Anyone else rooting for Cersei the whole show has basically become an analogy for western civilization vs refugees while daenerys wants to open the flood gates for dothraki to destroy westerosi ie western civilization by allowing the african/muslim migrants to destroy, rape everything in their path while cersei wants to preserve western civilization and save it I really hope cersei can win. Dothraki will never be able to integrate into Westerosi culture without any problems...
Anyone else rooting for Cersei the whole show has basically become an analogy for western civilization vs refugees...
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TV is for fags.
Found the poor cunt
Lanisters are jews
You should be more concerned with the real life version. Plus, Warhammer is superior fantasy. GOT is for plebs.
>Watching Goy of Thrones
Not Really 'You'll realise that cersei is actibg EXACTLY how hillary would have acted had she got in
It's pretty fucking terrifying.
Also King In The North Jon Snow is practically President Trump.
It was funny when dragon bitch decided she couldnt lay seige to kings landing with a foreign army.
They are trying hard to up the grrl power this season because they know everybody loves the wall
No, we only watch reruns of Seinfeld and Frasier here
I'm rooting for her because Danyrias is lame and on an undeserved power trip.
>He doesnt also watch King of the Hill
No bullshit scenes of Arya monking and Bran hallucinating in this season. Straight politics.
>ywn go full sea raider and curbstomp some stronk wymyn
Euron is /ourguy/. Cersei is just an honest portrayal of Hillary. And a woman leading a kingdom. Fuck her
I'm just sick of seeing all the old brave white men die in the show so it;s nothing but women, cripples and mudshits I hope daenerys gets BTFO in the end.
>the music
kek, true piratekino
Creepy Scientist is practically podesta
Cersei is how I imagine Hillary
The undead are Mexicans and the wall has a cameo role as itself.
Leaving his city for Sansa to rule for him? Fuck that
All the /ourguys/ are dead but Cersei is the lesser of two evils now. Your analogy is spot on but she is an awful monarch just alot better than Daenerys.
>Stannis would make the best monarch with Renly and Davos as close advisors.
euron is definitely /ourguy/
that fucking rampage last night whilst grinning maniacally and destroying muh girl power sand bitches was cathartic
Bastard of Bolton was by far the best character in the show but got killed off by that annoying bitch sansa
He has been on many Diplomatic trips lately actually
Every President/King has to do that
will John Snow bend the knee for dragon glass? tune in next week in an all new episode of "GAME OF THRONES"
the fuck is with her fucking neck?
Just like trump left ivanka in charge
This shit show is literally porn with a plot that exists so that when mom walks in you can ree
>mom it's not porn!
>i watch it for the plot!
So then mom watches it with you and 3 seasons later you're repopulating the white race with your mom
All you retards in this thread seem to have somehow skipped all of history and have no idea that about 90% of rulers/empires heavily relied on foreign mercenaries.
Hitler used fucking foreign armies you uneducated fucks:
Why does Sup Forums want to be the bad guy so bad? Jon Snow is the best king and were it not for the long night would sit comfortably as King of the North without having to worry about that dumb whore Daenerys.
who the fuck roots for Cersei?
something mentally wrong with you
I root for the angry, brutal, extraordinary types like Brienne of Tarth or The Hound, who can lop heads off in a tough world and will figure out the morality of it later if they're still alive
Daenerys is the worst
I think he'll bend the knee for some dragon pussy.
GOT /ourguys/
>Stannis Baratheon
>Alliser Thorne
>Roose Bolton
>Robert Baratheon (Prime)
>Euron Greyjoy (the mental side of Sup Forums)
>Jon Snow (The principled but betas among us)
>Daenerys Targaryen (Merkel)
>Yara Greyjoy
>Elaria Sand
>The enuchs (excluding Varys)
Euron is definitely /ourguy/.
>raw display of insane masculinity
>dykes BTFO
>stronk womyn BTFO
>feminism BTFO
>watch reddit tv
I love how we all think of Jon Snow as a beta but he's literally cut down dozens of men with his sword.
Didn't care for Euron until this, killing bad pussay made him my favorite character. We all know he will get killed by one of the surviving sisters, right? Probably by her vagina, somehow.
The last episode had a dickless nigger eating the digusting, dirty, shit smelling pussy of another filthy fucking ape, the level of degeneracy is appalling, you should all have lobotomies
Jaime would be in /ourguy/ territory too
Fantastic Leader of men, Honourable as fuck
Genetically Gifted, only problem is his addiction to his sister, who I think he'll end up killing and thus Redeeming himself completely anyway.
Yeah actually
I'm pissed that Danny thinks it's ok to bring foreign armies to wreak havoc on the westerosi in the name of The greater good'
I hope cersei fucks her up
Fucking Australian why did I laugh at this? This is literally how liberals think.
At this rate I hope the White Walkers win. Odds are they made the wall to keep the Gingers out and make Westerosi man the wall. Westerosi broke the deal and a crazy bitch has dragons.
White Walkers are just punishing Westrerosi for breaking the deal.
(((Game of Morons))) is jiddish psyop of the brainwashing kind. Keep your aids-riddled fantasy out of Sup Forums
sage & report
The Prince that was Promsied is a gender neutral term now...
They completely cut it Aegon VI.
>while daenerys wants to open the flood gates for dothrak
Ah, that explains why she's like the most popular character in the series.
Doesn't help she's the hottest as well.
This. GoT is for faggots. Having titties on screen doesn't make your show good.
>The last episode had a dickless nigger eating the digusting, dirty, shit smelling pussy of another filthy fucking ape, the level of degeneracy is appalling, you should all have lobotomies
I bet you're real fun at parties.
>Daenerys is the worst
This. She's just as whiny and arrogant as her brother and has literally lucked her way through everything that's happened, and what wasn't pure luck was just climbing on the shoulders of smarter people who (luckily) seem to keep popping up around her.
At this point I'm rooting for this motherfucker to show up and BTFO anything with a body temperature over 0 so we can end this series already.
fwiw its the same in the book. It wasn't something the showmakers added in.
>Tyrion and Tywin not our guys
Arent they brother and sister?
Don`t you talk shit about our daddy, m80
Fixed that for yah
>Jon seeks better relations with men in the cold north who everyone else perceives as brutish thugs
really activates my almonds
Kill urselfs oldfags
wincest best cest
But her face...
Yea I noticed this, but it's like the term President, it's gender neutral, translate that to some other language and it might be "Prince" or "king"
Everything on TV is a yiddish psyop, this is a good story and fun to watch, so I do, everything else is trash mostly, recently i've only watched 'better call saul' and 'Fargo'
No she's his aunt. That hasn't stopped Targaryens in the past from fucking each other like rabbits.
Good it means they won't be breeding
cousins and the leaks say the fuck on a boat
Tywin yes Tyrion No, too full of himself and annoying
>Reee black people
I'm glad people like you are dying out.
T. Mulatto
I don't care I just want to see an epic Dragon battle for once
leak linK?
Euron = /our guy/
Letting Ivanka sit in his chair temporarily at the UN...
>this kills the stronk wymon
TV is for fucking poor people you piece of shit.
night king is the only good choice
>But her face...
What's wrong with it?
Hey her brother was cool
You seem upset
I get what you're saying about the Dothraki, but arguably Robert's Rebellion put a lot of degenerates in power... Ideally, a northerner will end up on the throne.
>john cuck
The Night King is the college 2006 edgy nihilist choice of who to root for. As of now it's just Cersei and Euron for the viable choices
>Her brother was cool
Her brother was a weak cunt who got DOTHRAKI'D
I'm rooting for the White Walkers, that's how shitty everyone in this show is. Jon Snow, a morose cunt who laments everything, Tyrion, a smarmy alcoholic degenerate, Cersei Lanister, incestuous degenerate, Sansa, dumb cunt, Arya, spiteful cunt (she's actually kinda cool), Danaerys "Queen of Dragons" Targaryan, dumb entitled cunt who always gets her way by spouting off her name.
Probably a few others I forgot, but if the White Walkers win and destroy everything, I'll consider it a happy ending.
It made me so happy to see those women get put in their places, happy also that the ones they captured are going to be raped to high hell.
I think Euron will join with the Lannisters because they need to even out the sides a little bit since dragon lady is OP as fuck and will probably side with John Snow
Best case scenario is that one of the dragons gets dragonstoned into an ice dragon and joins with the undead, one is going to get killed by Cercis crew for sure with that arrow thing, and the other will live becuase they need it for the show.
Also Arya is best character and will sit on iron throne.
It's not that pretty, also her tits are kinda weird
she is hotter with clothes on IMO
That's just a poor image
also, >Sup Forums on Sup Forums
mods move this thread pls
Don't watching tv often so idc. I root for myself.
>her tits are kinda weird
okay, if you don't want them I'll take them
They look fine to me. They're just wide set
Warhammer is the most neckbeard shit in the world. You waste shitloads of money on action figures and half of your life painting them, only to play with fedora wearing neckbeards that are at least a few hundred pounds overweight.
As far as the story goes, it's just overzealous 'Muh Emperor" with the most over the top story you can possibly imagine
I think you've been here too long if that's what lowrent LOTR with gritty nihilism and titties meant to you
Thank you for the first laugh today.
That was brilliant.
I'm wondering what Sir Davos & John Snow will do when they see the red witch beside dragon lady.
You're wrong. The dragons were gender neutral in that they could spontaneously change sex. but there was nothing to do with human gender neutrality specifically.
Where did you get this?
slightly weird titties I'll grant you