>Pres Trump arrives at Scout Jamboree 7/24/17
>Pres Trump speech to the Hitl--Boy Scouts of America 7/24/17
>Pres Trump/HHS Sec Price/VP Pence statement on Healthcare 7/24/17
>Jared (((Kushner))) statement 7/24/17
>"Sign my Russian flag!" 7/24/17
>Pres Trump tells reporter to STFU 7/24/17
>WH Video - USS Gerald R Ford Commissioning Ceremony 7/23/17
>VP Pence @Ohio GOP meet 7/22/17
>Pres Trump @Commissioning Ceremony for USS Gerald R Ford 7/22/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #26 7/21/17
>Pres Trump Tribute to Survivors of USS Arizona 7/21/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for Eric is best son
>ywn live in the President Sherminator timeline
why go on ;_;
>It's not about the money. Its the experience I am after. The feeling of fighting for something you care about.
Well hell m8, people immigrating can serve in the military, if you have a degree you should be able to start the process then serve when you are allowed to come over. It will expedite you becoming a citizen.
Why did Trump hire a Democrat as his comms director?
>Literally just Spent 15 minutes out of my life filling out a captcha to make a single post
im done with this fucking site
this fucking faggot ass piece of shit on every trump tweet. he's worse than pepperoni nipples LeGate
When I heard this song at Disney world last summer I knew Trump had to win
Trump's press tweets are getting old
His bantz used to be funnier and more creative
What does he even do?
he would have properly oversaw reconstruction
>Pence needs to leave yuri alone. Yuri is 100% wholesome and pure.
Have you seen this?
Apparently they all showed up voluntarily too
What does he even do?
He lies! He lies! He lies!
They're now competing in districts that Republicans won by 6 points.
Use legacy captcha dumb newfag
Holy shit, the boos for Obama were incredible.
>Late night /ptg/ is filled with yankeecucks and pants on head retards who don't know their own good damn history as well as meme flags who can't fuck off and shitpost elsewhere
You should kill yourself for saying Grant did nothing, the man did everything he could to heal the divide in the nation after the war and protected Confederates to the best of his ability
>Inb4shermancuck start running his mouth
FROM LAST THREAD. someone said FDR was a shit presi because the New Deal was the beginning of the end for the USA. I thought FDR did a good job getting us through the war.
Holy shit. Hitler was right I guess.
TPP structure is being introduced to the new NAFTA. Trump is cucking us.
Special Report with Bret Baier used to be my go-to news hour, but their "panel" is unbearable. Jewhammer on 4, sometimes 5 nights a week. The rest of the panel and old school cuckservatives like Weekly Standard and Heritage assholes.
Are you a supporter or are you that China man
Read their sad stories here.
he was a drunkard by that time b/c of all the war crimes he committed. Also converted to catholicism.
>unfit to lead
I don't think Georgia could handle it.
>wanting him to compromise his hatred for politics and politicians
You really don't understand why he was so great do you? Killing redskins and burning secesh weren't the best parts of him, they were just the most visible
Lol Jules doesn't even make me mad. I've gotten so many (You)s out of that guy. His arguments are so weak that it's just laughable to see him reply to every single tweet. Especially knowing that these people are huge losers thanks to that heatstreet article.
what is the 'new deal' ?
what? Support, I think
>Yuri incest
That's pushing it.
Why does that pic remind me so much of the artwork from Jehovah's Witness pamphlets?
Isn't Papa John the man a Republican? I hope he sues the Democrats for copying his company's brand slogan.
How do I convince my single neighbor milf to have sex with me?
Well of course lol. Did you think the boy scouts would be forcing them at gun point? Who wouldn't want to see the President in peson?
He knew what was up with Kissinger, and controlled him well enough until (((Watergate))). He was no puppet, though. It's true he wanted to be liked and accepted (similar to Trump), but he wanted to run things on his own terms, and totally shut the deep state out from major decision making, one of the main things that infuriated them. If anything, he was guilty of thinking he could control them.
>They're now competing in districts that Republicans won by 6 points.
Imagine the shitstorm that would occur if the Dems lose another election.
>I thought FDR did a good job getting us through the war.
the dumb cripple didn't let us push to berlin and then push those reds back into moscow
He initiated support for certain groups that made our entry into the war inevitable. He represented the anti-Japanese groups in America that made us determined to prevent Japanese expansion and aided allies in Europe to prevent collapse. Then he put in place the welfare state programs that continue to this day that are completely unsustainable. Some were not bad but their extent was impossible to sustain.
Democrats frantically trying to rebrand themselves as a working class party after shitting on the working class for a solid 9 years.
The various economic programs meant to get us out of the Great Depression.
If you go back and find old threads for historical topics, literally half of the threads are littered with Bans I shit you not. It is by definition a hugbox more than even Reddit
It's not Vidya, it's Alternate History discussion for anything. It's interesting but completely autistic and if you discuss anything before 1900, it's not that bad. However the site is a shit hole that thinks we should punch Fascists, Assad is ebil, McCain is good but Tulsi is bad
A series of programs launched by FDR to alleviate the impacts of the Great Depression
>Banking Regulations
>Deposit insurance
>Jobs Programs
>Social Security
And a whole bunch of other shit
He was against Obongocare, if I recall
I love Trump so much
Heh, a lot of democrats seem to think that
Either they were forced to attend or they're hitler's youth depending on who you talk to
He's probably a cuckservative like Peyton Manning
>delete tweets criticizing climate change denial idiocy
Didn't an iceberg the size of fucking Delaware recently break off of Antarctica? It really is time for retards to stop denying climate change. At least make some half-assed argument about it being good or something.
Which is why it needs to happen, imagine them trying to enter into 2018 after losing Virginia
Andrea and Audra WK?
I know you're stupid and thinking the wrong thing, but you're actually correct
Because Sherman would have never let Reconstruction happen in the first place, it completely fucked the south and as a result stunted the northern growth as well(even though it gave them room to suck all the wealth of the nation into their cities and absolutely drown in their disgusting opulence)
Unlike Grant Sherman wouldn't have given a fuck about what anyone else said just like old Jackson and hung anyone who even mentioned Reconstruction after the first 6 months of his first term
What do you mean they're "competing"? They haven't won any elections. Are you referring to polls? Don't make me laugh.
Unconstitutional executive overreach: the government programs
Its all good.
>Trump tweets: Drain the Swamp should be changed to Drain the Sewer - it's actually much worse than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake News!
>” After 1 year of investigation with Zero evidence being found, Chuck Schumer just stated that "Democrats should blame ourselves,not Russia." “
> So why aren't the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?
>Tweets: Sleazy Adam Schiff, the totally biased Congressman looking into "Russia," spends all of his time on television pushing the Dem loss excuse!
>Schiff gets triggered
>Kushner testifies before Congress
>Poll shows Kid Rock ahead by 4 points
>Giuliani says he’s not being considered for AG
>Says Sessions was right to recues himself
>White House: Schiff has done 123 TV interviews since Trump took office
>Trump gives Healthcare speech
>Trump speaks to National Boy Scout Jamboree
>Zinke dresses in his scout uniform
>Boos come when Trump mentions Obama’s name
>Jokes that Price would be fired if healthcare bill doesn’t pass
>McCain coming to Senate to vote on healthcare
>Falsely reported that he has begun chemo
>WaPo: El Rato being considered to replace Sessions
>Rato denies
>Trump tweets: So many stories about me in the @washingtonpost are Fake News. They are as bad as ratings challenged @CNN. Lobbyist for Amazon and taxes?
>”Is Fake News Washington Post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly?”
because obama attacked the boy scouts of all groups
said they were homophobic for not letting gays it trannies in
never went to a jamboree either although he did invite a couple of scouts to the WH
he promised to go back in 2013 for their 100th anniversary but instead decided a week before he wont as he was instead going on 'the view'
he sent a prerecorded message which everybody in attendance booed
I don't understand the poster in the last thread who claimed Nixon "kissed the feet of the elites" as they literally tried their damnedest to remove him and were sucessful
>getting 600k whites killed because rich jews and other arustocrats wanted to keep slaves to the point where they left the union then fired on federal land, starting the fucking war
why are german males so much better looking than their women?
That happens constantly and the Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.
>TPP structure is being introduced to the new NAFTA. Trump is cucking us.
>look we're human beings too, honest!
t. soulless demonic vampires
He's the reason we have a welfare state and 20 trillion in debt
Why don't we make our own alternate history fourm with blackjack and hookers? It would be fun to meme about what Hitler could have done without instantly getting banned for not remembering the 6 trillion
>TPP structure is being introduced to the new NAFTA. Trump is cucking us.
Sounds like bullshit.
More than anything I want them to keep losing. Democrats are insufferable
>Remember your duty. Honor your history. Take care of the people God puts into your life
what did he mean by this?
We shouldn't have gotten into it in the first place, FDR was right up there with Churchill in terms of evil. Fuck that kike. He tricked everyone running as the anti-government intervention candidate and then went full socialist. Perhaps the only president who can truly be referred to as a tyrant.
What about yui guro
asking for a friend
i meant in that he wasn't a corrupt person and wouldn't have turned a blind eye to the economic and political corruption that took place post-civil war
I'll letit pass this time. Don't you ever lewd the Keions ever again though you fucking degenerate.
>GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock won a second term in the 10th District last fall by nearly 6 points, but Clinton carried the district by 10 points, according to calculations by Daily Kos Elections.
>all time high record levels of ice in Antarctica
>climate change is real
Grab her by the pussy. Milfs are desperate. Bring lube
Weird shit lad, seek psychological help.
Dark and divisive. Doom and gloom.
this is drumpfs fault!!
>He initiated support for certain groups that made our entry into the war inevitable.
Stop this meme, giving supplies to one side and cutting another off rarely led to war prior to this, for fuck sake we backed the Russians in Crimea, the French during the Napoleonic wars and several others. Not our fault the rest of the world is retarded.
>German Blood Trump is leading way to 4th Reich in USA
nixon had great foreign policy which trump is copying
kissinger was /ourjew/
Go up to her and say "user WANT MILKY"
It's 100% bullshit. He's a shill for Brock and deserve to die a slow horrible death for what he's doing right now. Running interference for the most evil people who have ever existed. They harvest organs, they rape and murder children, and these SICK FUCKS are defending them.
They all deserve to be shot in front of their keyboards, brains splattered on their monitors.
I can partialy understand this one because Comstock told voter to NOT vote for Trump, pissing off the minority of Trump supporter who voted for her; Can't see them ever voting Democrat though, they just wont vote for her
Checked. I think a leaf mentioned that and brought up CNN for his source.
He's going to need a second operation to cut that ring off his fat finger.
>In the evening, the President and the First Lady will participate in a salute to American heroes. The President and the First Lady will then participate in a Make America Great Again Rally.
Melania will be saying the prayers. God bless!
wow if two ugly women held up a sign saying it, it must be true!
He did a shit job and had to resort to jewery with the allies in order to to keep us afloat financially as well as forcing us into the military industrial complex basically pulling a social security and forcing us to continue paying into it far after it's usefulness wore off because he was a kike.
And he didn't get us through the war, he put us in it
We literally could have never entered or even just plain only gone into the Pacific and we would have been fine>Trump is cucking us
No he isn't
how can anyone take wapo seriously when they fucking hired Podesta?