Why is it so fucking hot
Why is it so fucking hot
because you haven't sent back enough refugees yet
Hot enough for ya?
because it's july? wtf kind of autistic question is that
I don't know, OP. Why is it so hot?
Lol, pooftas
>be roonigger
>get cancer
They call is chemtrailing, killing the planet is what it really is.
Just one more reason they all need to die
NATO is doing that, btw.
They spray this dogshit under the guise of ((((((((climate engineering)))))))), but only in 5-eye countries & the EU. Guess why
All the Aluiminum is killing the bees, which are essential for plant life and thus our lives.
The plan is to kill 6 billion, remember. Humans, not bees. they are long gone before us. 95% of species are now on the verge of getting extinct. Pacific is dead, thanks to (((Fukyushima)))).... shall I go on
Oh, and America is radiated. Try to find some proper readings, you will get none.
Govt. blackout.
Jetstream does the rest. In 20 years, boom. Game over. Even if any kikes were left, theyd be next.
No wonder God has to fix your shit, you all suck
fuckin summer fuck you
>Why is it so fucking hot
Pretty comfy here at 15 degrees, a few below normal
You now realize climate change is real?
>be me in america
>usually pretty hot
>bundled up in a sweatshirt and track pants with my blanket over me
IT's fucking July in the Northeast and I'm freezing my ass off fuck of fnigger
Buy an AC you pleb.
>tfw it's 4°c
Are you fucking retarded? I just told you it is (((man-made))) you zionist clown! Now fuck off into the oven, your stupid hour is over!
All that aluminum is of course and excellent catalyst for forest fires, and that's why they are out of control in Ziomerica & Cucknada.
Before you feel too black pilled, native bees are doing well in my polluted district. They thrive between the parks and gardens in disused industrial/residential areas where chemicals aren't sprayed.
Nature will win and harmony will occur again, always darkest before sunrise. :)
Burgersharts go "turn up the AC". The day is near when their ACs will give up the ghost of nano particles and then the big screaming of the turds will begin....
dumbasses gon dumb
Because you're white and you don't belong on the surface.
Because your face is a tomato
Something called Summer. You should read about it.
Get a cold shower and walk around in short shorts.
why the fuck we are not doing like the chinese and make it rain artificially?
Have a (((You))) and corndog penis
Bon appetit, rabbi shit. Your subspecies is completely retarded.
You probably eat baby penis because you are all spawned from eggs. I would be angry too if I'd look like shit, got a nose like shit and are hated by the world like shit.
Just gas yourself, you got no future
lol, fucking middle of winter for you guys down there. It's always really easy to forget you guys are opposite town when it to the weather half the year, since most the world's population that HAVE climates are in the northern hemisphere.
... Talk to me when it's closer to 38 degrees Celsius.
You have no idea how much it blew my mind when I realised your big school holiday session wasn't from mid December to February. Like... year = school year... not for you apparently [breaks internally]
How will I ever integrate ;-;
Just turn on the AC you knucklehead.
Where are you?
cuz you are fat.
The heat energy in a mouse is far smaller then a 300 lb steaming pile of shit.
Yes it was hot for the past two months here, mid 90s every day. Usually these heat waves don't last for more than few days. Glad it's comfy windy today maybe will be around 80 tomorrow.
>Why is it so fucking hot
welcome to hell aka Sup Forums
pretty comfy here
I don't think Its a coincidence that the further we stray from Gods light the hotter it gets.
how bout you boys drop in and have a good time
join it boys