of them without getting the: DA WHITEY OPPRESSOR IS GUNNA KILLS US N SHEEEEIT YO SHEEEEEEEEEEIT
Well of you aren't running round the streets fagging off with your mexican friends you should be fine.
People swear the US never had major gang violence in major cities.
Hope you die americrap
I've always wanted to have a violent incursion into Mexico. It'd probably lead to me getting drunk and beating up some homeless guy, but man, if doesn't sound like fun.
Why isn't Tijuana orange worst shithole in the country
Don't worry gringo, you'll be fi-
Press F to pay respects
Acapulco, forget it, even Tamaulipas is safer now.
was he talkin' about acapulco? SHEEEEEEEEIT
5% i live there so yea
Jesus dude, good luck.
advice i received from a mexican-
at the very least, learn how to say "please", "thank you" and "excuse me" in spanish. watch how the locals act and do the same. the easiest way to spot the stupid gringo is by looking for the loud idiot with his arms flailing all over the place. pretend you're interviewing for a job that you really want. don't get drunk and stay the fuck away from drugs.
probably won't keep you from getting killed, but it might help you last a little longer.
if i dont make it back in december, just know that you guys have changed my life forever.
My uncle Canelo will protect you if you become my burger lover.
I like thiccc guys
I consider myself prettier than most wymen
>taking advice from filthy mestizos
>referring to your own race as gringos
You make me sick.
Yeah of course they want you to be a meek little faggot, it's easier for them to scam or rob you that way. Act like a goddamn man, OP, don't be a contrite little tourist bitch. Wetbacks respect manhood, they're generally quite traditional.
honestly how bad could it be? its practically a resort
Fuck off we're full
You only go to Acapulco if you want to touch lolis.
I would cancel, the beach is nice but the city itself is full of criminals.
ayyyyy, u dead user
Stay in the tourist areas. It's in the city's interest to keep scumbags off of those zones. I image if you travel into local interior you'll be found to find some action. Make friends with Spaniards. They are the tall ones who don't suffer those peasant native filth.
kek do tourists actually do that? who would be stupid enough to go to a city they know is full of the worlds most dangerous ruthless cartel members and ask locals "can i fuck your kid?"
when was the last time you were in mexico? and i'm not talking about your spring break fag party in cancun.
Yeah. Google it.
Yucatan x
Campeche quintana roo quite are safe as some us states
I don't answer to race traitors.
Don't take detours ever
Always have some kind of weapon, legal or otherwise
Suck up to the local honcho, you'll know who he is
People in the south will either hate or like ameriburgers, not many are in between
If you absolutely need to get your dick wet, do not go to a "brothel", you will get stabbed
You will probably be robbed a few times by street rats
Always have a dummy wallet with 20 bucks and a gift card
t. I have lived around the world for 30 years
it's bad user don't go there
Dress like shit
Don't go out at night
Make wholesome friends fast
Honestly, pretty damn bad
I mean really, not memeing or making fun, just cancel dude.
We love you, don't do that to yourself, please
>teach English in mecksicko
Sure. Whatever you say.
>Don't go out at night
And by night we mean, late as 18:00 hours is asking for trouble.
so that would mean never? i suggest you go to mexico outside the resort areas and act in the way you suggest. you don't have to let me know how that works out for you because it's more likely than not that you won't be coming back. not that anyone's going to miss you.