>US is bombing 7 countries simultaneously in the middel east
Seriously, what is the endgame? Will the US just keep bombing the middle eastern sandbox, locked into an epic battle, till the judgment day? Tell me, when does the madness stop?
>US is bombing 7 countries simultaneously in the middel east
Seriously, what is the endgame? Will the US just keep bombing the middle eastern sandbox, locked into an epic battle, till the judgment day? Tell me, when does the madness stop?
Ask the Jews.
ask the defense contractors
Well keep bombing until we've cleared enough space for greater israel.
Why do you want to know OP?
It's just one big PVP arena that creates infinite economybux.
Are you sure there arent any npc?
The USA is about to be destroyed by Yellowstone.
Israel needs as many Muslims gone as they can by then.
It won't stop. Do you know why?
Because it creates the perfect feedback cycle.
Western intervention in the Middle East > leads to lashback, terrorism (e.g 9/11) > further intervention, War on Terror launched > refugees created by invasion and bombing of Middle Eastern countries > further terrorism as a retaliation > more intervention > more refugees > more terrorism > more intervention (against Assad and ISIS) > refugee crisis 2016 > etc
The trick is to keep formenting enough chaos in the Middle East to force refugees and make Muslims angry enough to do terrorist attacks, while never allowing them to get so powerful that they could actually put a stop to this. That's why they are scared shitless of Iran getting nuclear weapons and will pursue any means to stop this. That's what also terrified them about Assad and ISIS, on one hand you got a secular, reasonable dictator trying to keep his people free from Western influence and is hostile to Israel - so he's gotta go. And with ISIS, they wanted to recreate an Islamic Caliphate that could stand up to the West's interventions - so they were attacked and bombed by Obama. That's the name of the game.
All intervention needs to cease, period.
>Why do you want to know OP?
Because the bombing is sending tsunamis of sandniggers this way. Please stop bombing shit. Or you take the refugees in.
Ask jews and the shabos goy senators who stand with anus towards israel
Worst part about America.
Bomb the sand dunes, then lecture the people about being compassionate and accepting the refugees we create.
there is no end game bush obama and trump are all puppets . they are told to bomb brown people cause if they don't their owners go out of business . its the same reason viatnam was designed to be unwinnable by the corporation no entry into Laos and Cambodia meant the ho chi minh trail could not be shut down . the usa not just its military is a corporation flag waving fools and stupid 18 year olds can't accept this doubt 90% of them ever will .
all the US intervention in middle east (with the gulf arab allies) have been a blessing, against the genocidal crazy dictator saddam or houtis terrorists or afghan fuckfaces, or liberating kuwait.
irak is now richer and democratic even if it's not perfect.
removing kaddafi is really awesome.
us is doing what others should do but doesn't have the courage to.
I hope for a massive ground invasion in syria and iran but sadly usa can't afford it.
if US decide to invade the fanatics bloodthirsty iranian rulers that took a whole country in hostage since 79 I wish I could join the us army and do my part.
don't listen to anyone here saying foreign us policy is bad.
it's getting late goyim, I think it's time you went to bed.
Makes sense and I get what you're saying, however I do have a question.
What benefit are they getting from this? I know Bush started it all for money, but why do they continue? What do the NA governments get out of this?
"Can't afford it"
You know they are the number one spender on military in the world right? They spend triple the amount of the owner of the number two spot, they can afford it.
When we are all dead.
they will tire of this eventually. every one knows the middle east wouldnt be of tactical value in a armagedon scenario.
its not even prosperous despite having oil. how pathetic. something muslims brag about has given their nations no real wealth. the saudis royal family arent the richest people in the world. not even top 100 and their people live in hovels.
any soldier whos been to the region would tell you either the half destroyed buildings look like ours or they were run down shit that almost looked like it must have been old as fuck.
there is a nice part of the middle east but they had a ocean of oil where did the money go. should it be all like that
I found Al-Qaeda.
1. An easy but repeating external enemy to unite against. After 9/11 Bush's approval ratings soared to 90%. Likewise, after military intervention began against ISIS, Obama's approval also increased, and Trump's approval went up by a few points after the missile strike on Assad. It's also a great way to get people's attention focused elsewhere from problems at home (hey, Assad is gassing kids in Syria/ISIS is killing those poor Yazidis! Focus on there!")
2. Profit. War creates big profits for the military-industrial complex, and even better, it's a self-repeating cycle. You bomb a bunch of terrorists today, you'll have more terrorists tomorrow, more military contracts and thus more money in your bank account. It's insanely lucrative and the cherry on the top is that it funds itself and even expands without you having to do anything. Just gotta drop those bombs.
3. Western geopolitical domination. This is another objective, for the West to secure its interests in the Middle East and thus benefit its economy. The Petrodollar with Saudi Arabia which greatly benefits the US economy, the pipelines through Iraq and Syria to cut Russia out of European markets, etc. All of these are great for Western governments as they boost the economy, put the West's opponents on the backfooting and continue to export Western dominance across the world. We, personally, will never really see the benefits of this, but an elite few will in the form of big returns on their investments and tapping into lucrative markets, so what does it matter if a few thousand average Europeans die in terrorist attacks, and a few hundred thousand more sand people die in interventions? It's never going to affect them personally.
When was the last a high-level person was killed by a foreign terrorist attack? It's always the little person that gets hurt by terrorism. The same goes for refugees - who cares if they rape and rob people, they boost the economy!
Hit the word limit, can't fit in more
What other user said plus refugees provide impetus for surveillance state.
Exactly, no need for public voting and debate when you can push it through as part of national security... for the good of the people of course.
Nah, at certain point there will be too many muslims in USA and EU to keep current tech level and USA will lose ability to produce planes and bombs.
>what is the endgame?