We have a pedo problem in USA. We have a following the law problem in politics. When we will live in a nation that follows the law. Hillary should be in jail, as well as Bush & Obama.
I'm ranting. Thanks for hearing me out.
We have a pedo problem in USA. We have a following the law problem in politics. When we will live in a nation that follows the law. Hillary should be in jail, as well as Bush & Obama.
I'm ranting. Thanks for hearing me out.
pedos don't deserve a fair trial.
top of the line degeneracy
Well, they could be framed. That's all I'm saying. Due process is required. Then we kill them.
bring back castration. Eunuchs were once quite popular in a non de rigueur sort of way, non tranny sort of way.
Fuck that. The death penalty should be banned for (((governments))) to use, otherwise what's to stop them from throwing political dissidents into prisons and executing them? I know it's cliche but first they came for the pedos...
This. I'm for burning the pedos on a stake in public while people throw manure at them, however, we have to make sure they aren't framed.
CK2. I love my court eunuchs!
Video about the other thread on pedo an hour ago.
Bunch of clueless faggots circlejerking.
You people shouldn't talk shit about pedophilia if you haven't watched at least 3 CP series in your entire life.
It is cliche, and you have a great point.
Stop shilling your channel.
FUCK OFF. I'm selling ideas. There are no fucking ads on my videos.
this guy is a pedo 100%
Also agreed. Once they're convicted they either go straight for the oven, the gas chamber, or the noose. Jury decides.
>Pedophiles need to be killed after a fair trial.
Dude, you are a fat faggot. kys
I'm a fag
I am fat.
I'd rather kill you.
Fuck off newfag land whale
Go back to plebbit you shilling cuck. Nobody wants to see your diabetes ridden make believe alpha ass bitch about old shit we have discussed months ago. Fucking ham planet, try running instead of YouTube you pathetic fuck.
Sage is not a spice today
>Id rather kill you
Nigger please
The people in that drawing likely supported child labor and every single one of them had no qualms of hitting a child for 'getting out of line' so they deserve to burn alive just as much.
-safeway employees
Reminder that Wayne is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne eventually learn. Wayne has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne’s 20s. Wayne also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne’s hands, not even that can be done. Wayne is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
Here's Wayne Lambright sending death threats and insane murder fantasies to his stalking victim after he rejected his homosexual chicanery and financial confabulations.
This is not a man who should be walking around free.
And here's Wayne Lambright making an apology video to his family in 2012 after showing up drunk to a family event and allegedly masturbating his [censored]'s [censored]. If you're into Wayne lore, you'll remember this is when he lost all of his previously semi-normal family relations and his schizophrenia took a turn for the worse.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Homosexuals will not get into heaven.
You do realize that Jew lawyers tell their clients right away to set up their spouses as child molesters. Thats literally the first thing they ask, "do you want your kids to never see him again?" It's how they further monetize divorce.
>Wayne Lambright
Links are broken user
Castration wouldn't prevent it. But it would deprive them of any pleasure they got from it. A lot find the act of controlling someone pleasurable in itself.
Honestly I'd love to see a study on the subject and if it would prevent it, but it's too 'cruel.'
there are only two solutions to deal with pedos
1) public humiliation, and then they are branded and castrated
2) public hanging
Reminder that Wayne is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne eventually learn. Wayne has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne’s 20s. Wayne also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne’s hands, not even that can be done. Wayne is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
We read it the first time around user. dont repost.
Sorry didn't realize the Fin had beat me to it.
wayne just shave it all off you look rediculous
Fuck off you fat ugly sack of shit. You look like you dwell in your mommys basement for fucks sake.
>Admits to being a fag
Good job finally cutting your hair
now lose some weight you fat fuck
What's wrong with that? I think the world would be better off if people were able to still hit their kids and teach them respect and responsibility.
No trials. We have DNA now. We simply identify those genetic markers that make them what they are and develop the requisite bio-weapons to eliminate them for good.
>Admits to being a fag
LOL. Typo. I'm not a fag. Maybe mods changed that. Weird.
When I reach retirement age I plan to go on a coast to coast pedo killing spree.
I plan to primarily target group homes.
Knowing that these degenerates are mostly unarmed I foresee victory in my mission.
I hope to start a trend and am willing to take the blame for any other retired old men who would do the same.
fuck wayne got fat, this is the first i've seen of him in awhile god damn, i'm legit shocked
I say I think certain people do deserve to die, but really thinking about it I don't know if I feel that way, in any case pedos should be imprisoned, unless we can figure out how to fix them
Easy, we can start by nuking Israel and all of the Middle East that thinkgs their is nothing wrong with it in their religions. That will solve most of it, then we will just have to purge the Vatican and churches of the filth.
>Admits being a fag
>Attempts to corrects self even though we know the truth
Nice Try Wayne now kys
Probably true. Women are vicious.
Damn Wayne, you're really packing on the pounds
I'm the same weight I was in October. I am a fatty right now. I'm working on losing the weight.
USA is fucked. Most all of you people here just want to harras me. When we could be unfucking the USA.
OK, I'm leaving this thread. Mods can shut it down.
>I'm the same weight I was in October.
More lies, Wayne you tubby bitch?
Tell them about grabbing your nephews dick during Christmas dinner 2015.
I was going to vote for you, but if this is how you interact whit your supporters, I guess I have to reconsider
Well we wouldnt harassing you if you werent such a fat disgusting money swindling piece of shit with zero life skills and no future. the single fact that you tried running for president is fucking imenselly laughable. even Jeb Bush would beat you in an election and we all now how well ol Jeb did in the election.
I'm beginning to think a lot of these fucking pedo threads should fuck off to /x/ because it's not politics. So much of it isn't even news.
I have massive skills & 137 IQ. I can out do most all of you.
You pick on me from the safety of moms basement.
The negativity you put out will come back to you 10 fold. I pray you grow up.
Or threatening to murder that guy for refusing his gay advances.
Yeah but you're a fag
running again in 2020?
Shave your head, you fat shill. That off-center tuft is making me sick.
>man you guys should have voted for me
This isn't your facebook page, you fucking failure
> Massive skills & 137 IQ
>Negativity will come back to you 10 fold.
> Says I live in mommys basement
Faggot you look like you just crawled out of your mothers basement with a terrible hair cut...just shave it all off already you look like ass. Dont fool us with your pathetic claim of having some high IQ...No one gives a fuck.
you look jewish
So who's going to donate to his 100 million dollar terrorist news network?
Jewish you say?
castration doesn't solve the pedophile problem.
Yes, it's a punishment, but it's not a cure.
Neither is prison a cure, as our disastrous prison system has proven.
Execution is not only just, it is humane. Pedophiles are rabid dogs, and need to be put out of their misery.
when are you gonna livestream your castration fat fuck?
post a thread with a knife underneath your balls when youre ready
In my twenties, I shaved my head and thought, that was dumb. I thought maybe it would look better because I'm balding. It's OK for now because it's very hot, but on cool nights, it's a bit too cold. I'm growing it back.
Regarding IQ. I guess the only way to prove it is to have a Mensa membership. I took the pre test in my twenties and did well. That's where I got the 137. I'll take it again and see how I do. I have recently had a few interviews at some local companies as CTO. while it sounds impressive, it's really not. I'm inventing a position for myself where there is none. I'm helping companies increase profits through modernization with technology, something I'm great at. My goal in posting at this shithole is to get raw feedback on ideas. I accomplish my goals. I have an international following and like it or not. I do what you're afraid to do. Call the Jews out on their crimes. I'm the only politician doing this. Not even Dr. David Duke goes as far as I do. Love or Hate me, I'm doing what I love trying to save USA from collapse. If a collapse happens, I have an exit plan, most all of you are fucked.
>Jewish you say?
>you look jewish
>100 million dollar terrorist news network?
I have already made contact.
>fat fuck?
Dude, tone it down. Your toxic attitude is only going to hurt your chances for success.
Hi Wayne.
Long time no talk. I was thinking about you the other day and hoping you were okay. I was kind of worried about you.
I've grown accustomed to seeing you on here. You've been here for years.
Is there a way we can talk off here? Do you have a website or anything?
You're thinking what have I been up to? I'm rebuilding the turbo on my om603 300td and growing some weed. I have a license that allows me to have 30 plants. Make fun of California all you like, we get to grow weed. Sucks we can't have the cool guns any more.
I remember you talking about your job at Safeway a long ass time ago, bro haha.
Man, time flies, doesn't it?
Glad to see you seem to be okay, buddy.
It's okay Wayne. I agree with you, though I'm in favor of a broader approach. We need to streamline the death penalty, allow it in many more cases (rape, molestation, large scale theft, great bodily harm, etc.), and disallow states from barring the death penalty for felonies with an amendment.
>Do you have a website or anything?
Nope, I don't have anything.
>This isn't your facebook page, you fucking failure
I'm banned from facebook.
>running again in 2020?
>It's okay Wayne. I agree with you, though I'm in favor of a broader approach. We need to streamline the death penalty, allow it in many more cases (rape, molestation, large scale theft, great bodily harm, etc.), and disallow states from barring the death penalty for felonies with an amendmen
I approve.
We also need public executions. Including politicians.
I haven't smoked in months but by november, I'll have Bluedream, skywalke, Jack Herer and Purple Irkal.
>long ass time
>Is there a way we can talk off here?
If you don't know how to find my number and call me at home, I don't want to talk too you.
When you hear cries about pedophiles and "poor children", you can be 100% sure, that there is some shady stuff going on.
Pedohysteria is perfect tool to remove unwanted elements, silence people, distract masses and push authoritarian laws.
Oh, and Sup Forums always fall for it so readily.
My ride. I had one back in 2003, they get 29mpg. Hugs the road like a fat chick on a skate board.
>When you hear cries about pedophiles and "poor children", you can be 100% sure, that there is some shady stuff going on.
>Pedohysteria is perfect tool to remove unwanted elements, silence people, distract masses and push authoritarian laws.
>Oh, and Sup Forums always fall for it so readily.
I think you're right. I have a feeling this pizzagate has some truth to it. Podesta's emails seem to implement he's into it. Anybody associated with Clintons is dirty. How they are still walking this Earth will never know.
I can't really say what I want to on that subject, it's illegal and If I was president, they would have been tried and executed. Pussy hats and all. The pool is in tip top shape.
Watch this movie about the Illuminati. It's amazing.
I gave myself a nice nazi haircut for five minutes.
Sadly, the Nazi's were a scam from the Rothschilds. youtube.com
Give yourself a nice ballcut for five minutes when?
The fat from your stupid face is overtaking your ears
>Pedophiles need to be killed after a fair trial.
Agree or castration immediately on the second offense and execution on the third.
Came here for this
>If you don't know how to find my number and call me at home, I don't want to talk too you.
Uhhh I'm not a stalker, bro. Haha.
You once made a video about something I said. I said "Fuck the troops" and you made a video about it. Was a couple years ago.
In regards to the subject matter of this topic, I'm actually against the death penalty personally.
Glad to see you again though, buddy. I like you.
>The fat
fat shaming is lame as our nation sinks like a ship.
How old are you?
Upload a photo so we can be critical of you.
What you don't understand is that we are close to the end of the game. In short period of time Internet won't even be working. War will dominate it all because It's happening. Don't call it a grave, this is the future you choose.
The easiest way to decrease child sexual abuse rates is to de-criminalize child pornography.
>Upload a photo so we can be critical of you
Some of us realize this is an anonymous image board and not instagram
Wayne you still hasnt replied to my post, when are you going to castrate yourself?
Please answer, this is a serious question.
Bump for you my good man.
>The easiest way to decrease child sexual abuse rates is to de-criminalize child abuse.
Did emu hit you in the head?
It's been proven that pornography, violent media, etc. reduce violent/sexual crimes. the netherlands(from memory) and japan are also examples of this.
>child porn prevents child porn
Go away Chaim
Child porn prevents sexual assault of minors. Possession shouldn't necessarily be a crime, production for sure. I'm undecided on (free) distrubution because it lets pedophiles more easily have an out to their desires, but producers would try to use that to dodge charges.
Pedophiles don't need a release for their desires. They need a bullet in the forehead
Look you're a sexual deviant, you should be in jail. You're sexually fixated on my testicles. This is not normal. I'd kill you myself to put yours out of your pathetic mom's basement misery. Yet, you hide like a coward, while you bask in the glow of my awesomeness. A photo of my Opa.
So you'd prefer children to be sexually assaulted and then have them killed rather than prevent the attack in the first place?
You can get a bullet with him in that line of logic.
We have a fucking pedo here boys...Get the fuck out of here you pedo faggot...child porn or anything involving the abuse of children is fucking disgusting and those partaking in it should have there dicks cut off or set on fire.
>if you kill pedophiles it hurts children
Revolting Blob
Leftists are going to push for the legalization of pedophilia next. Many feminist groups are already talking on how this should be normalized already. They won with women's rights. They won with homosexuality. They won with the transgender bullshit. Now they're going to push pedophilia/bestiality next.
what's that shit on your fucking face
Haha, jeez buddy
>>if you kill pedophiles it hurts children
2nd that.
>Revolting Blob
I'm fat, where is your video. FUCK YOU.
>Leftists are going to push for the legalization of pedophilia next.
WE need to do something illegal to them. Before it happens. Like splashing water in their face on video.
Watch my video again.
>what's that shit on your fucking face
grease, working on the fucking car bitch! something you have never done.
I pray to god. You get help.
If you do not give someone a fair trial, you cannot tell if they are a pedo to begin with.